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Dalivere > Epilogue

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 6:25 pm
by hedgeknight
Dalivere left Greystone and the Stag tribe as they approached the southern region of the forest. He turned south and followed the river all the way back to Neverwinter, arriving in late afternoon, covered in ticks and bug bites.

The guards at the northern gate watch Dalivere approach and after he declares who he is and mentions the name of Master Brevian, the guards usher him into the City of Splendors. Desiring a drink and a bath, but knowing he dare not delay in paying off his debt, he hustles toward the river.

In the shadow of the famous Moonstone Mask, Dalivere ducks into a dive named simply The Den. The Den is always open because there is always "business" of some type going on inside. The place smells like a den of some animal, perhaps that's how it got its name, and there are various games of chance and cards going on dimly lit corners.

Without stopping or speaking, Dalivere walks past the weary bartender and knocks on a door. A slide window opens near his face and another face looks down at him. The "face" grunts, closes the window, and opens the door.

Inside the cramped room is a small round table with four chairs. Two of the chairs are occupied, and then a third by the man who opened the door. The two men who were sitting when Dalivere entered are Luskanites > big, dangerous men.
Wasting no time, Dalivere places the dried Meadow Giant stems on the table, and then the bark from the Dwarven Oak. He steps back as one of the two men, Cranston, examines the items. The other man, Peers, never moves and never takes his black eyes off of Dalivere.
Dalivere feels the sweat running down his back and hopes they are only trying to scare him. He flinches when Cranston grunts and shoves the items away from him. The man looks at Peers and nods.

Peers smiles, revealing perfect, white teeth. "Your debt is paid, Dal. We won't kill you...or break your legs...or visit your girlfriend in Port Llast. We will, however, be calling on you again in the future. While you were gone we paid old Brevian a visit. Had a nice long talk. So, should you decide to ditch us or get the guards involved, just remember that.
"Now, get your scrawny stinking ass out of here."