House Rules

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House Rules

#1 Post by Omega1143 »

All house rules will be posted here as well as changes and clarifications. Do not ask about certain rules or comment on them here. There will be a seperate topic for that. This is purely informational.
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Re: House Rules

#2 Post by Omega1143 »

-10 HP Rule

1. PC's will be afforded -10 HP's before full character death.

2. A PC at 0 HP's is considered stable (do not "bleed") yet unconscious and unable to function until restored to at least 1 HP.

3. PC's with negative hit points "bleed" an additional HP per round (tallied at the beginning of that round) until reaching -10 at which the PC is considered dead.

4. PC's with negative HP's can only recover HP's via non-natural means (magic, potion). The only exception is the non-weapon proficiency "Healing". PC's with negative HP's CAN however be "bound" by another PC to stop any further bleeding. This is a full round action which includes tending to the wound, bandaging, tourniquet, etc. All bleeding will stop at that point and the wounded PC will remain in an unconscious state with negative HP's. "Binding" a wound does not require the non-weapon proficiency of "Healing".

5. All normal resurrection rules then apply per the PHB once the PC reaches -10.

6. NPC's, creatures, monsters etc. are not afforded this rule. 0 means dead.

7. NPC's, creatures, monsters etc. consider a PC slain at 0 HP's. In essence they will not continue to hack a PC down to -10 HP.


Grady the fighter has 4 HP's and takes 6 damage from a hobgoblin. Grady drops and is at -2 HP. At the beginning of the next round Grady drops to -3 HP. Bron makes his way over to Grady's body and casts a Cure Light Wounds on him restoring 6 HP. Grady is groggy but still alive and at 3 HP now. He can enter the fray or retreat at the beginning of the next round.
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Re: House Rules

#3 Post by Omega1143 »

Good Hits & Bad Misses

1. All natural "to hit" rolls of 1 on a 20 sided dice will be considered fumbles.

2. All natural "to hit" rolls of 20 on a 20 sided dice will be considered critical hits.

3. Upon rolling a fumble the player will roll 2d10 for a percentage that will be cross referenced with a fumble chart known to the DM and the result will be applied.

4. Upon rolling a critical hit the player will roll 2d10 for a percentage that will be cross referenced with a fumble chart known to the DM and the result will be applied.

5. Any double and triple damage occuring from a critical hit has every bonus applied prior to the multiplication except weapon pluses due to magic or quality. This is applied afterward.

6. NPC's, creatures, monsters etc. also will follow this rule.
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Re: House Rules

#4 Post by Omega1143 »

Time Flow

In terms of "game time" all rules apply per the PHB (round length, cross country travel, etc.). PbP time relation is a different story. To help explain how the DM will handle time flow the rules are broken up into three "situations":

1. Adventuring (Combat, Encounters)

In a PbP game adventuring takes on different paces and posting occurs at different speed intervals. This includes combat and dungeon crawling. For the sake of the term "adventuring" think time away from town, home, your castle or whatever. "Game time" occurs at the pace of the posts and follows the PHB for rule clarification purposes (round length, turn length, etc.). It is what I am sure you are used to if you have played any previous PbP games.

2. Overland Travel

Overland travel will follow the PHB for rule clarification purposes (miles per day, etc.). As far as PbP time overland travel will be instantaneous unless an encounter occurs en route as informed by the DM.

3. Non-Adventuring (Town, Housekeeping, Downtime)

Here is where things may differ from any previous PbP games you have seen or played. I have found it helpful and fun and it adds to role playing and the overall flavor of the game. When in a non-adventuring status, time flow slows down to normal time. For example, if the party needs two days to rest up and heal in town, the post slows down to let players role play their PC's in a non-adventuring kind of way for two real time days. In this example the players will have two real time days to perform whatever tasks, housekeeping, role playing they would like. This is still done by posting in the normal manner and players also have the option of using email or PM with the DM to accomplish such things (such as if your PC is by himself). A player's PC will be allowed to do whatever they want to role play or do in a reasonable day (visit a tavern, train, enter spells in a spellbook, etc.). Sleep is still required of at least 8 hours. Time is not equal (8pm real time is not necessarily 8pm in-game because we may all be different time zones) but all players will be afforded at least 24 hours of in-game time for their PC's per day chosen. A group can decide to cut any non-adventuring time short to get back to the adventure if all party members are in agreement.

Please direct all questions to the appropriate question thread.
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Re: House Rules

#5 Post by Omega1143 »

THAC0 Out, Old School In!

For combat "to hit" numbers THAC0 will not be used. THAC0 will be replaced by it's predecessor in AD&D 1st edition, the infamous "to hit" charts which are divided up by class and available in the AD&D 1st edition DMG (as well as the DM screen).

1. Players will roll to hit their target as normal.

2. The DM will cross reference the result using the appropriate chart (page #74 1st edition DMG) based on the players class.

3. The player will then be notified of the resulting hit or miss via post.

This rule has been used in combination with 2nd edition rules before and has worked well.
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Re: House Rules

#6 Post by Omega1143 »

Experience Points

The following rules will apply to experience points:

1. All experience points will be given out as group points. There will be no individual awarding of experience points.

2. When group experience points are given out the total will be divided by the number of surviving concious PC's, as well as any NPC's in the party. Companions, pets, and familiars will not be counted and will not receive any experience points unless they are able to gain levels as specified.

3. All tallying and results will be conducted by the DM.

4. PC's resurrected during a given encounter does not receive any experience points.

5. The formula for determining total experience points in each encounter will be known only to the DM.

6. PC's gaining enough to level up still gain the remainder of experience points beyond that new level. This differs from the DMG rules.

