Chapter 1b - A Nobles Predicament

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Chapter 1b - A Nobles Predicament

#1 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post - Quite the Rude Awakening... An Introduction

I'm just gonna wing it here based on what you've told me is your concept. We can change anything if you don't like it, this is your character after all, but we do need to start somewhere ;)

Traveling through the roads had been harsh for Estienne Gosse, especially when having to deal with the many caravans and traveling merchants for rides between villages, always on the look out for young pick pockets or pranksters looking to rile up the lone traveler that would not talk much of where he had been or who he really was besides his first name.

As Estienne rides or walks he constantly contemplates what mistakes he must have made for God to punish him so. He lived a very good life, pure noble stock of a well known family situated in Orlais. He was a devout chantry follower and made his own personal tithes every time he visited the grand cathedral with his family. By all accounts Estienne would consider himself a good, perhaps not saint-like, but a good man nonetheless, a person that would bring pride to his family name as the next heir; So everything came as quite the shock to him when he fell in love with a lower classed woman he met while in the city, and then for him to be banished from his home after telling his parents about his feelings for this woman, chased out of the estate by guards and unable to see the woman he loved again.

Estienne Gosse, of noble blood, now estranged and treated as an outcast by his family; Forced to travel the lands as a homeless vagrant, only able to take his personal belongings, some trifling pocket change, and one of the hunters adventuring packs that was left out while he made his escape. He had been traveling with a small trading caravan for the last few days before getting off near the Brecellian forest, intent on taking the road north towards Denerim while they would veer off to another small town to do more small trading with small folk, small, small, small. The very idea of his circumstances boiling the blood under his skin as he walked north, perhaps it was fate, or perhaps it was just dumb luck, but somewhere along the way Estienne had taken a right instead of left and became dangerously close to the ancient forest proper.

Lost and running very low on food Estienne had stumbled upon the small farmstead, seeing it from the distance had elevated Estienne's heart and put some new found energy into each step forward. Entering the farmstead seemed to have drained him of all his energy somehow, walking down the empty road to find the entire area just as empty, deserted even. The young nobleman walked on, intent on finding someone here or the town that should be down the road a short ways. Estienne was shocked by a lot of the things in his life, things seemed to just keep piling up on top of him with no end in sight, so ironically it came as no shock to him that as he walked he felt a sharp pain enter his shoulder.

Whirling around in the direction of the shot, hand fumbling for the sword at his waist, Estienne Gosse never had a second to look at his attacker before he blacked out, most likely from something the arrow was coated in, or at least he thought as he now woke up, laying in a cheap but well made bed. Slowly scanning the room in his view without moving he found a squat and ugly looking brutish thing rummaging through his belongings, uttering some foul language of grunts and other detestable noises. For once luck was on Estienne's side as the creature had not yet realized he was awake, further good luck seemed to shine on him as a loud yell came from below them, sounding as if battle was joined, the noise got the creatures full attention; It stood up to his full, still short though, height as it slowly stalked towards the door.

A quick glance shows his dagger laid on the floor haphazardly, close enough to reach if luck were still on Estienne's side...

Alright! Actions, do you go for the dagger? Pretend you are still asleep? Try to kill the ugly thing with your bare hands?
Anything stealthy you try, such as sneaking up on the thing will need a stealth roll of [1d6], [1d6], [1d6]+Dex mod
Currently you just have your traveling garb on, the Darkspawn seems to have stripped you of your stuff and was rifling through it. You are most likely still alive because it wanted to eat you later... most likely... 8-) ;)
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Re: Chapter 1b - A Nobles Predicament

#2 Post by LtTibbles »

Estienne still felt a bit groggy from whatever it was that had knocked him unconscious and his shoulder felt like it had hot pitch poured over it. He tried to his best to ignore it and figure out where he was, when he spotted the squat creature rummaging through his gear he nearly yelped in surprise but managed to stop himself, silently cursing the little demon and his bad luck instead. Eyeing his dagger lying on the floor he thought of making a luge for it and trying to dispatch the creature himself.

That was until the noise of battle broke the tense silence of the room and grabbed the creatures attention. Feeling it was best to let sleeping Orlesians lie Estienne decided to play dead keeping one eye on that thing until it had left and he could gather his sword and shield and sneak down the stairs to see what the commotion was.

Sneak Roll [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 4 +0
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Re: Chapter 1b - A Nobles Predicament

#3 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post - Continuous Bad Luck and Confusion Abound

As Estienne continues to play dead the squat creature moves towards the door in a slow gait. Estienne can hear it snorting air through it's twisted nose as it sniffs the air, looking through slitted eyes Estienne can make out a cruel looking piece of twisted metal in the things hand, resembling what could be an axe once upon a time.

