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chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:26 am
by coil23
The candle stays extinguished once put out by Travix. There is no apparent change when this is done. Hennoth continues to peruse the bookshelf inside the room in seeming awe, moving out of sight of the group in the hall right outside.

Barnaby is increasingly restless. I don't care for all of us to be bunched up in the light like ripe targets for something in the dark. I'm gonna scoot down the hallway and take a look. Give a call if you need me back. With that he slowly makes his away back down the hall and disappears into the blackness.

cellar map-further in.jpg
cellar map-further in.jpg (238.01 KiB) Viewed 1254 times

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:35 am
by Pulpatoon
Salt Peter ties rope around his waist and hands the end of it to Travix. He leaves the purloined book with Travix, as well, and steps back into the room.

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:08 am
by coil23
Salt Peter enters the room again, the queasiness and anxiety return. Hearing you enter, Hennoth turns around and gives you an enormous grin, I once saw a big city library in Junction but this...are...are you ok?

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:24 pm
by Mant72

Tip does not like the make of this 'unnatural' room. He stays outside on the threshold and continues to stand guard.

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:30 pm
Travix holds the rope tightly, still unsure what to make of this odd place.

Let's just concentrate on finding the plaque. We can come back to investigate this place further once we have obtained our directive. Don't worry about the books and make a quick search of the room. We can return and admire this wondrous collection at another time.

The learned mage tries hard to pay little attention to the many tomes. He ponders the words of Salty and the suggestion about the vomit he found. Perhaps the plaque is hidden nearby to where the bandit was emptying his stomach contents.

We have other avenues to search if this room turns up empty. Hennoth! Have you found anything resembling Mom's items? If not, I think we should move on.

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:29 pm
by Pulpatoon
Salt Peter teeters, his nut-brown skin looking pale. "Ye'd think I dinnint 'ave me sea-legs! 'Tis a foul room, an' no mistake." He snaps at Hennoth, "Don' jus' stand about gapin'! Get searchin', lad, 'fore this room decides ter eat us!

"Aw, tha' was unfair o' me lad. I shunnunt be taking ther squall in me guts out on ye, aye? But let's do make best speed."

He begins to search the room, tossing anything that looks like it might be of value into the hallway where the others are. "I'm jus' emptyin' ther shelves so's we kin shift 'em an' see if'n thar's a secret door behind 'em, lads. Though, now that those books be out inna hall, it seems foolish ter put back onna shelf inna ruin. We might as well pack 'em up and take sommere they'll be more 'ppreciated."

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:40 am
by coil23
The young cleric looks hurt at Salt Peter's words but does begin searching for the plaque. Hennoth stands horrified for a moment when Salt Peter begins throwing books out into the hall. The boy begins rushing around, splitting his time between looking for the plaque as instructed and hurriedly picking up thrown books or pulling them out of the halfling's reach and replacing them on the shelves.

Standing on a stool and shuffling through papers on the long tabletop, Salt Peter's fingers run across the metal shape he was seeking. He holds the third plaque up for the others to see. He also spies what looks like a map fragment right before the cleric snatches it up and holds it away from the halfling in fear.

Back down the dark hallway, the silence is broken by loud squeals. For a split second you thought you heard the chittering sound from the forest as well. Scuffling noises are heard for a few seconds and then silence returns.

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 3:47 pm
by Pulpatoon
Salt Peter tosses the plaque to Tip and then leaps ineffectively at Hennoth's hands, trying to snatch back the map fragment. "Give'r 'ere, lad! Tha'ssa map, an' it could be mighty important!"

When the chittering noise erupts, he twirls around, peering into the dark. "D'ye think sumthin' jus' ate ther gnome?"

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:07 pm
by coil23
Hennoth, actively afraid of the frenetic halfling at this point, is still indignant enough to retort, Of course it's important! That's why I took it before you could throw it!

He freezes at the sounds from down the hall.

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 6:46 pm
by Mant72

Tip drops his bow with a clatter in order to catch the plaque thrown by Salty. The halfling quickly stashes it in his coat pocket, retrieves his bow and arrow, and turns toward the unsettling chittering noise.

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:01 am
by hedgeknight
Graela, still standing out in the hall, hears the weird sounds and tenses with her spear ready. "I'm going to check on the gnome. Follow me and stay close."