7. In the rare instance it may happen, PC's may gain more then one level at a time. This differs from the DMG rules.

8. PC's will not gain the next level instantaneously upon receiving new experience points. Though any further training is not required, the DM will deem an appropriate time to grant the next level and adjust the PC as such.
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Re: House Rules

#7 Post by Omega1143 »

Posting Format

Here will be explained the posting format to be used. Please try to adhere as best as possible.

Italicized Text - Will be used by the DM exclusively. It will be used to describe in-game settings, scenes, combat flavor, etc. Sort of similar to box text that is read to the players in a module.

"Upon entry into the room, the smell of death was pugnant and disturbing. Lying on the cold stone floor in the corner is..."

Red Text - Will be used with any OOC statement.

Dude, did you see the size of that...

Blue Text - Will be used to designate dialog.

To Randal: "Stand behind me frail mage. Let a warrior..."

Normal Default Text - Will be used for anything from describing your PC's actions to adding your own flavor to the post:

My dwarf Fragador will walk to the west of the room and bang around for secret doors.

The DM's post will have two additional sections. At the top will be the Act # in the format of X.XX followed by the time flow indication (Adventuring, Non-Adventuring, etc.). This will help to keep track of the story. Right below that will be the current year (CY means common year), current month, current day, approximate time and current outdoor weather. Only the DM's post will need to include this. The latest DM post will be the most current Act the adventure is on. At the bottom of the DM posts will be a summary such as HP's, weapon's in hand, etc. It will be up to date as best as possible however it will be each PC's responsibility to track their own HP's, spells, etc. and correct the DM as needed. That is why it is recommended using the character sheet and printing it out to have a hard copy while you post. Just like if you were at the tabletop!

Your posts are what you make them and posts obviously make the story. Some are better then others with flavor and you aren't required to add much detail if you don't want or do not have the time. If you enjoy writing stories and fleshing things out then write away! Any contradictions will be hashed out by the DM. Think of this as a tale to be told and treat it as such.
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Re: House Rules

#8 Post by Omega1143 »

No Level Limit

There will be no limit or cap to the number of levels a player character may earn due to race or class.
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Re: House Rules

#9 Post by Omega1143 »

God Granted Benefits (Clerics)

Clerics will choose a god to follow from the following Greyhawk gods listed on the below link:

All benefits and disadvantages are self-explanatory. Clerics will not be limited to the spell lists given there however.
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Re: House Rules

#10 Post by Omega1143 »

Overland Movement

The forced marcing rule will not be used. All overland travel will be normal marching rules.
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Re: House Rules

#11 Post by Omega1143 »

Starting Languages

A PC will start with his base language for race and common as free languages. They will not cost any NWP slots.
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Re: House Rules

#12 Post by Omega1143 »

Material Spell Components

Material spell components will be used. However, common material items will be assumed to be infinite to a given PC as he will likely acquire them in his downtime automatically. "Common" is at the discretion of the DM and if you have any questions on a particular component just ask. Common sense can help figure most of them out.
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Re: House Rules

#13 Post by Omega1143 »

Range Weapon Ammunition

Common range weapon ammunition will be considered infinite as any given PC will have assumed to re-stock during his downtime. "Common" is at the discretion of the DM and if you have any questions just ask. The DM may take some money from your PC from time to time to cover this upkeep.
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Re: House Rules

#14 Post by Omega1143 »

Posting Frequency

Posting frequency will be at a casual pace but there will be guidelines concerning combat and encounters that involve more then one PC or the entire group. This rule does not apply to the Non-Adventuring aspect of time flow (see the house rule above) as time is reverted to 24 hour real-time and your PC is not required to do anything at that time. During the Adventuring phase you will be required to post within 24 hours if it is your PC's turn and they are forced to do something (combat etc.). If a post is not made the DM reserves the right to make a post for you and you will be allowed to pick it back up again as your PC's turn comes around. Please be considerate and at least post to inform you are busy and are unable to post frequently at the time.
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Re: House Rules

#15 Post by Omega1143 »

Encounter Posting

Upon rolling and posting initiative, a player can go ahead and map out his round action in that same post to make encounters move quicker. When it is your PC's turn then you can roll to attack, use a skill, etc. if you did not already do so in your initiative post. Please try and indicate the target of your action so the DM can determine if the said action is possible or not when it is your time. As far as spell declaration, at the beginning of the round once you declare a spell you have to cast it or eat it because it will be lost due to the fact that the casting time affects your initiative order. Please review how this works spellcasters so you are familiar when it happens as well as be familiar with your spells casting times. Regarding obvious contradictions to your initial action indication (ie. attacking an orc that has already fallen) the DM will either make a logical executive decision to change your action or if you catch it before the DM posts then you may change it. Also, at any time BEFORE it comes around to your PC you want to change that initial declared action based upon changed circumstances, you can do so. Just place a new post indicating the change. If that new declaration is a spell in place of an action the DM will allow it, and adjust your initiative accordingly.
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Re: House Rules

#16 Post by Omega1143 »


Initiative will be rolled with a d10 and the lowest roll goes first then next lowest etc. Apply any modifiers when rolling. Players will be allowed to add their reaction modifier from their dexterity score to their initiative. Weapon speed will not be used however casting time for spells will be used. For example, if you are casting a sleep spell and roll an unmodified 8 you need to add a +1 to the initiative roll as sleep has a casting time of 1. Therefore your initiative roll would be 9. The initiative modifiers on table 55 of the PHB will be in effect though they are rare cases so you need not be familiar with them. The DM will apply those as he sees fit. The DM's initiative roll will affect all NPC's and creatures as the DM will not roll for each individual. Therefore they will act in the same initiative slot in the order the DM sees fit and logical. DM initiative may be further broken down into creature types for a little more realism.
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