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Character Sheets

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:56 pm
If you have to ask what goes here, maybe you shouldn't be in this game. :lol:

Post your sheets here when they are ready, please.

Re: Character Sheets

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:22 pm
by ravenn4544

Re: Character Sheets

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:09 pm
by Mant72

Re: Character Sheets

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:43 pm
by coil23

(will be keeping extra notes down here)

a black cat with a sour disposition that is often skulking somewhere nearby wherever Doubtful happens to be,
Doubtful doesn’t bother to try and chase off the cat anymore and has dubbed the kitty “Shoo-Fly” in honor of his tenacity

* soothe -effect- exert a calming effect on living creatures around him, especially effective when accompanied by touch; can facilitate trust

-background- Doubtful’s calming demeanor as well as his quiet and deliberate manner has, over time, evolved into a calming effect that can be focused and intentionally exerted. While most effective with touch, he has found that it can travel as far as 2-3 yards around him. This has mostly been used to calm animals to facilitate an examination or procedure as well as calming frightened animals in general (especially lately). While Doubtful has seen this be effective for people as well, he simply has not tried it nearly as much on them to know exactly what differences there are.

* mend -effect- a subconscious telekinesis during the act of repairs or sometimes with healing arts as well

-background- There are always repairs to perform on a farm- splinting a ewe’s leg, replacing a horseshoe, mending a hole in a fence, repairing implements, etc. Doubtful easily slips into a mindful meditative state when performing these activities and quietly repeats mantras that just come to mind. At first he thought of this as just part of what makes the actions relaxing but what started as a subconscious sense of the animism of the things and creatures around him became more present in his focus. Now the phrases seem like an honoring of the inherent spirits within whatever or whomever he is working with. This started manifesting as things sometimes coming together and repairing themselves of their own accord during the course of his mantras. This has only deepened his reverence for these beliefs.

* succor -effect- laying of hands on a living creature and healing 1-2 hp

-background- Similar to the background with the mend skill, Doubtful’s quiet mantras when caring for ailing creatures seeks to honor the spirit(s) of the thing. By focusing on the holistic nature of the being, the goal is to bring the physical being back in line with the glory of its spirit. While this began with and has predominantly been practiced with animals, Doubtful began to use his arts on people as well. This started as he would travel around to rural folk to help their animals and then discover ailments among the isolated people who often had no recourse to formal medical care.

* deter -effect- a sort of psychic repulsion that seems to buffet an aggressive being that often seems to stop them from approaching close enough to make contact, occasionally even pushing them away a few feet. This is initiated by the conscious intention and the forceful muttering of “I’m not havin’ it!”

-background- Doubtful’s quiet but powerful sense of self and will is well known among those who have met him. The phrase “I’m not havin’ it!” has an almost palpable effect on those around Doubtful as it signifies that a very quietly powerful will is about to be riled. This is predominantly exercised only to allow safe care taking of beasts (e.g. prevent protective animals from being aggressive as Doubtful cares for another, protect animals from predators) though the occasions it has occurred with people were enough to cement the reputation.

Re: Character Sheets

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:59 am
by wolfpack

Re: Character Sheets

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 5:09 pm
by Scott308

Re: Character Sheets

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 2:31 am
by Hotgoblin

Re: Character Sheets

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:18 pm
by Urson
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