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Character Creation

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:52 pm
This thread will only be for comments and questions about character creation. (that's why I called it that) ;) :roll:

When I get everybody added to the game, this is where we will start.

I would like everyone to use a US character sheet for their character and fill in all the information that you can for right now. (they are best suited for AD&D and I like using them for my games)

With this many players, this part might take a while. I will try to help you out if you need it.

I would need only the basics from you while you are still at 0 level:

Ability rolls. (more on that in a bit)
What you plan on using for a weapon if something attacks you.
Any equipment that you carry. (you have very little money at this point so nothing fancy please)
Any spell cantrips for the future casters.
Any notes that you want to keep track of. (these will be public so, no secrets)

I think I will have you all roll 4d6, dropping the lowest number, for you ability scores. I will need this linked to your character though so I can see that you didn't roll 46 times to get 3 18's (not that I don't trust you, I just don't trust anyone) :lol:

So, we will do that after you fill out and post your sheets.

I am sure there is a bunch of stuff that I am forgetting right now so, ask away as we go along with this.


Re: Character Creation

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:09 pm
The campaign ID # is 377.

Re: Character Creation

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:25 am
by Spectreman17
Would you prefer us to roll individual abilities (A.K.A. Int: [4d6])
or rather roll 6 times and assign them to skills afterwards?

Like I said before, not too well versed in 1e, so I don't know the procedure...

Re: Character Creation

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:46 am
They don't need to be rolled individually.

You can roll 4d6 and drop the lowest [4d6c1] six times. (I don't think you can do them all together but I might be wrong about that. I think you can't make three rolls together twice though)

You can then arrange them in any order that you would like.

The rolls MUST be linked to your character. You can not use the "roll on the fly" feature for these rolls.

Re: Character Creation

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:46 am
by coil23
I have a few questions.

* I know there are some differences between OSRIC and AD&D 1e Player's Handbook. Is using either one fine or should we stick to PHB? (I do see several differences just with weapon damage which could be a problem.)

* I am interested in playing a cleric (or pre-cleric) so
- would I roll hit points as a cleric (i.e. 1d8)?
- where can I find cantrips if we are using AD&D 1e?

* I am interested in a flail, morning star, or mace for a weapon but would this be realistic considering our starting point? I'm interested in your thoughts on this.

That's all for now. Really looking forward to this.

Re: Character Creation

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:04 pm
coil23 wrote:
* I know there are some differences between OSRIC and AD&D 1e Player's Handbook. Is using either one fine or should we stick to PHB? (I do see several differences just with weapon damage which could be a problem.)
We will be using the 1E Players Handbook for this game. I'd like to keep things uniform.
I am interested in playing a cleric (or pre-cleric) so
- would I roll hit points as a cleric (i.e. 1d8)?
- where can I find cantrips if we are using AD&D 1e?
I'm still debating how I want to work the 0 level hit points. I'm thinking about starting everyone out with the same number but, I haven't made up my mind on that yet. Please stand by for that.

There are no lists of cantrips. I was going to let the individual player come up with something on their own for that. Shoot me an idea, something that you think your character could do, and as long as it's not ridiculous, I will allow it.
* I am interested in a flail, morning star, or mace for a weapon but would this be realistic considering our starting point? I'm interested in your thoughts on this.
If you can come up with a way to include it into your story, I might let you start out with one weapon. (family heirloom, took it off a dead adventurer, etc.) Otherwise, you will have to use a makeshift item for your weapon. (broomstick, plowshare, etc.)
That's all for now. Really looking forward to this.
Me too. :D
Keep the questions coming!

Re: Character Creation

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:37 pm
I will post things as I think of them.

Sorry for the multiple posts but, I have a pile of stuff going on at the moment and would rather post stuff as I think of it rather than forgetting something in my foggy brain. :D

Saving Throws:

As 0 level fighter
16, 17, 18, 20, 19

Re: Character Creation

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:12 pm

I'm floored by all the sheets coming in already. Very cool!

Hit Points:

I'm thinking about having everyone start out with 4 hit points. Sound reasonable?

I'm also thinking about letting them carry over when you become 1st level, but I'm not sure about that one yet. :)

Re: Character Creation

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:13 pm
by ravenn4544
If you are giving us a choice on hps then I vote for more :)

Re: Character Creation

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:35 am
That's a good one!
Too funny!

Re: Character Creation

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 12:09 pm
by Stirling
Saving throws are fine.
HP of 4 is reasonable. Though how about you don't recover any of them back when you successfully level up, just so you don't start too overpowered and can walk around the village showing off your scars as a trophy...of course if you didn't take a hit then we will all know what a coward you are. (Vhings' Orcish thinking....).

See we are all AC 10 minus dex bonus if any.
What no 18's rolled, who is going to do the magic for us?

Or as an alternative...How about when you first level up you get to choose to keep you 4hp or trade it for single d4 roll on one stat, notwithstanding taking you above race limits or above 18...

Re: Character Creation

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:38 pm
Stirling wrote:Or as an alternative...How about when you first level up you get to choose to keep you 4hp or trade it for single d4 roll on one stat, notwithstanding taking you above race limits or above 18...
Ooohhh! I really like this idea.

Allow me to stew on that one a bit. :mrgreen: