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Return to the Catacombs

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:08 pm
by Ithril
Basdae, tenth day of Hothrin

"Stay in the light Igber, I will help her and if we need it give us directions into the light." says Traesta looking at Igber and then she steps into the darkness, "Coming Conweena - help me find you."

Conweena replies "I am here, I will hum so you can find me. Is everyone accounted for." She hums as she drags.


And with that Traesta ventures once more into the suffocating darkness of the chamber of the tower.

Ahead she can hear Conweena humming a strange melody, an old tribal song that she remembers from a life that seems ages away, foreign and strange to the ears of the others in the group. Though the noise of whatever she is dragging makes the humming not so necessary. Lannas is putting up plenty of protest "Don't kill me! Let me go! You work for the wizard!", and other accusations and pleas.

Eventually you all triangulate on the racket, and together work your way towards the entrance. Along the way, Harker stumbles into the furniture Pebble piled against the door to the basement, and discovers it is not all wooden tables and chairs. Amongst the tangle he finds the softer form of Pebble which he grapples and also drags with him into the light just outside the doorway which is barely visible, in spite being mere inches from it.

You all tumble into the light to see Igber, waiting anxiously, watching about for any sign of the evil mage. The bright daylight around you dazzles your eyes for a few minutes, and looking back, you can see the open doorway, shrouded as if gazing into a pit of black tar. Nothing of the room beyond the doorway is visible. Suddenly you all realize you are VERY hungry.

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:31 am
by Rex

To Lannas, "Shut up for a minute or I will gag you again."

To the others, "Is everyone accounted for?"

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:00 pm
by gurusql

Traesta looks around not only for if everyone is present, but also the general health of everyone (e.g. is healing required)

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 6:26 pm
by redwarrior
Dorath Looking at the inky blackness inside the doorway, Dorath speaks up. I take it that we were unconscious for some time. That darkness, as I'm sure you have surmised is not natural. Given how long it has lasted, it was cast by a Thaumaturgist or better. Excuse me... By that, I mean a very skilled mage... This meshes well with what I thought to be but an odd dream. Let us talk while we see if our cached gear is where we left it... Assuming the others follow along...

I heard the voice of a clearly brilliant but deranged and arrogant mage...He claimed to have been studying the dead here, which he claimed don't 'stay dead'. He claimed to have returned from Youlgraeve, where the Baron had sought him out to cure the 'moon-sickness', I'm not sure what that is, but the way... anyway, this mage declined to do so, because the baron's son would be easier to control and better for 'his needs.' Ge claimed to be raising an army, of undead, maybe, that he wanted to use to take control of the duchy.

Once we get to where we left our gear. This would-be, I hope, necromancer is beyond my ability to counter. Even if fully rested, I do not have the magics needed to counter even his spell of continual darkness. Oh, I wish I had lugged that huge spell book with me rather than caching it, what wond.. but never mind, spilt cream and all that... Anyway, there may be more in the tower to explore, if we were to press on through the darkness. Everything should be just where we left it, and the second floor is likely unaffected, being outside of the spell's range, if we want to risk pushing through, and if the mad mage is not waiting about. All in all, I think we might be best served by reporting back on our first mission and find out all we can about someone who was engaged the help the Baron of Youlgraeve's son with some malady

I'm assuming moon sickness is lycanthropy, but it's just an assumption.

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:57 pm
by Rex

"We have a prisoner of the mage we need to interrogate and determine if we should free him. Gave his name as Lannas."

To everyone, "Ask what you want."

To Lannas, "Lets hear your story now."

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 5:56 am
by sunphoenix
Harker stumbles out of the darkness ... his expression.. peeved. Not at anyone here save himself!

"Aye.. I'm here.. for all the good I did."

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:13 pm
by Ithril
The group of you gather your wits outside the tower, near Igber with Lanas in tow. No one appears to have had further injury, or need immediate aid. Lannas continues to protest until Conweena threatens him "Shut up for a minute or I will gag you again." He looks a miserable sight, his tunic is torn, and his pants, no longer held by a belt, have been pulled to his knees as he was dragged out of the tower. He is bound hand & foot, and is completely at your mercy.

