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Meanwhile, back at the inn...

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:28 am
by Rhourk
A steady steam of flame poured from Aurora's outstretched hands. She called again and again to the Burning Lord of Flames.

"Kakatal I call on you, consume this abomination before me."

The withered arm of Corvus Grave sizzled and ceased moving. Crazy Wolf ran to the doors, hoping to catch a glimpse of Corvus in his escape. But the assassin was nowhere to be seen. He turned back toward the group, but stayed to guard the doorway.

"He's gone again. Next time we finish him for good."

Zildjin bent down and retrieved the blade that Corus dropped when Galius's spell severed his arm. The wicked sword glowed with blue light, and the sailor felt a cold sensation spread up his arm.

"I am definitely keeping this."

Kitz began to howl and jump about.

We need to go. He isn't dead, and neither is that Vampire. They could come back, or worse!

The walls shook, and a thunderclap split the air outside. The sky had been clear all day.


Crazy Wolf, spun to see what was happening outside. Another thunderclap and the air around him instantly turned to fire. He screamed as the explosion threw him across the tavern. His body hit the far wall and crumpled to the floor.

The man who strode through the door wore blood red and black robes. A silver skullcap covered his head and his long angular face ended in a pointed black beard. Black tendrils of smoke still streamed from his fingers. Xaltotun had arrived.

Lycia was first to act, and she summoned eldritch fire and flung it at their foe. He casually raised a hand and swatted the blasts from the air. Harmless sparks showered the area around him. Aurora's flames were no more effective.

Zildjan raised his newly acquired blade and advanced. Xaltotun took offence.

"I made that myself, and not for you. Well maybe for you."

He made a snatching motion with his hand and the blade wrenched itself free and hovered in the air. It immediately reversed itself and Xaltotun flashed his hand forward. The blade buried itself in Zildjin's chest. The sailor dropped to his knees, stunned and bleeding. A mist coalesced around him, and Corvus Grave stepped out of it. With his one good arm, he jerked the blade free. Blood splashed the floor.

Xaltotun released the black smoke from his hands. It shot towards Aurora and Lycia, engulfing them both. They choked on the poisonous vapors, unable to act.

"Where is the Heart of Ahriman. I won't ask again."

"You won't have to."

Galius pulled his hand from the haversack, which lay where Zildjin had left it at the start of the battle. The blood red gem, larger than his fist pulsed with light and power. Galius's hand bagan to smoke.

"You have no idea what power you are dealing with, you will destroy yourself, foolish, pathetic creature."

"Maybe, but I'm taking you with me."

Corvus Grave leapt at Galius. The Heart pulsed and a wave of pure force sent the assassin flying across the room and out the doors. Xaltotun raised his hands and blood red flames engulfed Galius. But while he wielded the Heart of Ahriman, it was like trying to drown an ocean. The flames were drawn into the gem, and Galius endured. Xaltotun sent his black smoke, but Galius raised the Heart before him and dispersed the deadly vapors. Xaltotun abandoned style and form and tore the raw essence of magic from the world around them and hurled at Galius. Wave after wave of destruction came crashing down.

Galius's eyes narrowed and he features became calm. He felt the force of magic permeating the world, the universe. He envisioned planes of force, constructs of power around him, and the Heart made them real. He didn't pull from the magic or try to manipulate it. He simply revealed it, took his place among it, became it. Raw power broke again and again against geometries of force. Cracks of light appeared on Galius's skin.

He saw the magic around Xaltotun, and joined it. The sorcerer screamed as the very forces he had been controlling began to tear him apart. His power imploded within him. He burned from the inside out. He mustered what strength he had left and vanished.

Galius, now more light than man, turned toward his friends.

"He isn't dead, he was too powerful for that. But he is wounded, he can be killed. I called my master, he lives as well. They are coming for you, to help. I am sorry that I won't be with you at the end. This took too much of me, my time is gone. But I'm glad for what we had. We started this. Now it's for you to finish it. The Heart is the key, and keys can lock doors as well as open them."

The light poured from the cracks and surrounded him. And then he was gone. The Heart of Ahriman clattered to the floor.

Re: Meanwhile, back at the inn...

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:38 am
by Agnati
(blank stare)
(opens mouth, but no words come)
O'Reilly would be proud of that, Mr. DM

Re: Meanwhile, back at the inn...

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:10 am
by Rhourk
Thank you.