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Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:16 pm
by Magnus
Date: Autumn, 432 ca., Campaign Day 15
Time: 8:00
Weather: 10 degrees (f), howling wind (over 30 mph), visibility 70'
Location: Safe House


The first few rays of the sun break over the horizon, as the party awakens and pulls themselves together, memorizing spells, etc.

They had planned well (or so they thought). Now, it was time to see if they could execute.

They had a moment to cast anything that would last for hours, then it was off to the Rift.

It was about an hour hike to the Rift...once there, the party could use the swirling winds to disguise their passage and first casting of spells outside the Rift. In other words, they could fire off the Insect Plague and whatever else each other caster could manage in that turn.

Once that happened, however, they knew the dragonriders, and Gods (old and new) know whatever else was on patrol would be actively looking for them. Thus, they would need some cover regardless of whether they were in the Rift.

A chill wind gripped the party as they prepared to head off.

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:33 pm
by Zhym
Let's get buffed!

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:57 pm
by Storm11
Once at the rift and two rounds after the cleric begins his insect plague incantation Jinx will call to the heavens and attune himself to the Lightning clouds, casting his call lightning spell. It will last a turn per level of the druid so 10 turns currently.

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:34 am
by GreyWolfVT
Brax, Throm, & Krom go to the rift and wait for the druid to do his casting and await further instructions for the big plan of action.

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:37 am
by Cwreando
Andor studies the area they are in for possible future use of a teleport spell. He will do the same for the rift at least the parts he can see.

Andor Casts Strength on Gaerys and Arqos, and has Flambeau cast PFE 10'R on Andor,

Andor says, "It is time my new friends to begin cleansing this upper portion of the rift. Once we get a bit closer to the rift, I will drink my potion of flying and cast invisibility on myself."

Updated to reflect Arqos got the Strength spell not Brax. Vorsyin is casting Strength on Brax.

Can I assume that the potions I have are created by Andor therefor Level 9 based for duration where it applies?

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:57 am
by GreyWolfVT
Brax nods "Very well and what do yah want me an me men ta do? Have we a plan of attack? What formation do yah need us in?"

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:52 am
by Cwreando
Andor quips, "Brax my good man, I think Gaerys has a plan for clearing out these caves and the rift top floor. Both Arqos and I will have PFE 10'R effects on us so stay near one of us. We will have about an hour and a half before I need to stay near Arqos for his PFE 10'R so we will be bunched up a bit then. We need to avoid a dark recess area that evil resides too."

I updated spell duration in OOC thread.

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:01 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Brax nods "Aye. We'll do as ya need us ta do."

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:13 am
by saalaria
Hollis moves off to the rift with others and standing near the edge, prepares to cast Insect Plague

"Okay are we all ready?"

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:41 am
by Cwreando
I'd say we are ready but the DM would have to cast those spells for those players that haven't responded yet to ensure the buffs are on before we go in.

"Gaerys, Hollis, perhaps we should find cover inside somewhere quickly once the plague is cast to avoid being trampled by any escaping monsters and giants. There may be spots that are free of the plague that some monsters may escape to that we should avoid as well or position it to better deal with that possibility", says Andor.

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:29 am
Flambeau cast PFE 10'R on Andor.

Was there anything else Flam had to do before we head in?

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:53 am
by Storm11
Not unless you wanted to cast divination on the rift caves we are heading into.

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:14 pm
by Magnus
Date: Autumn, 432 ca., Campaign Day 15
Time: 9:19
Weather: 12 degrees (f), howling wind (over 30 mph), visibility 70'
Location: Safe House


The party trudges through the icy wind and swirling snow, finally reaching a safe spot near the entrance to the Rift after about an hour. The swirling snow and rough terrain gives them a shelter to cast spells, so long as they do not draw undue attention to themselves -- it being understood that the unleashing of a horde of insects would certain draw the dragon riders, among other denizens of the Rift, to investigate the area surrounding the Rift, which would certainly expose the party.

Their hearts pound not only from a tough hike, but in anticipation of the great battle to come. As the Rift comes into view, the party falls silent...they know what to do...casting begins in hushed whispers...

Hollis begins calling upon the power of the Old Gods to call forth a plague of insects upon the Rift. This conjuration takes 10 minutes, giving time for other casters to act.

Jinx, shortly thereafter, begins to Call upon a great storm of Lightning.

Towards the end of Hollis's casting, Andor Casts Strength on Gaerys and Arqos.

Flambeau casts PFE 10'R on Andor.

The sky begins to blacken and a strange energy begins to be felt in the air...the plague is about to belch is time for the party to cast any last-minute spells and make its next move.

Magic in Effect (all cast as of 9:20)

Jinx: Call Lightning (lasts 10 turns)
Hollis: Insect Plague (lasts 9 turns)

Andor: PFE 10' R (lasts 9 turns; cast by Flam)
Arqos: Strength 18 (lasts 54 turns; cast by Andor)
Gaerys: Strength 18/20 (lasts 54 turns; cast by Andor)


Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:16 pm
by Zhym

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:48 pm
by Storm11
Jinx will cast repel insects upon the ranger.

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:12 pm
by saalaria
Hollis maintains his concentration on the casting
Spell list updated and Insect Plague marked off, Magnus

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:05 am
by Cwreando
Vorsyin would cast Strength on Brax.

Unless it must happen IC. Spell list updated.

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:11 am
by Cwreando
Andor says, "Flambeau can you cast Resist cold on Jinx and yourself? Hollis can you cast Resist cold on Vorsyin? The rest of us should get moving into the rift. Gaerys which way do you want to go friend?"

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 4:27 am
by Zhym
Arqos flexes his strengthened muscles and grins. "The power of the Lord of Light runs through me! It burns like purest fire! Surely the enemies of Light will know torment now! Praise the Lord of Light!"

Gaerys chuckles quietly, wondering to himself if the holy warrior thanks his god after a successful bowel movement. Probably so, he decides, but he is almost certainly a happier man for his faith.

"First, we wait," he declares. "If the giants attack the source of the swarm, we should defend that attack together, out here in the open where Jinx can take full advantage of his command over nature. If there is no such attack in the next few minutes, we go to the first cave in the eastern fork."

Re: Siege of the Rift (G2 Part 4)

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 4:42 am
by GreyWolfVT
The three dwarves nod agreeing with the plan. Throm and Krom crossbows ready, and Brax with his War Hammer in hand. Ready to slay some giants.