Lysander > Epilogue

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Rider of Rohan
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Lysander > Epilogue

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

"For the Triad! For the Lady!" Lysander shouts as men with reddish eyes charge at him through the woods. These men wear black robes and have antlers growing out of the tops of their heads, brandishing swords and spears tipped with poison.
Companions stand alongside the paladin, familiar but for some reason he can't recall their names or faces. And then the charging horde is upon them and the smell of blood mixes with the cries of battle. Lightning flashes around him as someone unleashes a powerful spell. Men scream and die and blood runs down his sword and drips from his wrist.
The Lady sings to him while Torm the True shouts urges him on, and through it all, Lysander smiles grimly, wrapped in confidence that his gods are with him...

Lightning flashes again and something spatters his face...but this time it is not the blood of his foes, but rather fat drops of rain. Lysander blinks a few times as thunder rolls across the heavens...and he sits up startled, awaking from the dream. A few feet away, Thurgrum snores contentedly, ignoring the spattering rain. Lysander wipes his face and looks to the eastern sky. While covered with angry clouds, he can see the sky is not quite as dark as the western horizon, and he knows dawn is not far off.

His horse Brutus and his mule Derby are tied together and cropping grass close by. Neither seem to be worried about the oncoming storm. Nor do they seem to care that tomorrow will put them across the River Mirar on their way to Mirabar, where his friend, Thurgrum, said he was destined to visit.
Since leaving the Owl Clan, the two warriors have been traveling northward, hoping to cross the Mirar before the snow melt and spring rains swell it to beyond passable condition. Even though it was hard to leave their new friends, Lysander knows it was for the best.

Darkstar and the princess Min had already left, saying they were going to find Greystone, while Purvan and Leesa had decided to head back to Neverwinter before making the trek to Longsaddle to be with her family when the baby arrives.
Dalivere was long gone back to Neverwinter too...or so they heard.

A loud farting sound bursts his thoughts and he turns to see Thurgrum suddenly sit up and blink his eyes rapidly. The dwarf then promptly hikes a leg and releases such thunderous flatulence as to startle Brutus and Derby...more than 20 feet away!
"That makes me feel better!" the dwarf declares, rolling to his feet.

Lysander just shakes his head and rises too, as real thunder rolls overhead and the rain begins to come down a little harder.
Winter is coming...

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