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Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:28 pm
by sonofotho
Campaign start date: Earthday, the 13th day in the month of Wealsun (think June)

Current date: Waterday, the 26th day in the month of Wealsun

Current time: 1pm (estimated, as of last DM post)

Current weather: Clear and Hot

Current PC Hit Point status:

Leena: 3/3
Ragnus: 7/7
Brother Wylo: 8/11
Finton: 5/5

d30 Status

Leena: available
Ragnus: available
Brother Wylo: available
Finton: Next available - Earthday the 27th

Spells prepared and available

Leena: Magic Missile, Groan, Moan
Brother Wylo: CLW, Light
Finton: Sleep, Palm, Spill

Current marching order (inside)

Ragnus - Orstad
Finn (lantern) - Brother Wylo
Finton - Leena
Dermox - Ugly Thena

Treasure Division

Leena (next pick, moving down)
Brother Wylo

Re: Status

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 12:07 pm
by sonofotho
Current Hirelings

Ugly Thena - Porter
A female potato farmer in search of coin and unafraid of heading out into the wild. Her face leaves quite a bit to be desired, but she seems strong enough to carry a fair load. Her only possession is a solid-looking hammer on her belt.
Inventory: Backpack, 6 Torches, 5 Large sacks, 2 Water skins, 4 days preserved rations

Finn - Porter
A bald, middle-aged man with severe scarring across his face. He is an amateur pickpocket who was caught operating without a license by the Thieves Guild and now bears the permanent scars of his punishment.
Inventory: Backpack, Lantern, 6 Flasks of oil, 100' Silk rope, Hammer, 12 Iron spikes, Flint/steel, 1 Water skin

Dermox - Man-at-Arms
Dermox is likely in his fifties, but the brothel muscle looks like he could easily hold his own in a fight. He wears leather armor and is equipped with a sword, long bow and backpack.

Orstad - Man-at-Arms
The man-at-arms is under a vow of silence and will only communicate with head and hand signals. He wears a fine suit of splint mail and has a strong sword arm. His only gear is his sword and a small sack.