Choose A Deity?

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Choose A Deity?

#1 Post by SlyFox »

The pantheon being used for human characters is the Sumerian pantheon. Non human deities will be listed below this pantheon.

Holy symbols are the symbols of a cleric's patron deities.

Only clerics absolutely must choose a deity. If a character's specific alignment doesn't match any deity, choose the closest possible and the deity will understand and accept.

Sumerian holy days observed by all clerics: 7th, 15th, and 25th of each month and a sacrifice is always held on the night of the new moon (1rst of each month).

ENLIL (air & war god, ruler of the pantheon "greater god")
Align: Neutral Good
Worshipers: All good alignments
Holy Days: Full Moon (15th)
Sacrifice: Gems (monthly)
Holy Symbol: Pickaxe

Enlil always appears as a tall man with a heavy dark beard and curly hair. At will, the god can shape change, and can ESP at any distance. Enlil can raise electrical storms, and from them direct lightning bolts at targets up to a mile distant. Unlike other deities of this pantheon, Enlil has the power to raise the dead.

ENKI (god of the rivers & oceans "greater god")
Align: Lawful Neutral
Worshipers: Lawful Neutral
Holy Days: Quarter moon
Sacrifice: Precious Metals (monthly)
Holy Symbol: Ibex (mountain goat)

Patron of jewelers, goldsmiths, and stonecutters. Naturally, because of his interest in this area, only the finest jewels ,gold item, and carvings can be given to the god's temples in homage.

This god is always green in color in any of his human manifestations. He is aware of, and can summon, any being that has died in the water to do his bidding. He is known for his great hatred of demons, and he will slay any person in his presence that has ever dealt with these monsters in a friendly manner.

INANNA (war goddess/goddess of love, "greater goddess")
Align: Lawful Evil
Worshipers: Warriors and lovers
Holy Days: Full Moon (15th)
Sacrifice: Artworks (monthly)
Holy Symbol: A Shepherd's Staff

She usually appears in the form of a beautiful woman, and will on rare occasions pick exceptionally brave warriors in battle and aid them. This aid takes the form of that warrior never being hit, always making his or her saving throw, and never missing an attempted hit. This lasts for the duration of the melee.

She is a fickle being and requires the sacrificing of the best in magical or high quality weapons on her alters.

KI (goddess of nature, "greater goddess")
Align: Neutral
Worshipers: Neutral
Holy Days: Equinox (all)
Sacrifice: Burnt Rams (semi-annually)
Holy Symbol: Iris

Ki appears as an elfin woman of great beauty. She can give the "luck of the gods" to those she favors. This luck takes the form of the recipient always making his or her saving throw and only suffering half damage from any attack; this lasts for a 24 hour period. She also has the power to instantly know where any given thing is on the surface of the planet.

Ki's clerics are druids; her Great Druid may receive communications directly from the goddess.

NANNA-SIN (moon god)
Align: Chaotic Good
Worshipers: Chaotic Good
Holy Days: Full Moon (15th)
Sacrifice: Gems (monthly)
Holy Symbol: Jet Black Axe Over the Moon

This human-appearing god is always bathed in a blue glow that beguiles all within 10'.

NIN-HURSAG (goddess of the earth)
Align: Neutral
Worshipers: Neutral
Holy Days: Spring Equinox
Sacrifice: Weapons (annually)
Holy Symbol: Blue-White Diamond

This deity always appears as a dark-skinned female. She is mistress of gravity and magnetism and has complete control over these forces. She can give the gift of flight to those she especially favors. She also has the power to wither those she hates.

UTU (sun god, "greater god")
Align: Chaotic Good
Worshipers: Chaotic Good
Holy Days: Eclipses (all)
Sacrifice: Weapons (annually)
Holy Symbol: Radiant Sun Disc

This deity, always in human form, is constantly bathes in a dazzling 10' radius yellow glow. In battle, this god throws bits of the sun he has pulled away.


All of the gods and goddesses have cloud chariots at their personal command. These devices appear to be clouds that give off a dazzling radiance. When a god steps on them, they become platforms of transportation for the gods. They can travel at a rate of 24" and can teleport itself to any place where there are clouds in the sky.It is unaffected by any material force and is never destroyed. The gods will always appear to their clerics on such devices. These devices are capable of carrying anything the controlling deity wishes.
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Re: Choose A Deity?

#2 Post by SlyFox »

Non-Human Deities: More to be listed as needed.


CORELLON LARETHIAN (elven greater god)
Align: Chaotic Good
Worshipers: Chaotic Good (elves)
Holy Days: Quarter Moon
Sacrifice: Beautiful Objects (monthly)
Holy Symbol: Quarter Moon

He represents the highest ideals of elvenkind: "he" is skilled in all the arts and crafts, and is the patron of music, poetry, and magic. He is alternately male or female, both or neither. He is mighty in battle and said to have personally banished such demons as Lolth from the sunlit Upperworld. Elven lore states that the race of Elves sprang from the drops of blood he shed in this epic battle.

