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Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 7:56 pm
by Spearmint
Helix Village, Duchy of Aerik.

June 14th 1066.


this is the expedition thread to be used by Durgo and Fydmar as they go to collect spider silk and explore the interior of an abandoned mine, haunted by the ghosts of dwarven miners.

After a hearty breakfast and an especially crunchy carrot for Babe Ruth, Fydmar's newly acquired pack mule, he and Durgo collect their packs and meet up with the hired hands from the Mercenary Guild, Lemmy, Ozzie, Plantie & Meatloaf. For the dwarf they are familiar faces having accompanied him upon a return trek to the Mummy Barrow.

Sadly no clerics were available. Everybody wants clerics. Healing, turning undead. You will just have to be extra cautious. The characters do have a 1st Aid Kit each and both carry a fancy weapon. At least you can keep things at bay.

The miners are basically geared up, hobnail boots, padded workers, tin pot helms. Their hefty picks look agricultural but still lethal.

On the way you call by the house of Valeron . The elf, master bowyer and weaver is busy with latest commissions and perpetually harried by the supply and demand for the exclusive silk threads. You are given a score of bucket sized spools. They look like oversized reels with a turning handle and attachments which draw the filament from the flagelliform glands in the spiders abdomens.

"Easy as milking a cow" he says to you unconvincingly. He also supplies two large entangling nets and two strange lance type poles, each with a pair of oversized pincer clamps on their heads instead of a blade. "The most protein rich strands have to be drawn directly from the caught spider. Old webs, as sticky as they are have lost the proteins and enzymes which are used to enhance or enchant materials."

You get a working demonstration on how to trap a spider and hold it down. "These nets are soaked in a special pheromone which pacifies a spider entangled in it. Like a sleep effect."

The spider silk can be collected throughout the Blackened Forest to the north of the settlement, the creatures making laird in tree tops, caves and crevices. Gathering in numbers in particular around the abandoned quarry and further north, an old marble shrine.

Valeron takes any last questions then wishes you luck in the endeavour.

actions please .

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 4:34 am
by Cwreando

"Well met Lemmy, Ozzie, Plantie & Meatloaf.

To the group and Valeron
"If you have a map of the area we could use it. Or at least a rough sketch to get us in the area. Anyone in the group done the run before? Let's practice a bit with the weapons for handling and so on. Valeron any advice for the trek there and back or things of note you've heard from prior silk run groups? Knowledge is power.
The more we know and the better prepared we are the better chance we succeed at getting you the best silk and more importantly we all come back.

Privately with Fydmar, "Did you get any details on the mine? Map or it's whereabouts? Anything specific we'll be looking for there?"

Durgo will test using both the net and the pole. Getting a feel for the handling and balance of use.

Valeron we'll be back in 2-3 days unless things go wrong.

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:30 pm
by scottjen
The dormant chalk mines are past the Northwood towards the frontier hills. I understand this is close to where we are hunting spider silk. In the depths of the mine, the group with Bogart eventually broke into an open cavern of hard rock, possibly granite. There was clear water flowing there, which they followed. That's when they found the silver lode and unclaimed riches.
We need to ware the denizens. Blind salamanders as tall as a man which are bad tempered & will fight for their territory. Cave crickets also that hunt by scent and touch.
And evil gray skinned gnomes live in the depths there which Bogart reports they will attack us on sight.
Also some kind of phantom aged him decades, and he spoke of the cave whispering, leading them deeper and causing them to lose their way. We must be very cautious of this last threat. In fact, if he start hearing the cave whispering, we should mark the spot, but retreat until we have the help of at least a priest.

He will ask Meatloaf the gnome if he is familiar with the deep dwelling gray gnomes.
He will also practice with the spider trap tools.

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 4:05 pm
by Cwreando

"Fydmar that's all-good information...we'll have our work cut out for us on the expedition. Let's hope they cleared out a bit of it and there isn't much there now. Wishful thinking for sure, but without a healer we can't get into too many scrapes. I suppose we'll do whichever is closest along our trek and then see what else we can do. We've got to be back in a couple days either way.

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:28 pm
by Spearmint
Helix Village, Duchy of Aerik.

June 14th 1066.


The group practise with the spider catchers and talk over the various techniques used to draw lengths of silk thread, slowly gathering the precious filaments from pacified spiders. It takes patience and a steady hand. Each spool takes about a hundred yards of silk and on average, you may harvest 60 yards per spider. With twenty spools that is a lot of spiders but in reward, a potential 200gp to split between you.

Whilst at the industrious cottage, another visitor turns up. The man seemingly wizened and gaunt and upon his inspection you may think that he too has seen ghosts judging by his aged wrinkled face and sallow complexion. Dressed in a long habit type cloak of Hessian brown and bearing a large Yggish Sunburst holy symbol upon a link of chains around his neck, you may assume he has an aesthetic vocation though the chinks of mail armour peeking through the hem of his garb and a shield upon his back counter any pacifist identifications.

