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Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 9:27 pm
The journey to Mt. Everglow and the glowing tower begins here....

Could all spell casters make sure your new spells for the day are updated on your sheets?

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 11:00 pm
by Hotgoblin
Wyntar takes the rabbit in his arms and holds it close, petting behind its ears. (they love that) He shows everyone how much he really cares about the creatures of his lands.

He rubs noses and whispers to it softly before setting if back down on a large rock. He winks at Blodget and begins casting his magics. Polymorph Other
Fear not little one, I have done this many times. No harm will come to your little friend.
I hope :shock:

Suddenly the rabbit transforms into a huge, feathered bird with a giant beak. It's massive enough to carry a dozen men on it's back and looks like it can fly at great speeds.

Wyntar immediately begins casting again...Charm Monster

I think there are some rolls to be made but I'm not sure how or by who.

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 11:05 pm
by greyarea
Trotter nods at Wyntar's work. Nicely done.

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 4:05 am
by tkrexx
Mira stands agog at the enormous creature that was before a mere bunny, and is in complete awe at the raw power released to make such a transformation.

Swapped out one 1st level spell.

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 6:23 am
by Storm11
Halo tosses the Roc some meat as it finishes transforming, hoping to distract it with food whilst the charm hopefully takes hold.

its risky using such a big creature. Hippogriffs are usually chosen for a reason as their HD is low and have more of a struggle with the charm. Still we can but hope

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 11:26 am
by Inferno
Blodget, halfling thief:
Hotgoblin wrote:Wyntar
He winks at Blodget and begins casting his magics. Fear not little one, I have done this many times. No harm will come to your little friend.
With a mixture of wonder and fear, Blodget watched Peter magically transformed into a giant raptor that could easily swallow hobbits whole. "No harm to him? ...Wh-What about to us???"

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 12:05 pm
by Hotgoblin
Wyntar looks to Rabbit...Rabbit...if this actually works, I will need you to communicate with our friend. First we must find out if it is still Peter? Let him know that we mean him no harm and that we are in dire need of a ride.

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 2:24 pm
by Nuke66
Morgi is cautious as Wyntar does his trick, prepared to step in if necessary.

OOC: spells updated

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 3:43 pm
After Wyntar gives the bunny some Eskimo kisses, he begins his magical transformation. Amazingly, the rabbit survives the intense stress put on its tiny form. Little bunny rabbit Peter is now, in all respects, a huge Roc.

The thing rears its giant head back and starts to flap its 20 foot long wings. The wind it creates chills you to your bones. It lets out an ear piercing screech, seeming quite unhappy with its new, freezing cold surroundings. The thing looks like it is about to fly off, not even noticing Halo's tiny offering, when Wyntar finishes his second spell.

The enormous Roc seems to settle down a bit and stops its destructive flapping. It looks at Wyntar with a steely expression and then nods its huge head at the mage as if trying to communicate.

I had to reward a small bonus to one roll, but only because that was such a good idea for a newbie. I can't believe that actually worked. :shock:

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 6:30 pm
by Scott308
The monk steps forward and begins speaking to the giant bird.
Peter? I hope you are okay, friend. I'm sorry we had to do this to you, and that I was not as forthcoming about our plans for you. I told you we meant no harm, and that was true. We have no wish to hurt you, but we need you to take us someplace we cannot get to without flying. There is a strong evil in this region that is causing death and destruction, and if left unchecked will spread the pain and suffering far and wide, affecting man and animal alike. By turning you into this majestic, powerful creature, you can help us with our quest to put an end to this evil. And as a bonus, I know wolves are a threat to rabbits, but in your new form, you can hunt and eat wolves. They will now be terrified of you!

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 10:38 pm
The big bird with animal intelligence looks on at the monk quite confused.

Peter? Friend..... I help! Fly where? So cold!!!

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 1:07 am
by Inferno
Blodget, halfling thief:
OGRE MAGE wrote:Little bunny rabbit Peter is now, in all respects, a huge Roc.
The thing rears its giant head back and starts to flap its 20 foot long wings. The wind it creates chills you to your bones. It lets out an ear piercing screech, seeming quite unhappy with its new, freezing cold surroundings.
"P-Peter? No hard feelings about the hasenpfeffer, right? It was j-just a joke! Heh heh... heh."

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 11:39 am
by greyarea
It seems Peter is our Roc: appropriate name, comments Trotter. Now is he flying us to the castle or somewhere else?

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 3:46 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Thomas eyes the giant Roc, still somehow attempting to look down at the creature even though it is several times his size. He speaks up, "How long does this spell last? And when it is done will the transformation back to a rabbit kill the creature?" He crosses his arms in thought. "Whatever it may be, we should move on soon. I agree with the animal, this wind bites at the bones."

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 4:12 pm
by Storm11
"Well hopefully he can fly Xano, Mira, Blodget, Wyntar, Trotter and Thomass, unless Morgi is ok with lending his ring to one of the group, and towing myself, to the tower." says Halo hopefully. "Perhaps if someone was to cast a spell that protects against cold the great bird might settle somewhat."

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 10:48 pm
The group assumes that, if Thomas casts his Resist Cold and Morgi uses his Cube, the Roc will be able to fly all of you to the tower in about 3 to 4 hours with minimal effects from the cold.

Can the DM assume that you will all ride along or is there another preferred method you would like to use? V formation maybe? :D

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 10:49 pm
by Inferno
He may!

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 11:59 pm
by Dram
Xano - Looks over the great beast. To the tower as the Great Eagle said. To bad we do not have a spell to make saddles. Rabbit let him know that I will tying a rope around so that we can secure ourselves. I

OCC.Yes the DM may. Do we need to roll anything?

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 2:15 am
by Hotgoblin
Wyntar climbs onto Peter's magnificent back and motions to the others to do the same, while petting the great bird in a soothing fashion.

Re: Act IV Mount Everglow

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 4:05 am
by tkrexx
Her initial shock over, Mira can't help but muse aloud. This goes against everything I've been taught, we will hardly go unnoticed this way. Still, she does her best to mount the vast creature in preparation for flight.