His clerics always wear a blue quarter-moon talisman. The Elves build no shrines, but always use natural geological formations or amphitheaters for places of worship. Other Elven deities include Rillifane Rallathil (god of nature), Labelas Enoreth (god of longevity), and Hanali Celanil (goddess of romantic love).


MORADIN (The Soul Forger, greater god)
Align: Lawful Good
Worshipers: Lawful Good Dwarves
Holy Days: Crescent Moon
Sacrifice: Melted Metals (monthly)
Holy Symbol: Hammer and Anvil

Moradin is the head of a fairly large pantheon of Dwarven deities. The exact members of this pantheon vary from clan to clan. It is said that Moradin created the race of Dwarves from the iron and mithral, forging them in the fires at the center of the world. The Dwarves' souls entered their bodies when Moradin blew on his creations to cool them.

Moradin's symbol and weapon is a huge hammer. It cannot be used by any save the god himself, as it disappears from others' hands and returns to its owner.

The center of a shrine to Moradin is always the great ever-burning hearth and forge. Sacrifices, be they of common or precious metal, are melted down at the forge and reformed into shapes useable by the clergy of Moradin. Other Dwarven gods include Clanggedin (god of battle), Dumathoin (god of secrets under mountains), and Abbathor (evil god of greed).

Align: Lawful Neutral
Worshipers: All alignments, especially warriors (Dwarves)
Holy Symbol: Two Crossed Battle Axes

Bald and silver-bearded, Clanggedin lives in a vast mountain fortress manned by the souls of the finest Dwarven warriors. He taught the Dwarves many special methods of combating giant-types, and passed his knowledge and skills on to the gnomish gods as well. In the many tales and legends about his deeds, the Dwarves portray him as a fierce and resolute warrior who never backs down from danger and who refuses to surrender even when all seems lost, many times winning a victory by only the barest of margins.

His most hated enemies are Grolantor (the hill giant god) and the followers of that deity. In the heat of battle, he is fond of singing, with the intent of both unnerving his opponents and increasing his followers' morale.

VERGADAIN (god of wealth and luck)
Align: Neutral (tends toward chaotic neutral)
Worshipers: All neutral alignments, especially merchants and thieves (Dwarves)
Holy Symbol: Gold Piece

The patron god of Dwarven merchants and most non-evil Dwarven thieves is the scheming Vergadain. He is said to be a great poet as well, and may dispense clues to his worshipers on the locations of great treasures. These clues are usually hidden in a verse or rhyme of some sort. His bard-like talents also give him the ability to carefully evaluate treasures as to their true nature and worth.

He appears to be a huge Dwarf wearing brown and yellow clothing. Most of his adventures concern the con games he has played on human, demi-human, humanoid, and giant victims in order to win every belonging of any worth. He is not above using any sort of trick to accomplish his ends, and is eternally suspicious of potential adversaries who might try to trick him in return. His followers are usually seen as suspicious characters; as a result, few Dwarves will willingly admit that he is their deity. If a follower of this god denies to others that Vergadain is that person's true deity, the god will not be offended (so long as the proper sacrifices are made).

DUMATHOIN (Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain)
Align: Neutral
Worshipers: All alignments (Dwarves)
Holy Days: New Moon (1rst)
Sacrifice: Gems (monthly)
Holy Symbol: Gem Inside A Mountain

He is said to hide the secrets of the world until they are ready to be uncovered by the diligent and the deserving. He is protector of the Mountain Dwarves, the keeper of all metals. He lays veins of iron, copper, gold, silver, and mithral where he feels they will do the most benefit to his followers when found. He has never been known to speak, instead keeping his wisdom to himself (though he may send subtle clues to keen observers on the nature of the world).

When Moradin named him protector of the Mountain Dwarves, Dumathoin created a "paradise" for them to enjoy. He was angered at first when the Dwarves started to "destroy" the mountains he had provided for them, but his anger turned to pleasure when he saw the finely crated metal items they produced from the ore they had mined. His enemies are those (Dwarven or otherwise) who plunder the world's riches and take them away for unfair or selfish treasures underground, however. Miners see him as their patron, and often carry a small diamond or gemstone in their pockets (10gp value) to attract the favor of the god. He appears as a gigantic Dwarven figure with hair and beard of gray stone, earth-brown skin, and eyes of silver fire.

Unlike most other Dwarven deities, he maintains friendly relations with non-Dwarven deities, though only a few. One of this closest allies is Hephaestus, whom he supplies with adamantite ore. Other gods of metalcraft and the world sometimes do business with him and his representatives for metals and ores as well. For these reasons, clerics of this god are sometimes involved in business ventures in the selling of metals and similar materials.

Dwarven gods continued on next page...
Life is that thing that gets in the way when you're trying to live.
DM - Pantheons, Cabals & Divulgence
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Re: Choose A Deity?

#3 Post by SlyFox »

Dwarven gods continued.

