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SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:01 am
by max_vale
The rebels all sit a bit more straight in the seats of their battered Hoppers; resting on the 'moonlet' orbiting the Shantipole Asteroid base, keeping a close eye on the activity at the base...

The research station rotates slowly before them, several airlocks and repulsor-beam units visibly spaced in haphazard fashion all over the rocky asteroid. The repulsor-beam arrays periodically pulse with a golden light as they are automatically activated whenever an asteroid chunk gets too close to the base and the beam 'shoves' the rock fragment away from the station....

Two hangar bays are visible; on opposite ends of the lower part of the asteroid base; one the obvious target of the Empire's assault. Frayed wires and other debris floats freely within the shattered confines of the hangar, drifting lazily into space through the obviously no-longer-powered force field. A blackened ship lies twisted against one wall and five Imperial techs in full vacuum suits and magnetic boots move about the bay, apparently surveying the damage...

The second hangar bay, in marked contrast to the first, is undamaged, well-lit and clearly has a functioning magnetic screen as dozens of figures can be seen moving about in regular clothing. The unmistakable sight of numerous white and black armor-clad Stormtroopers can be seen in the hangar as well and personnel in Imperial gray can be seen moving and stacking cargo crates near an oversized Shuttle with Imperial markings. A familiar looking freighter sits unattended in a corner of the bay; it is the Rebels' own ship; the Out Runner!

A large plasti-steel dome can be seen poking out from the top of the Asteroid base and per Suskafoo's map; this is clearly the top of the agri-factory built into the station where the Verpine's food is grown. In addition; the Verpine points out the small cavern openings where glistening ice-crystal deposits can be seen where the vent openings the Rebels plan to use to infiltrate the base are located. Finally; the perceptive Professor Clark points out the quartet of Tie Fighters which have been set up on a launch rack on the very top of the undamaged Hangar Bay; as well as a tripod-mounted Repeat Blaster which has been set up on a gantry-way in the same Hangar Bay, looking over the Shuttle and ships in the Hangar and also able to cover the Hangar bay itself....

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:53 pm
by kipper
"As part of our sabotage, we'll have to get rid of that Repeat Blaster and the launch rack wouldn't hurt either." Clark comments as Suskafoo (presumably) pilots us towards the tunnel openings on the opposite side.

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:48 am
by Jedi Skyler
Zinn nods thoughtfully. "If we play our cards right, the fighters in the rack could be set to explode at a given time, and that would help cover our escape. It would certainly hamper their ability to mount a rapid response to us leaving."

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:00 am
by max_vale
The Rebels' hearts all start beating a little faster in their chests as the two battered Hoppers make their last flight towards Shantipole station. Though no one says anything; everyone is hoping and praying that the sensor-resistant coating the Verpine had developed and put on these Hoppers was working as advertised....

The two Repulsorcraft touched down on the large Asteroid and the Rebels all scrambled out and made thier way to tunnels leading to vents in the Barracks tunnels. The tunnels were a bit tricky to navigate due to the ice deposits and once the Rebel team was deep in the narrow tunnels, everyone had a good scare when half-a-dozen leathery, twin-eyed, flying mynocks suddenly flew all around them; but no harm was done by the power-eating creatures.

The team eventually came to the 2 meter by 2 meter vent and could tell that the vent had a magnetic seal that could be activated by a computer panel recessed into the Asteroid wall nearby to allow for an atmosphere-safe passage through the vent opening. Suskafoo does say though that there is a chance that entering through this seal might send a signal to the computer systems in the Command Center. Should he attempt to ensure that doesn't happen or would one of his new 'Rebel Hive-mates' like to do that?*

*Basically this is a TECH attribute, Computer Operation skill roll....Suskafoo's got decent stats in this skill but it IS your show. Let me know.

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:43 pm
by kipper
"Don't look at me." Clark replies.

Clark's natural instinct is to simply kick out the vent cover, or pry it open if more finesse is required. He's never liked computers.

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 8:10 pm
by gavin storm
Rubbing a hand over his chin, Gavin gives the matter some thought. More to see if he could sugest a means of avoiding the system alerting the Imperials. He probably wasn't as skilled as the Verpine, but thought he would give it a try. (Computer Operation 4d)

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:36 am
by Jedi Skyler
Zinn pipes up. "Personally, I think Suskafoo might be the most qualified of all of us. However, perhaps he'd be kind enough to walk us through the process, so we can learn a little; no telling when that knowledge will come in handy."

((OOC: thinking perhaps those of us with Computer Operation skill dice (Zinn has 3D+2) ought to combine our skills with Suskafoo for this endeavor. It will greatly increase our chances of success, allow the PCs to be part of the action, and give an in-game reason for upping this skill when CPs are awarded, should the players decide to do so...just my two cents.)

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:17 pm
by max_vale
Suskafoo happily gets to work on overriding the security systems while talking about the technology and methodology behind his actions to his fellow Rebel 'hive mates'. While the process doesn't take more than 3 or 4 minutes; to his companions; it seems that about an eternity passes before the happy go-lucky Verpine is finished and the Rebel party sneaks aboard Research station Shantipole....