Perhaps a veteran of wars?

Brother Symeon an itinerant cleric new in town, lately ministering to the poor and needy society dregs that frequent the village more seedy quarters. He brings an introduction and has arrived principally to ask esteemed ranger Valeron regarding explorations to the old mine. The chapel of St Ygg is undergoing a restoration project and has recently been ordered by Lord Krothos to begin setting aside ministry time to enchant weapons with blessed silver in anticipation of stemming lycanthropic afflictions. Silver for the font and silver for weapons against creatures resistant to mere cold iron. Silver, in short supply. Rumours of a mother-lode of silver veins in the deepest shafts of the abandoned mine therefore are of interest to the church and the Crown. Volunteering to see how true the rumours are and give his preliminary assessment, the cleric turns up at an advantageous time with miners and characters heading to the location in question.

actions please. your chance Fydmar & Durgo to recruit the cleric to come along with you and for Bro' Symeon to respond. Each post then I will update on the trek.

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:32 pm
by scottjen
To Durgo: Could this be the answer to our need? After hearing who newcomer is: Welcome holy one, have you come to join us on our quest for silver and spiders? It seems our purposes correspond

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:23 pm
by DrRenfield
Brother Symeon
Yes, my good dwarf. This expedition is an answer to prayer. I petitioned St Ygg for a trial in Helix and nearly as soon as I arrive, I learn of an expedition embarking in need of spiritual support.

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:25 pm
by Cwreando

I hope you're right Fydmar. Praise be to Futura and to St. Ygg. I am Durgo and this is Fydmar. We are on an expedition to the Mines and to gather some spider silk to bolster our supply of 1st aid kits. These folks are Lemmy, Ozzie, Plantie & Meatloaf our hires to assist us. We're just getting ready to start the expedition if you're interested. There are rumors of ghostly/undead within the mines and a person of faith would be most welcome.

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:51 pm
by DrRenfield
Brother Symeon

To Durgo: Praise be indeed, my boy.

Nodding to the hirelings: Greetings, my brothers.

To all: I am Brother Symeon. If you will have me, I will join you . Not only am I eager to test my faith, I also understand that we believers here are in dire need of silver to combat the curse of lycanthropy.

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:00 pm
by Cwreando

"Welcome then Brother Symeon, if Fydmar has no objections then we can be off. I would recommend practicing with the spider equipment as we get going.
It should help to make sure you have a good understanding of how to use it before you need to use it. In a previous expedition I found a shield that belonged to a paladin who has long since passed. I've been doing some research at the chapel of St. Ygg and I had not chosen a faith until a few days ago...Brother Othar at the chapel allowed me to join. I offered a prayer to The Red Lion of Aerik - Sir Guy de O'Veargne the shields previous owner.

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:37 pm
by DrRenfield
Brother Symeon

Ah! Welcome to the fold, my son. It is surely the Saint's will that we meet now.

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:37 pm
by Spearmint
The Blackened Forest, north of Helix, Duchy of Aerik.

Weather: Sunlight, breezy.

The group are reinforced with a cleric, Brother Symeon who gets to know they group, handshakes all round and perhaps a carrot to crunch given to mule, BabeRuth. Forewarned of likely dangers and forearmed with extended pincers and entangling nets, the group march onwards.

After about two and a half miles, an hour of walking, you come to the fringe of the village surrounds, the last small farms and frontier cabins built in cleared patchworks of deforested land or cultivated arable plots. Beyond this the environment is less 'civilized', the forest a deep unchanging wilderness with tall coniferous trees reaching high and spreading bracken shrubs fighting to monopolise the faint rays of sunlight which filter down. The ground is flat but increasingly boggy before rising to undulating hills that extend beyond the unexplored, northern frontier. Soft ground underfoot, not quite swamp like but certainly enough to sink your footsteps ankle deep in places, you squelch along in the furrows made by trickling rivulets of draining waters. With the rise and fall of the water levels, the soil erosion exposes lots of tree roots, giving the impression the trunks cling to the ground by grasping clawed hands.

There is a very thin trail, likely a deer path which is followed over the most solid ground, meandering around natural obstacles, avoiding hollows, stagnant pools or dense copses. The air is filled with gnats, birdsong, a swampy musk. No worthwhile spider silk hanging from the tree boughs, though you see many webs glinting with morning dew and a few displaying the dry husks of blood drained victims. Large birds, a baboon, giant bees the length of a sword; thankfully no spiders.

After a while the miners stop and one points towards an area with more exotic flora, bluebells and white speckled lilies, assorted anemones and snapdragons. The quartet start to pull some up and twist the stalks into a bouquet. After a few more minutes the deer path is joined by another which once taken leads to a small clearing. In the midst is a tree shaped like a naked woman stretching out her arms.

The tree must be twice the height of a man and is wide of girth. If the figure was a life-like representation, then whoever she was, she must have been a giant.

Despite stories of foxes, owls and other woodland creatures that gather here, the grove is quiet. The remnants of bouquets tied with ribbons placed around the tree woman's roots.