"Is everyone accounted for?" Conweena continues, answered by the others. "Aye.. I'm here.. for all the good I did." Harker replies abashedly."We have a prisoner of the mage we need to interrogate and determine if we should free him. Gave his name as Lannas."

To everyone, "Ask what you want."

Dorath Looking at the inky blackness inside the doorway, speaks up. "I take it that we were unconscious for some time. That darkness, as I'm sure you have surmised is not natural. Given how long it has lasted, it was cast by a Thaumaturgist or better. Excuse me... By that, I mean a very skilled mage... This meshes well with what I thought to be but an odd dream. Let us talk while we see if our cached gear is where we left it..."

You begin to make your way to the cache of equipment, but Lannas cannot walk; his legs bound by his disheveled clothing (I'll assume someone attends to this as he cannot.) He protests "Someone stole my belt! Who steals a belt, unless you mean further harm to one bound?" it is a valid question, and his tone is even, as one who is unsure of his captors, or his fate.

While you make your way towards your cache of equipment Dorath continues his recollection of the events in the tower.

When he is finished, Conweena turns to Lannas, "Lets hear your story now."
"What of it? You only mean to drag me into this awful wood and murder me anyway." His voice betrays a note of fear.

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:49 pm
by BackworldTraveller
Ithril wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:13 pm The group of you gather your wits outside the tower, near Igber with Lanas in tow. No one appears to have had further injury, or need immediate aid. Lannas continues to protest until Conweena threatens him "Shut up for a minute or I will gag you again." He looks a miserable sight, his tunic is torn, and his pants, no longer held by a belt, have been pulled to his knees as he was dragged out of the tower. He is bound hand & foot, and is completely at your mercy.

"Is everyone accounted for?" Conweena continues, answered by the others. "Aye.. I'm here.. for all the good I did." Harker replies abashedly."We have a prisoner of the mage we need to interrogate and determine if we should free him. Gave his name as Lannas."

To everyone, "Ask what you want."

Dorath Looking at the inky blackness inside the doorway, speaks up. "I take it that we were unconscious for some time. That darkness, as I'm sure you have surmised is not natural. Given how long it has lasted, it was cast by a Thaumaturgist or better. Excuse me... By that, I mean a very skilled mage... This meshes well with what I thought to be but an odd dream. Let us talk while we see if our cached gear is where we left it..."

You begin to make your way to the cache of equipment, but Lannas cannot walk; his legs bound by his disheveled clothing (I'll assume someone attends to this as he cannot.) He protests "Someone stole my belt! Who steals a belt, unless you mean further harm to one bound?" it is a valid question, and his tone is even, as one who is unsure of his captors, or his fate.

While you make your way towards your cache of equipment Dorath continues his recollection of the events in the tower.

When he is finished, Conweena turns to Lannas, "Lets hear your story now."
"What of it? You only mean to drag me into this awful wood and murder me anyway." His voice betrays a note of fear.
We are getting into the realms of powerful players in high politics.

This tower is a job for the Army...Siege Towers, Catapults, etc. Or just burn the place down...but it isn't a job for a bunch of unsupported venturers. The main contract is a bust so the locals won't be looking to give us the next job. So...What do we do?

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 6:08 pm
by Rex

"We start by questioning the prisoner."

She helps Lannas with his pants. "Harker here is a Paladin, we don't just kill people without cause. Now give us cause to keep you alive and we will."

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 6:16 pm
by ravenn4544
Pebble is still putting the pieces together after everything went dark. He doesn’t remember how he got where he is but is grateful someone staged him out of there. He is as equally tense as the questioning before him.

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:09 am
by gurusql

Traesta listens to the story she hopes that Lannas will speak.