The creature walks towards the door, opening it and heading out into the hallway. From what Estienne can tell the creature has spotted something as it raises to it's full height and begins to undulate some kind of raspy noise from its throat, Estienne is briefly reminded vaguely of a laugh. It's laughing is cut off short as an arrow is shot through it's shoulder, staggering the creature for a moment before it leaps forward with an impressive amount of speed.

Estienne can hear the sounds of an intense struggle, both the creature and what sounds like a man are slamming each other into the walls and floor.

What now for the unlucky noble?
Also, let me know if you like or dislike how I'm narrating the actions and story. :D
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Re: Chapter 1b - A Nobles Predicament

#4 Post by LtTibbles »

As soon as the creature runs downstairs Estienne scrambles to his feet collecting his weapons and shield and heads for the stairwell shield raised in front of him and sword in hand he tries to see what exactly is going on below.

I'm really enjoying the narration, this is really good stuff!!!
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Re: Chapter 1b - A Nobles Predicament

#5 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post - Kabuki Theatre Isn't as Good as the Real thing

As Estienne quickly grabs his belongings and heads out into the hallway, turning to his left with shield raised, he see's what seems to be a dalish elf on the floor struggling with the squat and ugly creature. It would seem that in the initial charge the creature got the better of the elf and is currently on top of him, its axe embedded into the elf's bow as he holds it between himself and the creature. Estienne can see blood running down the dalish elfs arms and face while the creature sports it's own wounds, thick blackish blood leaking from it's neck and shoulder, both of them struggling to gain advantage over the other, it looks as if the elf's strength is waning as he cries out.

During the scene Estienne can hear three more people rushing below him, making their way to what could be the bottom of the stairs, he is unfortunately too far down the hallway to see who they could be over the railing of the stairs.

As Estienne decides on his next move he notices noise coming from behind him, further off into the house and most likely coming from multiple rooms.

Actions?! Help the random people? Check the noise from further into the house? Say all of the nope and go back into the room you woke up in?

Glad you like the narration, if I don't give enough detail about something just let me know. I try to make things as descriptive as I can without making the story, as a whole, convoluted.
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Re: Chapter 1b - A Nobles Predicament

#6 Post by LtTibbles »

"Rrraaagghhh!!!" The formal noble let's out a fearsome roar as he charges at the creature trying to bear down on the elf with shield up trying to slam the creature off of him.

Charge: [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 3 +5 Damage [2d6+2] = 8+2 = 10

I'm not really sure if you'd like to count this as an attack roll or not, I'm mostly interested in sending the creature sprawling on the floor to save the elf before he gets an axe in the face, but just in case here is one. If you'd rather just rule it as a regular charge attack with my longsword just to make things easier I've added the damage roll and +1 from heavy blade focus, feel free to ignore them though if they're not needed.

Also I'm loving the narration everything is coming through loud and clear it's great. :D
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Re: Chapter 1b - A Nobles Predicament

#7 Post by MonkeyWrench »

LtTibbles wrote:"Rrraaagghhh!!!" The formal noble let's out a fearsome roar as he charges at the creature trying to bear down on the elf with shield up trying to slam the creature off of him.

Charge: [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 3 +5 Damage [2d6+2] = 8+2 = 10

I'm not really sure if you'd like to count this as an attack roll or not, I'm mostly interested in sending the creature sprawling on the floor to save the elf before he gets an axe in the face, but just in case here is one. If you'd rather just rule it as a regular charge attack with my longsword just to make things easier I've added the damage roll and +1 from heavy blade focus, feel free to ignore them though if they're not needed.

Also I'm loving the narration everything is coming through loud and clear it's great. :D
Glad to hear it! It's always nice to hear someone likes my writing.

As for the attack, what you did was fine. This type of instance would have been an attack roll for your shield, which I use Str modifiers for anyway. The damage isn't the same obviously but I will be keeping those rolls, even with subtracting the 1 from your modifier it's still a solid 16 and in my book a 16 hits stuff... except when it doesn't of course. ;)

I'm currently just waiting on the other two's posts since all of this is going to be happening at the same time.
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Re: Chapter 1b - A Nobles Predicament

#8 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Alright, sorry for the delay! The others weren't really clarifying anything so I just moved it along.

You can now post in the main adventure thread!
Life is a roller coaster, if you don't stop to enjoy it then you may as well not even ride.
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