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Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:47 pm
by AleBelly
Further happenings in Alleborg's favorite dive bar!

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:44 am
by AleBelly
CAI4 wrote:Chet walks into Guffy's, panting. He spots the party seated at a table. He counts, twice, on his fingers. Then asks, "where the heck's Hellebore?"

If asked about his trip with Tempus:

"Well, we had a pretty long journey. We got an offer from Saphrax. He offered us an alliance to team up against and weaken Alleborg. He said if we don't, Trona will try to slay us with his ghouls and stuff. Tempus and I refused. We also picked up a bear, apparently, and it's Tempest's new fighting companion. He's at the cottage. But he's going to be training the bear for awhile. The bear's name is Clarence."

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:41 pm
by AleBelly
Let me know if you'd like to fast forward to tomorrow to meet with the sage.

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:47 pm
by onlyme
Sure, but I missed the answer to whether Dandelion has time to get her 2nd ha'f week of training in before we head out? If so, she would go on immediately.

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:50 pm
by Zhym
AleBelly wrote:Let me know if you'd like to fast forward to tomorrow to meet with the sage.
I assumed that's what we were waiting for based on this:
AleBelly wrote:I realize you probably don't want to do much before hearing what the sage has to say.
Anyway, I think Angus is out of the tavern at the moment, making his shopping and charity trip. Unless there's nothing to add there and we should assume he's back at the Gutter.

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 8:46 pm
by AleBelly
onlyme wrote:Sure, but I missed the answer to whether Dandelion has time to get her 2nd ha'f week of training in before we head out? If so, she would go on immediately.
The sage is ready tomorrow, so that's really up to whether the other PCs want to wait around.

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:05 pm
by Keehnelf
I'm fine with it since Ilfrien's already sort of been waiting around :)

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:11 am
Yenny can wait around some. She might like a chance to do some good deeds in town--it has been rather go, go, go for her. But first the sage knowledge and a night of prayer at the temple (after drinks in the tavern).

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:14 am
by Zhym
I'd like to wait to find out what the sage has to say before committing, but Angus would like to go kill a few XP worth of bad guys. :) He can wait in the house, though.

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:04 am
by Zorroroaster
Arnulf is happy to wait. There's food and drink. :lol:

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:13 am
by onlyme
Dandelion will finish her training, then, and meet the gang quickly thereafter.

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 3:21 am
by Nuke66
Galan would train, but I don't think he is eligible. He could wander about town and pilfer some stuff.

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:37 am
by AleBelly
PCs can train anytime. See the following link (will only work for you, as it's in your private forum, Nuke):


And you are ready to level up...

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:02 pm
by tkrexx
Hyde's a sneeze away from making level, so he'll train also. Comprehending the Sage and his words would likely be a stretch for him unless he had time to think about it anyway.

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 4:20 pm
by AleBelly
It's been awhile since the party graced Guffy's tavern with their presence. Those that venture there, early in the day, see their old pal leaning across the bar, chatting with a stout dwarf. His stout rear occupies the entire barstool. His medium brown hair is pulled back from a ruddy face in a loose braid. He sports a trimmed beard and braided mustache, both of which are singed. He sports a few small burn scars on his arms. He must work in a forge somewhere.

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:06 am
by tkrexx
GUFFY! HAHAAAH!! Hyde bellows as he bursts into the saloon he's become so comfortable in and missed ever so much, How's my good pal, hah? I bet you be surprised to see me still kickin', yeahh! The Half-Orc suddenly stops short, his massive smile disappearing when he spots the Dwarf. He fishes a coin of gold and places it upon the bar very carefully, watching the Dwarf. Don't want no problem, no. Me and Guffy, we be good pals, yeahh, real good pals. Ain't seen him fer quite some time, thought I'd stop in for a spot of tea. He glances at the one-eyed owner. And some pig?

1gp removed.

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:55 am
by AleBelly
Guffy smile nearly splits his face as he sees Hyde barrels into his tavern. He laughs heartily at Hyde's dialog. "Not surprised, no. Glad as hell to see you, though."

Guffy picks the gold coin off the table and flicks it back to Hyde. "After all you've done for this city, your money's no good here." He turns to the dwarf. "Hyde here's one of the ones I was telling you about. A true hero to Alleborg."

He turns back to Hyde. "Pig'll take awhile. But don' worry, I remember how you like it. Tea's comin' right up."

He walks towards a burning fire in the back to heat up some tea, but stops midway and turns to Hyde. "Damn, it's good to see ya, buddy. Any more of you coming?"

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:19 am
by VonAlric
He pauses when Guffy mentions his time as a guard. His mind is filled with the images of that day and he takes a moment to shake the feelings away. "Guffy. I and my dwarven brethren were here when the initial attack occurred. They fell at the hands of those bastards but they took a great many more of them that day. I would have fought alongside them that day but my task was to support and help the wounded. I remember one of them say with one of his last breaths that the guards fought well enough that one would have thought they were part dwarf. In honor of your service and memory of my brothers," Bramren raises his mug, "I drink." He drains the mug.

A small belch is his unsatisfactory reward. He begins to ask for another drink when a voice explodes into the room. The sudden silence that follows intrigues him so Bramren turns a bit to the left. He swallows his tongue in surprise as the half-orc becomes visible. Bramren suppresses the urge to rush the newcomer, his right arm (thankfully blocked from the half-orc's view by his girth) jerking a little as it began to look for its hammer. He keeps his eyes on the newcomer as he explains his reasons for entering the establishment.

Bramren almost doesn't hear Guffy laugh and friendly banter as generations of heritage pushes for action. He looks to Guffy as he speaks and surprise flits across his mind. A hero? That? What in the name of Thurdal....?

Realizing that the newcomer is still looking at him, Bramren struggles to remember what speech is. "Sure, no problem." He looks to Guffy and points to the empty mug. "Another? Bigger this time."

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 10:47 pm
by tkrexx
Guffy picks the gold coin off the table and flicks it back to Hyde.
Only the flying coin rips Hyde's eyes from the unexpected Dwarf. He catches it in a two-handed clap and timidly returns it to his purse. He smiles weakly and nods in thanks to Guffy, revealing his tusk-like teeth. I think maybe some of the othas plan on a visit, yeahh. Got some trainin' to do, supplies to stock up on, and maybe a warm, dry place to sleep. Ya can chalk up some more dead Orcs, too. Found a whole nest of'em, and their Wizard friend. We brought him back heah to ansa some questions.

The short Half-Orc's bulging eyes return to the possibly hostile patron. Dwarfs don't like me much, no. Elfs neitha. But my best good pal was a Elf named Eduard. Got anotha good pal who's a Rainja, a mighty Orc killa. He could kill me anytime he wants, yeahh, but he don't. He knows I ain't a bad guy, no. Uncomfortable with the Dwarf's glower, Hyde nods to a close corner. I think maybe I'll sit ova there. And mind my own business. He gives Guffy another ghastly smile and moves slowly, hands plainly visible, to his table.

Re: Six Steps from the Gutter II

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:15 pm
"Well hello there Guffy! And greetings master dwarf! You look like you got a little hot around the collar. Might want to watch that.

Guffy, I've had a long day of prayer and alternating between turning sticks to snakes and trying to talk to them. By the end of the session I was talking to snakes and I tell you, they were not happy. Luckily my teacher is good at neutralizing poison--but Guffy, it makes a gnome thirsty! I'd like some wine, some water, and some other wine, if I could."
Yenny is wearing drab clothing, which shows rips and dried blood here and there, but her smile is bright and her eyes flash happily about the room as she pulls up a stool next to the dwarf. "So, friend dwarf, how has your day been treating you?"