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 3:19 pm
by sunphoenix
Harker sighs, "Unfortunately, I'm afraid we are NOT done with this tower or the caverns below. We Must reenter.. but we can discuss why and how after we have all gotten a meal and good nights rest ~ we are ALL exhausted, and ill-prepared!"

Turning to the frightened Lannas, "We are Not murdering Anyone! We know your brother was hired by Lady Barunnus Alant, and hearing her story we aided her and her mercs in making good her escape. Your brother told us your were charmed/enthralled by the 'Thaumaturgist' of the tower and wanted us to find you and save you if possible... so no need to worry about us. Your brother is alive and far from here by now."

"I am Harker, Paladin 'Keeper' of have my word.. your are in no danger from us! No please calm yourself.. your as save as we can provide. Tell us your story.. what have can you remember of the Wizard's rantings and what do you remember of the tower and caverns below the tower?"

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 3:54 am
by Ithril
Lannas cooperates with Conweena adjusting his loose fitting trousers as well as he can, being bound. However, he doesn't speak more than a reluctant nod of thanks for her aid, as if expecting her to gut him as to help him.

Traesta and Pebble listen to what Igber suggests, but when Harker speaks his peace, his logic is indisputable. Siege engines and war machines are far beyond your capabilities; any plan you make will have to rely on your own resources.

The prisoner watches the exchange, but keeps his tongue until Harker addresses him directly. He watches and listens, but offers no information, choosing instead to be silent in spite of Harker's questions. His body language shows clearly that trust has not been established.

In the silence of that bewitched place you proceed to your encampment, and discover your stashed gear, unmolested by beast or man. It is all as you had left it. The sun is still bright, and the air is still and silent, save the distant roar of the ocean which seems to heed no enchantment, fair or foul.

The group makes a stopgap stew by boiling some water with the jerky and hard-tac from your rations in it. There is no game to be had here. Traesta notices some sweet-berries on a nearby plant, but when she tests them, she discovers they have rotted even though they aren't quite ripe. Even the plants in this place have been fouled.

As you make lunch, you naturally offer some to Lannas, but he will not eat until he watches you eat, then he devours the food offered as if he's been starved. More prodding finally convinces him to break his silence.

His language is a bit broken, and his accent is strong. He addresses Harker "You say you *Marschon* of Paldon. (he shakes his head most violently) Yet you sup with a savage Bor woman? Here I be bound, and you steal my things but tell me of honor? These are strange things. Prove what you say."

It is a funny thing for him to say Conweena is savage, Most of you consider the Sountlands far more savage than the Nordt, others do not know enough of distant lands to know, but suppose both are equally barbarous. Still, he was badly beat, and the belt essential to his wardrobe is missing.

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 5:20 am
by Rex

Laughing, "I may be savage and frighten the likes of you half to death, but my people are at least honorable. We have a code we follow and not following it is worse than death to us. That is more than can be said for the majority of your people."

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 12:04 am
by gurusql

"Are you accusing us of stealing your belt. Please give me a good reason that someone would want to do this? If it magical in some way?"

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 1:12 am
by Ithril
It is obvious the pirate is missing his belt, his pants are far too baggy to not have one.

Check these posts.
Igber was checking Lannas for valuables after Conweena defeated him:
I made the assumption that Igber was checking for valuables so as to appropriate them:
He did not dispute this in his next post:

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 1:21 am
by gurusql
Thank you for the summary, but I did not see any reference to taking the belt unless it would be to tie him up. Just trying to be more direct.

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:12 am
by Rex
It is in this post.


As it is locked I can't quote it but I copied it out.

"Igber ties up the pirate and slips off the pirate's garnet adorned belt,"

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 9:10 pm
by ravenn4544
Pebble tries to be useful and keep watch - while stealing glances to the interrogation.

Re: New Adventures or Scouring the Catacombs

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 9:24 pm
by redwarrior
Dorath tries to ignore the discussions going on and meditate/rest so that he can relearn spells before we do whatever it is that we decide to do.