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The Herald's Cry

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:46 pm
by Grognardsw

This adventure is from the early days of Dragon magazine. The “Run” is an obstacle course and test of skill, wit and weaponry for one 6th level thief, assassin, or thief-acrobat.

Multiple players can participate in the "Run" singly, being timed and scored against others. Alternately, two runners can compete simultaneously in the Run but from opposite directions. When they meet, they'll have to get past each other in whatever way they like to complete the Run with the best time and score. If there are four players, they could be in teams of two competing against the other team. Scoring is based on time (rounds to complete the Run) and achievement (succeeding in the various tasks).

Post rate 2-3 times a week, unless a player desires more. The Run should not take more than six months, which is short by PbP standards.

Characters may be generated by players or they may play pre-generated classic thieves or assassins from fantasy literature. For example, younger (6th level) versions of:
- Shadowjack (Roger Zelazny)
- Grey Mouser (Fritz Leiber's Lankhmar)
- Shadowspawn (Thieves World)
- Conan (Robert E. Howard)
- Locke Lamora
- Silk of Belgariad
- Jimmy the Hand
- Artemis Entreri
- Havelock Veteneri
- or others, at the point in their life when they're 6th level.

Competing players will have characters of like skill and ability stats. There will be standard equipment, and any creative Western non-magical equipment additions a player may think of (with DM approval.)