Nearby a young Apple sapling buds, the fruit rosy red. An old campsite, whose hearth of stones set in a ring to contain a small fire has embers long since burned out. A few twigs rigged to hold a cooking pot now hold a single arrow which points to the northwest. Not the direction you would take to the quarry.

actions and questions please.


Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:52 pm
by Cwreando

Durgo says, "It's best to leave an offering. I've heard tales and while it might be superstition, it seemed those who don't have more trouble when they don't. It is up to you though."

Durgo makes a bouquet similar to the others. Durgo does examine the fire pit a bit more but doesn't disturb anything.

"I'm not sure if this is a sign or not my friends"

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 7:05 am
by DrRenfield
Brother Symeon

Brother Symeon gives the great tree a wide berth, "I do not begrudge the Anganach the worship of their followers, but I will not do fealty to any god but my own."

Scrutinizing the fire pit, "I am unsure as well. I dislike the thought of straying from our mission, but if anyone believes it to be an important message, I will bow to his experience of the local ground and customs."

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 4:40 pm
by Cwreando

“It’s not necessarily a sign of worship Brother. More of a sign to show respect for there soul. Could we pray brother for her to be accepted by Futura and St Ygg? Perhaps her soul can still find peace?

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:14 pm
by scottjen
He pauses, unsure of what to do here, but somewhat superstitious, he will make a bouquet as well. No offense brother, but it might calm the local spirits.
As far as the "arrow" is concerned: I don't believe we should deviate our plan based on someone putting this here. It is most like for someone other than us to show their companions which way they went.

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:49 pm
by Cwreando

Good thinking Fydmar. That arrow is probably for someone else.

Durgo kneels and prays silently to Futura or vocally if Brother Symeon joins in voice.

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 9:59 pm
by DrRenfield
Brother Symeon

Symeon had not considered that the woman may have once lived, rather than being grown as an idol or effigy.

He joins Durgo in prayer and offers a simple benediction, "And He shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away."

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 11:55 pm
by Spearmint
The Blackened Forest, north of Helix, Duchy of Aerik.

Grove of 'the Lady of the Forest'

Weather: Sunlight, breezy.

The miners know little except stories. The tree could just be coincidentally shaped in such form though the commonly accepted theory is she was once a woman, actually lignified after incurring Herne's wrath or scorning the favours of Silvanus. The blossoming fauna and flora that grows in abundance here point more towards some benevolent scenario than she was a witch or forest hag.

Each of the party, characters and NPC's place their own offering and some pray for the soul, of one exists, of the 'Lady of the Forest'. Concluding your "Amens". you feel a little more at ease and though while not exactly hallowed ground, this grove is an area of peace. Indeed watching you from dens in the roots of a spreading tree, russet furred and bright of eyes, foxes peer upon you, retreating into their burrows should any approach.

The arrow is inspected but left. The marker pointing in one direction, an area of forest least explored. The abandoned quarry whose cliff faces and shafts host the Orb Weavers lies a few more miles north. Following a different path not so frequently travelled but at least one that is known and by keeping to this, you may avoid the many deeper and darker hollows of the forest.
You trek onwards, passing strange flora that shrinks its blossoms, folding the spreading petals into a closed ball and withdrawing stalks into the earth as you approach. Another copse of blighted trees is covered in a violet hue of luminous fungi that quivers and shrieks. Several large beetles with carapaces the size of shields nibble voraciously at the fungi, ignorant of their protestations. Wisely you leave them undisturbed to their meal.

By the midday hours you break through the forest to come to a ridge that extends NW. Extending more than half a mile at least is an exposed cliff face of white chalk. You are on the top and can pick a way down the cliff, descending a series of cut out steps that zig zag a crevice.

Before you do descend, you can scout the area and visually looking down see the excavated quarry has an extended clear area, about a bow shot deep from the foot of the cliff before the forest fringes begin on the other side. In the distance are a huddle of derelict huts. The quarry is far from abandoned to though. A hulking figure, taller by a head and shoulders and then more ferrets among one cabin. Lifting a roof of loose tiles and rickety rafters to reach long ogrish arms inside and pull out a giant biscuit of golden honeycomb.

He slurps with pleasure, eventually irritated enough by the buzzing bees to buzz off himself though he goes towards the cliff face and some mine shaft openings and not into the forest.

actions please

Re: Silk and Silver: The abandoned mine.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 4:33 am
by Cwreando

"What do you think Fydmar, Brother Symeon? Fydmar, what about your Ass?"

I'm thinking we should go down into the quarry. Perhaps a mine shaft might be seen as we descend, and we could check that out?"

"Let's check with Lemmy, Ozzie, Plantie & Meatloafspot. What do you guys think? Hey, if you guys' spot anything let us know."

I'm not looking for the hirelings to tell us what to do. Just to have our backs and point out obvious things on the expedition or things they're good at. Mining/tunnels and so on.

edited for clarification