ABBATHOR (Great Master of Greed)
Align: Neutral Evil
Worshipers: Evil (Dwarves)
Holy Symbol: Jeweled Dagger

At times, this god has been the ally of the other Dwarven gods, but his treachery and lust for treasure make him a dangerous associate. He will never help any non-Dwarven deity or creature. He cannot be trusted to do anything but evil, unless it suits his own purposes to give assistance. He was not always as devoted to evil as he is now. Originally, his sphere of influence concerned the appreciation of valuable gems and metals, not necessarily at the expense of others. He became embittered when Moradin appointed Dumathoin the protector of the Mountain Dwarves instead of him, and from that day forward has become ever more devious and self-serving in his endeavors, in a continual effort to wreak revenge on the other gods by establishing greed - especially evil greed - as the driving force in Dwarves' lives. His home caverns are said to be made of purest gold, which may be a fact or a legend born of his reputation for hoarding that which is precious. His greed manifests itself frequently in his actions.

He maintains an uneasy truce with Vergadain, with whom he sometimes roams the Prime Material Plane in search of more treasure. If frustrated when attempting to steal an item, he will try to destroy the item, so as not to be tortured by the memory of his failure.

BERRONAR (Mother of Safety, Truth, and Home)
Align: Lawful Good
Worshipers: Lawful Good (Dwarves)
Holy Symbol: Two Silver Rings

The greatest of all Dwarven goddesses is usually held to be Berronar, who lives with Moradin in the Seven Heavens at the Soul Forge beneath the mountains. She is seen as the patroness of marriage and love (but not necessarily romance). Her name is often invoked in small home rituals, for protection from thieves and duplicity. But she is not a passive hombody; her efforts to preserve and protect Dwarven culture and civilization have spanned many universes, and Dwarves of both sexes revere her name.

Her brown beard is braided into four rows. She sometimes gives locks of her hair to Dwarven communities that are exceptionally poor or hard-pressed and otherwise unable to get on their feet economically. This is an extremely rare occurrence, of course, and must be invoked by a lawful good Dwarven cleric of the highest level in the colony. If this gold or any part of it is used for other than good purposes, it will all disappear.

Dwarves have a custom of exchanging rings with those for whom they feel exceptional, mutual trust and love; this independently parallels a human custom used in marriage rituals. This Dwarven ceremony is not lightly taken, and is almost never undertaken with a non-Dwarf except in the most unusual circumstances. Both participants must be lawful good. Berronar is said to have inspired this practice, and several variations of it exist around the Dwarven realms.

If a lawful good fighter appeals to her for aid for a particular purpose and makes an appropriately large sacrifice, there is a chance she will bestow upon the individual the powers of a paladin of equal level for 3-5 days. Only Dwarves of exceptionally pure heart will be considered for this honor, and it may be granted only once every 10 years to any individual.

Human Deities for the Native American Mythos (For Barbarians of the Plains)

HASTSELTSI (god of racing) "Red Lord"
Align: Neutral
Worshipers: All alignments
Holy Days: No particular holy days
Sacrifices: Any offering of a worshiper's choosing (any time they choose or are in need)
Holy Symbol: Running Horse

This god appears as a man, all of whose equipment is red. When he enters a tribal area it is because he desire to race, with any person and in any way. He never shows his godlike abilities (always running just a little faster than his opponent). His horse is a giant maroon animal and is enchanted so that it will run faster than anything it is competing against. This god is sometimes symbolized by a massively-muscled running horse, and his priests always have this image on their lodges and shields.

RAVEN (greater god)
Align: Chaotic Good
Worshipers: All Alignments
Holy Days: N/A
Sacrifice: Chosen Offerings (any chosen time or when in need)

The Raven is the great transformer-trickster who is responsible for the creation/transformation of the world. Because of his great polymorph/shape change abilities he can appear in virtually any form he chooses. In addition to a raven, he may also appear as a fox, a jay or the moon. Although known as the great provider for mankind (including giving of fire) the raven loves to play tricks, usually for the purpose of obtaining food to satisfy his ravenous appetite. He is most likely to intervene on the behalf of his worshipers when they are in need of necessities. The most successful way to appeal to him is by offerings of food.

COYOTE (lesser god)
Align: Chaotic Neutral
Worshipers: Thieves and chaotic neutrals
Holy Days: N/A
Sacrifice: Chosen Offerings (any chosen time or when in need)

Although Coyote is responsible for teaching arts, crafts and the use of light and fire, he is primarily a bullying, greedy trickster. This chaotic personality makes him difficult to understand. As a trickster he will usually be accompanied by a giant wold or sometimes by a giant fox, wildcat, badger or porcupine. Often his tricks will backfire on him. His role is primarily that of a cowardly thief. His followers will most often appeal to him to improve their thieving abilities or to be granted tricks involving illusionist spells of fire, light or darkness. Whenever Coyote is involved in trickery, his two favorite spells are invisibility and animate object. With these two abilities he is able to make objects (including himself) diappear and move about.

More deities of the American Indian Mythos to come as needed.
Life is that thing that gets in the way when you're trying to live.
DM - Pantheons, Cabals & Divulgence
Xerea, Barbarian Amazon - A People Divided
Gilgalore, Elf F/Th/MU - The Haunted Mines of Gomor
DesertFox, Tribal Fighter - Keep on the Borderlands
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