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OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:21 pm
by hedgeknight
Time for a new OOC thread, fellers! :D

Waiting on posts for Cole, Nok, and Oggle > will give them a few more hours and then I'm moving both threads forward.

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:52 pm
by AQuebman
Posting when I get home Hedge.

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:44 pm
by AQuebman
It's not looking so hot over there in werewolf land. :( :x

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:10 pm
by Hoondatha
DM, what's your opinion on the effects of coming back up into positive HP after going negative? Do you just pop up again as normal, or are we enforcing the normal Death's Door "weak and delusional until they get a full day's rest" rule? I should have asked earlier, since I have a healing spell memorized, but if we're using the Death's Door rule, it's not worth using it on a negative HP character in the middle of a battle.

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:35 pm
by hedgeknight
Good question > as a DM, I've always played the following way:

Using the optional -10 rule ("Hovering on Death's Door"), if the character is dying and someone administers aid or healing to them, I secretly roll a System Shock roll to see if they stabilize. If so, they are at "0" hp, but really unable to do much other than be led around - basically they are defenseless and vulnerable; no spellcasting, no attacking, etc. However, if after they reach "0" hp, a healing spell or potion, will get them up and moving and back in attack form the following round after the healing. Sound good?

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:44 pm
by AQuebman
So essentially it takes 2 heals to bring somebody up from dying?

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:53 pm
by hedgeknight
Or a round (or two) to bind wounds to get them stabilized (to "0" hp) and then a CLW or something similar to get them up and moving.

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:46 pm
by Hoondatha
I don't mind the two rounds to get someone back into the fight, but I don't like having to make a SS roll to stabilize someone. Considering how big our parties are, and how crazy the fights tend to be, taking someone out of combat for multiple rounds until someone makes an SS roll seems unfair to me.

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:35 am
by hedgeknight
It's better than the "death's door" optional rules. If you go BTB, you're out for a lot longer than it takes to cast a CLW.
But it makes sense to me to make a system shock roll for survival - you're body has taken traumatic damage and you're dying. An SS roll just seems to be the right thing to do. I usually give two SS rolls and after that...yer dead as a doornail. :mrgreen:

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:44 pm
by Alethan
Greystone will use silver arrows and safely fire into Felder from a distance of 5' away. They'll do more damage than the knife, anyway, and he'll get more attacks per round...

Not sure how much time we have left... let's use the ointment to get Darkstar back up. Then he can fire into the werewolf, as well.

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:22 am
by Belkregos
i'm gonna get that ogre on a heel hook....

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 12:21 pm
by Hoondatha
Since Nokrugh and Cole are engaged in melee with the ogre and wolf, respectively, when they turn and flee, they both should get a free attack. Hopefully that will kill both foes, and they can stop acting stupidly. :)

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 12:44 pm
by hedgeknight
Hoondatha wrote:Since Nokrugh and Cole are engaged in melee with the ogre and wolf, respectively, when they turn and flee, they both should get a free attack. Hopefully that will kill both foes, and they can stop acting stupidly. :)
Yep, they did and both the wolf and Ogre are dead. As far as stopping them from acting stupidly...well...that's yet to be determined. :mrgreen:

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:49 pm
by hedgeknight
Hey > they got it together! :D

Seriously though, Hoon, I didn't read anywhere that you picked up the magical dagger you threw to Nokrugh (that he dropped when he picked up his bastard sword), or that you took the rope that grew from the bean. have more beans... :mrgreen:

Nice work fellers > will be posting a follow-up epilogue type post tonight/tomorrow with XP, loot, etc.

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:05 pm
by rtdersch

Well done guys! Kind of bummed about losing the magic dagger though, sorry guys. When Nokrugh goes berserk his play mechanics become very straight forward (Half-Orc...SMASH!) and he doesn't give a second thought to the other party members well being, dropped magic items, the naked succubus enticing him to her layer....well, unless it's going to get *real* physical. :lol:

I would have loved to take Feldar straight up but the rules clearly state for berserkers that he doesn't get to pick his target, he *must* attack the closest adversary.

Sucks, but I gotta play him by the rules. :(

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:29 pm
by Hoondatha
No, Nokrugh tossed the magical dagger that I gave him to Cole, who should have it. And I'll want it back. I was referencing the magical throwing dagger that the female werewolf was having fun throwing at people. Which you're right, I didn't stop to pick up. Tarrin likes magic, but he likes being unsquished more.

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:24 pm
by Alethan
Sweet! That puts Greystone up to level 4!


Level 4 Hit Points [1d6] = 1

I guess that makes up for the first two really good HP level rolls... ah, well.

Updated character sheet. Nothing big or exciting, Hedge. No change to THAC0 or saving throws, no additional proficiency to add. Did bump up Open Locks and Find/Remove Traps. Let me know if you want me to hold off on any level changes for training, though.

So it sounds like we lost a magical knife but picked up the magical returning dagger? Nice. I didn't visualize the rope as being something we could take, myself. I thought it sprang from out of the ground and went up to some dark space and was pretty much fixed in place. I didn't think grabbing it would be an option.

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:33 pm
by hedgeknight
Alethan wrote:Sweet! That puts Greystone up to level 4!


Level 4 Hit Points [1d6] = 1

I guess that makes up for the first two really good HP level rolls... ah, well.

Updated character sheet. Nothing big or exciting, Hedge. No change to THAC0 or saving throws, no additional proficiency to add. Did bump up Open Locks and Find/Remove Traps. Let me know if you want me to hold off on any level changes for training, though.
You could have taken the half average + CON ;)

As for training, go ahead and update HP > you'll have a day or so down time once back in Grunwald - that should allow for training.

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:38 pm
by Alethan
hedgeknight wrote:
Alethan wrote:Sweet! That puts Greystone up to level 4!


Level 4 Hit Points [1d6] = 1

I guess that makes up for the first two really good HP level rolls... ah, well.

Updated character sheet. Nothing big or exciting, Hedge. No change to THAC0 or saving throws, no additional proficiency to add. Did bump up Open Locks and Find/Remove Traps. Let me know if you want me to hold off on any level changes for training, though.
You could have taken the half average + CON ;)

As for training, go ahead and update HP > you'll have a day or so down time once back in Grunwald - that should allow for training.
Hmm? Dang it. I seem to keep forgetting that is an option. If it's not too late to change it, I'll just note that I'm taking the half average from now on. I'd rather not chance that roll, to be honest with you...

Re: OOC 3 > Rant and Rave and Throw Rocks!

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:00 pm
by hedgeknight
I have no problem with you taking it for this level up if you want. You're call.