They emerge in the labyrinth-like barracks tunnels the Verpine use as sleeping quarters; with narrow tunnels that occasionally emerge into wide-open chambers with carved-out bunks for sleeping in. They see no signs of any Verpine in the area; but they hardly do a complete check as they freeze upon hearing the echoing sounds of a Stormtrooper patrol searching the quarters. With a bit of luck, the Rebels manage to bypass the Imperials without being seen or heard and they quickly make their way to the tunnel serves and an entry hall to the four exits from this area. Suskafoo looks towards his new 'hive mates' and with a whisper asks; "Which one do you wish to use?"*

*Please let me know which one is chosen by picking the room number the exit is closest too; i.e. closest to Room 2; Room 13, Room 12 or Room 11.

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:59 pm
by angelicdoctor
Room 2?

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:20 pm
by kipper
((OOC: As part of our sabotage, I think we should consider hitting rooms 7/8, 13/14/15, and 19. Room 19 we know is heavily guarded, so we'll need a distraction to draw them off. Rooms 7/8 are probably also well guarded, so I think we should head for 13/14/15 first.))

"The repulsor beam controls sounds like the place to be." Clark says. "If we can disable that, it'll cause enough chaos for us to move around a bit more freely." (Room 13)

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:40 am
by Jedi Skyler
"Do we want to try and take the repulsor beam controls, or do we want to concentrate on getting an armed craft out there to draw the Imperials' attention away from Ackbar and the B-wings? If we want to use the repulsor beams to arc in and be used as projectiles against the Imps, then we obviously need to control that room...with contingencies in place, of course, because once they realize what's going on, they'll hit us there in full force."

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 9:51 pm
by gavin storm
"I would vote for the beam controll." Pausing Gavin adds, "Though that would be dependble on how defendable that position would be" Scratching his head he adds. "likely going to get noisey either way, if we go for a ship." Gavin remembered wht was glimpsed on the way in, concerning their ship.

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:07 pm
by max_vale
The Rebel band decided on heading for the Repulsor Beam Control room next and with weapons drawn; they moved in a single file line, as stealthily as they could towards their objective. The sneakiest of the bunch; Professor Clark; took the point and as he moved into the passageway, he immediately noticed that a pair of Stormtroopers were stationed at an intersection of tunnels to the left (closer to room 3) about 20 meters aways and he ducked back to whisper the news to his fellow rebels....

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:35 pm
by kipper
"We're going to have to cross that corridor sometime anyway, let's just go for it. Walk quickly and confidently, and if they see us they may assume we're supposed to be here." Clark whispers.

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:12 pm
by Jedi Skyler
Zinn looks down at their garb, blinking incredulously. "I seriously doubt that; 99% of the time, Imperials are dressed in official Imperial uniforms. They have garb for every possible contingency. And for an op like this, they're certainly not going to sub-contract this to mercs; they don't want word of it getting out. In my opinion, we need to get as close as possible, then blast them. We should stun them, though; doing so will not only prevent unnecessary loss of life, but will also provide us with a couple intact suits of armor, which will help us navigate the facility more easily."

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:48 pm
by kipper
"In that case, there's another intersection between us and them, we can backtrack through the tunnels a little to get there." Clark replies.

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:59 am
by Jedi Skyler
((OOC: I don't remember if I'd asked this in an earlier episode; if I did, please forgive me.))

Zinn looks at Suskafoo. "Is there a video feed throughout the facility? If so, is there any way we could tap into it? That would let us know where the Imperials are, and help us plan our route accordingly."

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:24 am
by max_vale
Suskafoo shakes his head at Zinn and quietly replies with; "I'm sorry hive-mate Zinn; we Verpine have no reason to monitor most of our colony asteroids; with the exceptions of rooms that interface with space as there might be problems which impact the whole colony in those sections."

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:19 am
by Jedi Skyler
Zinn nods, having expected that answer. "Well, my friend, take this as a lesson for future hive sites; holocams further in the facility would give you possible footage of issues, were there to be some event in a chamber adjacent to space that caused catastrophic damage to the monitoring assets in those areas. Couple atmospheric sensors with those systems, and you'd have a very efficient monitoring system throughout your entire base, one that could have multiple possibilities for dealing with a number of contingencies."

Sighing, he adds, "In that case, my vote is to avoid the troopers. But it's more than just me here."

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:19 am
by max_vale
The band of Rebels decide to backtrack through the Verpine barracks tunnels and move to the intersection further away from the Imperial Stormtroopers standing guard. As they move out into the tunnels though; a pair of Stormtroopers suddenly round a bend in the tunnel to their right (coming from close to area 11 on the map) and the two white armored troopers suddenly freeze in surprise and then begin to raise their blaster carbines while one calls out; "Halt and identify yourselves!"….

OOC: Actions?