Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

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Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Walking through the dark dragon mouth portal, the group finds themselves in a great hall filled with a massive fireplace and taxidermy mounts of dragons and dragon heads of all species that cover the walls. There has to be 20 or 30 different trophies scattered about the massive room.

At the far end of the hall sits a raised dais with a pair of occupied thrones of gold and silver. A elderly but kingly looking man stands to address the guard before him.

"Are these the TWO people you spoke of?"

He looks across the vast room and waves you forward.

"Please enter and come closer so that we may speak. I have a great interest in finding out where you came from and what you intend to do here."

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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#2 Post by Rex »


Tlachtga advances towards the apparent king, attempting to look important but not threatening.

"I am afraid that your guard rushed off before all of my friends came through."

Leaving it open ended in case someone else wants to speak up.
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#3 Post by kruk »


The fighter can't help but gaze in awe at the magnificent trophy mounts. Lots of questions race through his mind as he looks at each one: Where were they killed? How? What is the story behind each kill?...


The cleric bows before the lord as a sign of respect, all the while hoping that the fighter doesn't say or do anything stupid.
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#4 Post by Karaunios »

Elnaerel also remains silent. She prefers to let one person do the talking, and she doesn't feel up to the task right now. She, like Cresty, looks at the trophies in awe... Hoping these are not this Lord's victims, but rather trophies of his ancestors, accumulated across the centuries. "I wonde what he might think of us having killed that dragon at the entrance." She mutters.
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#5 Post by Jernau35 »


Wes steps forward. "Greetings Lord! My name is Waesfaren Rhey."

"My friends and I have travelled some distance through a newly found portal. We come from the Realm of Obad Hai. This is obviously a place of some importance, but I confess it seems unfamiliar to us all."
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#6 Post by Monsieur Rose »

The Princess

After the bug-infested island, the sparse and poorly named funhouse, and the barren wastes of the white plains, The Princess is finally back in a familiar setting.

She pauses a moment to take it all in, focusing on the other throne and the dynamics between the pair and the guards. Does the chastened guard blush, go white, or shrug off the complaint?
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#7 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Brave New World
Whereabouts Unknown

Princess feels comfortable here in her element of pomp and royalty. She notices the guard wince at the Kings words, but the nobleman takes it no further than that once Tlachtga makes her statement. Besides all the dead dragons in the throne room, Princess doesn't spot anything she finds unusual from the standpoint of regality. The thrones are very nicely crafted, decorated with riches that show their wealthy status.

Dragonslayer Cresty is in complete awe of all the fine looking specimens filling this great hall. He sees dragons of almost every color and size imaginable, and several he can't identify as well. By the looks of age on some of the mounts, these dragons have likely been killed over the course of many centuries of time and house.

The kingly figure in heavy royal robes and a thick gold crown motions you forward as he welcomes you to his hall. "Tell me more of this Realm of Obad Hai please, if you would Waesfaren Rhey. For no man has passed through the portal your party just used for many, many years."

As you approach the throne riser in the shadows of the many huge dragon heads lining the walls, the guards stop you at a distance from their Lord and Lady.

The king sniffs the air before continuing. "The land beyond the Icy Isthmus is not well traveled, so we no longer receive many visitors up here at High Winter Castle." He sniffs the air again and his face suddenly sours. In the blink of an eye, he pulls a fancy looking sword from its scabbard at his side, the blade so fine it nearly sings to your eyes as you look upon it. "GUARDS!!! SECURE THESE PEOPLE AT ONCE!!! I SMELL DRAGON DECEIT AND TREACHERY!!!!!"

Several guards snap to attention, apparently about to apprehend this group of newly arrived strangers at their kings command.

The queen, with sad eyes and a reddened face from recent crying, who had been silent up to this point, breaks out in tremendous grief, as if she were about to faint.



Lerrick: (C5) AC:5 25/28 0/5 first 5/5 second 2/2 third (Light Stone)
Tlachtga (D5) AC:7 28/35 6/6 first 2/5 second 3/3 third (Light Stone)
Princess AC:6 HP 5/5
Cresty: (F2) AC:4 17/17 RC:44
Elnaerel (C4) AC:3 26/30 1/5 first 4/4 second
Waesfaren (D6) AC:7 33/53 6/6 first 1/5 second 3/3 third 0/1 fourth
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#8 Post by kruk »


The fighter exprresses a look of confusion on his face before finally realizing what the king is saying. Wait! Wait!..You think we are dragons? No no! You smell the remnants of a dragon we killed that was preventing us from accessing to the portal that took us here. We are dragonslayers! Not dragons. He looks frantically looks at all of the mounted trophies, spotting one that resembles the one the party killed. We killed one that looked like that one...unfortunately not before it killed two of our own party. He points to the trophy head mount on the wall of a dragon that looks the closest in resemblance to the one they killed.


The cleric says nothing as she prays that the next response from the king is less hostile than the last.
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#9 Post by Rex »


"As my friend Cresty just said, we recently killed 2 white dragons. A mother and baby to be precises. If you want to go on a dragon hunt the father is still nearby I suspect."
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#10 Post by Monsieur Rose »

The Princess

She raises a hand to stay the guards. "If I may, Your Majesty. I am Princess Bonalure Summerstars of the Royal Court of Celene. Please allow me to clear the confusion."

The Princess slowly removes her pack and places it on the ground before her. "I must commend Your Majesty's fine senses. I took a few trophies of our conquest, nothing as grand as what you have displayed here."

