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Expectations of the game

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:29 am
by Distorted Humor
Some of you are new to the Play by Post games, so I will go over the expectations.

At first there will be a flurry of posts, but soon it will slow down. I expect players to post at least once between Sunday->Wednesday, and once between Wednesday and Sunday. I may answer questions before that. If you are on vacation or so on, please post in a "Away from table" thread so we know you are not around.

This module is a short creepy horror module. Just as a note, if the PCs play the cards very badly, there may be a very unfair combat. This will be a one off game and one that I think will finish in a short amount of time as it is designed for a one night OTB adventure as a break from the usual campaign.

The most important thing is to have fun.