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gaylord500's character creation thread

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:49 pm
by ken-do-nim
Here gaylord500 can create characters for use in the game.

Re: gaylord500's character creation thread

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:35 am
by gaylord500
Let's see if I can get some dice rolled first...

6, 3d6 rolls

2, 2d6 rolls

30, lower middle class

Re: gaylord500's character creation thread

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:47 am
by gaylord500
Let organize it as...

14 Strength
13 Constitution
14 Size
17 Intelligence
6 Power
14 Dexterity
11 Appearance
9 Education

HP 14
Idea 85
Luck 30
Magic Points 6
Sanity 30
Dodge 28
Knowledge 45

Damage Modifier +d4

What do you think for the group so far? Criminal or Revolutionary?

Re: gaylord500's character creation thread

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:27 am
by gaylord500
Let's go with criminal. I'm not quite sure of the time, but the skill selection's probably suggestive.

Criminal +180 for subset skills
Bargain 5
Disguise 0+40
Fast Talk 5+50
Locksmith 0+35
Sneak 10
Spot Hidden 25+10
Handgun 20+20
Knives 25+25

+170 other stuff
Climb +10
Conceal +30
Hide +20
Navigate +20
Pharmacy +30
Psychology +50
Track +10

Name: Aloysius Taft

Re: gaylord500's character creation thread

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 6:36 am
by gaylord500
Dockyard thuggery led to protection rackets and then to booze-running from the Canadian border... but Prohibition ended too soon for Aloysius to make more than a modest fortune. A smooth talker, he soon set to marry and settled with a waitress - Zelma Maier - from the local saloon and "settled down" as a pharmacist in a back-alley shop located below their one-story apartment in Roxbury, Massachusetts.

Aloysius is still known in certain circles and still trades favors with associates. He works to find his next big score, the next chance to make it into the big leagues.

Re: gaylord500's character creation thread

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 6:37 am
by gaylord500
Let me think of another character after getting this one out.