She then removes a tooth, still uncleaned, from the pack and presents it. "A gift. Forgive me for not preparing it, but I did not know we would find your court."
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#11 Post by Karaunios »

Elnaerel protests as she is beind seized by the guards. "We smell like dragons because we just killed a white dragon and her baby! The father is now there."
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#12 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Brave New World
Whereabouts Unknown

The king eases his stance at the mention of dragons being killed, sniffing a little more and holding his hands out to the guards before they apprehend anyone. Seeing the blood and gore still staining your clothing and gear, he nearly gushes when Tlachtga invites him to a hunt. However, once Princess produces the final proof, he changes his attitude completely. Unfortunately, the sight of a massive gory tooth nearly causes his queen to faint. He helps her back into her throne before addressing the group again.

"I see, I see! That is a brilliant turn of luck then, as I now believe I know exactly why it is you have come here. If you truly are slayers, then you have come at the most opportune moment, as we are currently looking for a group who can hunt down and kill a monster dragon for us." The queen bursts out sobbing in tears.

"This monster is the last of its kind here in these lands. Our hatred for it runs deeply, as the beast has captured our only daughter, causing my dearest wife here tremendous grief." More tears and sobbing continues.

"Is there any chance you folks would like to help us out by going after this beast? If you have recently killed 2 wyrms yourselves, this one monster should be no match for your likes."

The regal human approaches Princess and bows low, his voice echoing in this massive hall filled with mounts of dead dragons. "I thank you for this gift, Princess Bonalure Summerstars of the Royal Court of Celene. But I long for the safe return of our own Princess even moreso."


Lerrick: (C5) AC:5 25/28 0/5 first 5/5 second 2/2 third (Light Stone)
Tlachtga (D5) AC:7 28/35 6/6 first 2/5 second 3/3 third (Light Stone)
Princess AC:6 HP 5/5
Cresty: (F2) AC:4 17/17 RC:42
Elnaerel (C4) AC:3 26/30 1/5 first 4/4 second
Waesfaren (D6) AC:7 33/53 6/6 first 1/5 second 3/3 third 0/1 fourth
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#13 Post by Rex »


"We are searching for a magical gemstone to aid us in our quest and have reason to believe it may be here. I can not speak for everyone, only myself, but for aid in our quest I would be willing to aid you in recovering your daughter. Perhaps we could start with all you know of this dragon, a description for example might be helpful as on our world there are many types of dragons."
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#14 Post by Jernau35 »


"One thing I can tell you about the Realm of Obad Hai, your majesty", Wes begins, "is that it is much warmer than here."

"I noticed you called this the High Winter castle on the Icy Isthmus. Before we go to recover your daughter, perhaps you could supply us with some warmer clothes? As you can see, we aren't dressed for trekking in the ice and snow."
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#15 Post by Monsieur Rose »

The Princess

She bows, mirroring the king. "I understand the grief one has at the loss of family. We will do our best to help if we are able."

The Princess continues. "It has been a long journey. If we could be shown the way to a suitable inn or place to rest, I, and my feet, would be most appreciative."
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#16 Post by kruk »


The cleric sighs in relief as tensions seem to have lessened...until the fighter boldly shouts.


You can count on my sword! May it be the blade the strikes the killing blow!
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#17 Post by Karaunios »


"As my companions just said, we will gladly help you in this quest. We need more information about this dragon, but also warmer clothes and a place to rest from our travels... and battles. Something modest that we could pay ourselves is enough. We don't intend to abuse youre generosity before we have done anything in your service. I think my companions agree with this."

Another dragon? And probably this one is harder. We're f***ed :lol:
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#18 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Brave New World
Whereabouts Unknown

The king pulls his head back slightly and looks down at you suspiciously for a moment. Above the Icy Isthmus, actually. And since you agreed to help us without as much as a discussion, it gives me reason to believe that this gem you seek is very important indeed.”

He calls for a servant and waves a guard over to help his wife who is still draped in her throne sobbing softly.“She has taken this very hard, as you can imagine.”

“Your gem will likely be in the beasts hoard, I’d wager. So killing it will not only free our daughter, but should increase your stations as well.”

“The Inns of High Winter will never do for friends of the Royal Family. You will stay here, as our honored guests. Once you are healed, rested, and provisioned with our finest equipment, we can discuss where you will need to go to find the monster.”

“You will need all your wits about you and full strength of sword arm to defeat the powerful and cunning wyrm, but do know that if I didn’t think it were possible for you to overcome the beast, I would never send you on such an errand.”

Her Highness sighs loudly and cries a little harder.


Lerrick: (C5) AC:5 25/28 0/5 first 5/5 second 2/2 third (Light Stone)
Tlachtga (D5) AC:7 28/35 6/6 first 2/5 second 3/3 third (Light Stone)
Princess AC:6 HP 5/5
Cresty: (F2) AC:4 17/17 RC:41
Elnaerel (C4) AC:3 26/30 1/5 first 4/4 second
Waesfaren (D6) AC:7 33/53 6/6 first 1/5 second 3/3 third 0/1 fourth
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#19 Post by Rex »


"Then it seems we are in agreement. Where is this place we can rest?"
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Re: Quest #46 "Slaying Dragon Slayers"

#20 Post by Karaunios »

Elnaerel bows at the Kings words and addresses the Queen. "Your Highness. We will bring your daughter back. I promise by the power that Ehlenestra has bestowed upon me, her humble servant." She bows again.
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