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:27 am
by Mant72

Tip follows Graela closely, keeping an eye out for potential threats. "Do you see anything ahead, Lady Dwarf?" He feels within his coat pocket to find the plaque just to make sure it is safe and secure.

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 10:20 am
by coil23
Graela heads back down the dark hallway, spear at the ready, with Tip close behind her. Ahead, Graela can see the heat signature of a small humanoid on the ground that is barely moving. The hall is silent.

Salt Peter and Hennoth remain in the room. Hennoth, still spooked by the noises and the halfling's antics, slowly returns to carefully putting books away on the shelf, setting a few aside on the tabletop. Travix stands just outside the room, keeping an eye on the two.

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 10:52 am

Who wants to bet 100 gold that is Criscor who has come back for us!

With his torch in hand, the mage snuffs out the other two magic candles and then looks for any changes in the room again. If no change presents itself, he swipes all three candles from the sconce. They seem to intrigue the spell caster somewhat.

Hennoth! Salty! We found what we've come here for! Let's get out of this room and get ourselves as far away from this place as possible!

After making sure the pair is able to comply, the wizard begins following Tip and Graela towards the exit.

Lets sound off as we leave! I am Travix and I am ready to get out the of this place!

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 1:16 pm
by Pulpatoon
OGRE MAGE wrote:Who wants to bet 100 gold that is Criscor who has come back for us!
Salt Peter: "I'd take tha' bet, if'n I though ye had a hunnert gold ter stake."
Hennoth! Salty! We found what we've come here for! Let's get out of this room and get ourselves as far away from this place as possible!
"Ahh, yer ruinin' what lil' fun this hole might afford." Frustrated by Hennoth's undoing his attempt at looting, Salt Peter will grab whatever book looks most valuable (going by ornateness of cover, or, failing that, by volume—more words must be worth more gold, right?) and crams it in his backpack. To Hennoth, he explains, "A lil' light readin' before bedtimes."
Lets sound off as we leave! I am Travix and I am ready to get out the of this place!
"I'm Salt Peter, an' don' ferget ter check ther gnome's purse!"

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:11 pm
by Mant72

Tip's concern for their new companion grows, as the gnome has not been seen or heard from since the chittering occurred.
Can Tip also see the outline? Do halflings have infravision in LL?

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 4:32 pm
by hedgeknight
coil23 wrote:Graela heads back down the dark hallway, spear at the ready, with Tip close behind her. Ahead, Graela can see the heat signature of a small humanoid on the ground that is barely moving. The hall is silent.
Seeing the form on the ground before her causes Graela to slow her approach even more. She looks all around, including the ceiling, to see if she can discern what befell the creature. If she sees nothing suspicious or threatening, she approaches, quickly and decisively, spear ready to jab anything that comes out at her.

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:19 am
by coil23
Hennoth and Salt Peter hurriedly stuff a few books in their respective packs, each eyeing the other, and then join Travix who is collecting the candles from the sconce just outside the room. Hennoth gives one last longing look at the room before exiting. The three quietly but quickly creep back up the hall to join the others.

Nothing but silence ahead of Graela as she searches for any sign of danger though she hears the others behind as they approach. Seeing nothing suspicious she strides toward the form on the floor. Tip follows close behind, worried about the gnome’s safety after the strange noises. As the two reach the prone figure on the ground they see it is indeed Barnaby Calcutta. He is feebly trying to raise himself to sit up but seems unable to do so. A short bow is several feet away on the ground and a dagger is right beside him with black ichor smeared on the blade. To your right is the darkness of the doorway to the workroom you visited earlier.

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:25 am
by Mant72

While examining Barnaby's wounds, Tip quietly asks the gnome "What happened?" He then tries to staunch the bleeding (if there is any), and applies a dose from the herbal medicine kit they received in Goat's Plumb.

Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:06 pm
by coil23
The gnome looks up in relief as he sees the halfling beside him then winces again as he tries to move. He takes Tip's hand and struggles to speak above a whisper and you see the haunted look in his eyes. Damnedest thing...those rats helped me against...those awful things...I'll...I'll never sleep made me see...

The gnome slumps in your arms. Checking for a pulse, you can tell he has passed. Tip gently lays the body back to the floor.