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New Spells

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:00 pm
by TheMyth
Bless Weapon (Cleric of Muriel)
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn
Range: touch

Weapon touched gains a temporary +1 enchantment, providing +1 bonus to hit, damage, and counts as a magic weapon for 1 turn.

Divine Favor (Cleric of Muriel)
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn
Range: Caster

Cleric gains a +1 bonus on to hit and weapon damage rolls for one turn.

Shield of Faith (Cleric of Muriel)
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn
Range: Touch

Creature touched gains +2 bonus to Armor Class for 1 turn.

Re: New Spells

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:43 pm
by TheMyth
Bless Growth (Cleric of Shalamar)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 week

This spell can be used in three ways.
Bless Garden - Growth is improved by 20% during the duration of the spell. When used on a natural garden, it will produce 20% more food. This can be used to affect gardens up to 10 square feet per caster level.
Bless Body - If cast on a living creature, they will recover an additional hit point for each full night of rest.
Bless Mother - This spell can also be used to increase the chances of a woman getting pregnant, though it’s up to the GM to decide exactly how it’s affected.

The reverse of this spell is Blight Growth.
Blight Garden - Growth is decreased by 20% during the duration of the spell When used on a natural garden, it will produce 20% less food. This can be used to affect gardens up to 10 square feet per caster level.
Blight Body - If cast on a living creature, they will recover one less hit point for each full night of rest.
Blight Mother - This spell can also be used to decrease the chances of a woman getting
pregnant, though it’s up to the GM to decide exactly how it’s affected.

Entangle (Cleric of Shalamar)
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn
Range: 80’

All plants present in a 20’ radius area within range bend and twist, entangling creatures inside the area.
▶ Saving throw: Each creature in the affected area may save versus spells.
▶ If the save fails: The creature is entangled and cannot move.
▶ If the save succeeds: The creature is able to move through the entangled area at half its normal movement rate.

Sanctuary (Cleric of Shalamar)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round per level

When this spell is in effect, any single opponent attempting to strike or otherwise directly attack the subject of the spell must make a saving throw vs. Spell. If the save succeeds, the opponent can attack normally and is unaffected by that casting of the spell. If the save fails, the opponent believes the caster to be some friendly or sympathetic creature and thus will not directly attack the warded creature for the duration of the spell. Those not attempting to attack the subject remain unaffected, but they cannot convince those creatures that are affected that they are being deceived. The spell does not prevent the subject from being attacked or affected by area of effect spells or weapons (such as a catapult shot). If the subject attacks, the spell is broken, but the subject can take other actions such as casting spells not involving attack or moving.

Re: New Spells

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:52 pm
by TheMyth
Detect Danger (Elf Magic)
Level: 1
Duration: 6 turns (outdoors), otherwise 3 turns
Range: 5’ per level

The caster can concentrate to detect dangers within range.
▶ Areas: Scanning a 10’ × 10’ area takes one turn. round.
▶ Creatures: Scanning a creature takes one round.
▶ Objects: Scanning a small object (e.g. a chest, weapon, etc.) takes one round. Larger objects take longer.

After scanning: The caster knows whether the area, creature, or object poses a danger to their person. This knowledge distinguishes between immediate dangers and potential dangers.

True Seeing (Elf Magic)
Level: 5
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: The caster or a creature touched

The subject sees all things within 60’ as they truly are.
▶ Secret doors: Are revealed.
▶ Invisibility: Invisible objects and creatures are perceived.
▶ Illusions: Are seen through.
▶ Enchantments: Enchanted and polymorphed objects and creatures are made apparent.

Re: New Spells

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:20 pm
by TheMyth
Chromatic Orb (Magic-User)
Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 60’

This spell conjures an orb of pure colour that shoots towards a visible target within range.
▶ Colour: The caster may conjure an orb of one of the colours listed ... depending on their experience level and the gems available.
▶ Gemstone: The colour orb is created by refracting and amplifying the pure hue and intrinsic properties of a gemstone, which must be in the caster’s possession. Casting chromatic orb does not cause the gemstone to be consumed.
▶ Value: The gem to be used must be of a certain minimum value ( as indicated ...).
▶ Hit: The orb hits unerringly, inflicting damage on the target and another effect that depends on its colour.

Chromatic Orb Effects
Level - Gem (Value), Colour, Damage + Effect
1st - Quartz (10gp), Clear, 1d4 + Light
2nd - Ruby (50gp), Red, 1d6 + Heat
3rd - Agate (100gp), Orange, 1d8 + Fire
4th - Onyx (250gp), Black, 1d10 + Blindness
5th - Emerald (500gp), Green, 1d12 + Stench
6th -Magnetite(500gp), Grey, 2d6+Magnetism
7th - Sapphire (1,000gp), Blue, 2d8 +Paralysis

Chromatic Orb Effects
Light: If the target fails a saving throw versus spells, it is surrounded by light in a 15’ radius for 1d4 rounds. In low light conditions, attacks against the target gain a +2 bonus. Any attempts at stealth or surprise on the target’s part may be nullified.
Heat: If the target fails a saving throw versus spells, it suffers a –2 penalty to attacks, saves, and AC for 1d4 rounds. The heat of the ruby orb may also be used to melt up to a cubic yard of ice.
Fire: All flammable objects within 2’ of the target are set alight. If the target fails a saving throw versus spells, flammable objects (e.g. clothing, hair, etc.) on its person are also set alight. This inflicts 1d3 damage for 1d4 rounds, unless the target spends a round extinguishing the flames.
Blindness: The target is blinded for 1d4 rounds unless it saves versus spells. A blind creature cannot attack.
Stench: A 5’ radius cloud of stinking vapours erupts at the target’s location. Creatures within the cloud (including the target) must save versus poison or be overcome with nausea—unable to act except to move at half movement rate. Once leaving the cloud, the nausea subsides after 1d4 rounds. The cloud disperses after 1 turn.
Magnetism: The electrical energy of the orb strongly magnetizes any metal objects on the target (e.g. armour, weapons) unless a saving throw versus spells is made. The magnetic charge lasts for 1d4 rounds and causes metal objects to stick together. A target wearing metal armour suffers a –2 penalty to AC and is unable to attack with metal weapons.
Paralysis: Unless a saving throw versus paralysis is made, the target is paralysed for 1d4 rounds.