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The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:47 pm
by Vargr1105
Day 1, Turn 8 - Back at the Blue Pool

Leaving the black pool and their other brothers behind Pol and Lipput make their way back to the area were the rope was left. Soon the blue radiance of the pool where they fought that overgrown worm mostrosity shimmers in the distance and as they advance a lit torch becomes non-necessary.

They arrive at the glowing blue pool to find the area pretty much as they left it. The pool's blue waters are undisturbed and the rope is lies on the pipe "wall" to their left, extending the full length of the pool and tied in two hammered spikes at ether end.

Crossing the wall to the other side will require no rolls due to the rope, however after it is taken from the spike there does need a normal Climb Walls check.

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 5:37 pm
by max_vale
Lipput stretches and leaves his shield with his brother and says; "Okay....I'll gets the rope; you be here and ready to patch me up if I falls."

With that he goes up to retrieve the rope and then climb back down the hard way...

Climb Walls roll (93%): [1d100] = 1

OOC: HOLY CRAP! Did I just climb walls with JUST my little left pinkie or something?

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:22 pm
by ChubbyPixie
Holding the torch, Pol keeps a lookout back down the tunnel as Lipput retrieves the rope. He's expecting this to take a while... He listens for the sound of a splash...

Suddenly he has a thought: "Hey, Lipput!" he yells over his shoulder,"You think we should dive to the bottom of this blue pool? What if the lens is under there? Maybe you should jump in and look around for it."

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:39 pm
by Vargr1105
Day 1, Turn 8 - Back at the Blue Pool

Lipput makes it to the other side of the pool, removes the spike and, with uncanny agility rejoins his brother Pol carrying the rope back.

You have recovered the rope and two spikes. Whoever is carrying them may add the items to their equipment list.

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:35 pm
by ChubbyPixie
Ooc: max, you want to add them to your equip?

I've made it a point to not peek at the other action thread. Hope the other guys are still non-dead...

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:51 pm
by ChubbyPixie
"Well, I guess we better get back. Unless you DO want to check the bottom of the blue pool for lenses..."

ooc: Unless Lipput want to try something else at the pool, Pol will start hustling back to the others.

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:10 pm
by max_vale
Lipput coils the rope and adds it and the two spikes to the contents of his pack. Hearing his brother's question; he glances down at the pool and considers diving in for a moment and then looking back at Pol he shakes his head and replies with; "Nah....let's finish checking out the rest of the pipe first....if'n we don'ts find it; then we can come back." With that; he heads back towards his brothers....

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:58 pm
by Vargr1105
Day 1, Turn 8 - Back at the Blue Pool

Having obtained the rope Pol and Lipput start making make their way back to their brothers.

I will let you guys know when you rejoin the others.

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:01 pm
by Vargr1105
Day 1, Turn 9 - Return to the Black Pool

When Pol and Lipput get back to the black pool it is obvious something is different. The dark waters are more still, the sounds of rolling and splashing more subdued and not as many shapes are moving in it. But looking beyond the pool they can discern some dark tubular shapes moving on the grounds of other margin.

Of the brothers they left behind some time ago, there seems to be no sign.

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:44 pm
by ChubbyPixie
"Uh oh..." Pol stares at the other side of the pool and thinks hard."Well I don't see 'em dead over there... And they ain't floatin' in the pool. And they didn't run past us. They musta run the other way, the wusses. Fraid of some worms." In the meantime, Pol is very afraid of some worms, namely the ones in this pool and on the other side.

"I got a plan, Lipput. I'll ask the Dark Ones to make the worms not notice me. Then we make a run for it. We stay together and run past the worms, fast as we can. If you get bit, I'll heal you up...." Pol is amazingly full of ideas when it comes to self-preservation and the avoidance of pain. To himself, anyway.

Ooc: If Lipput agrees, or doesn't have a better plan, Pol will cast Sanctuary on himself, then make a run for swinging across to the other side, sticking next to Lipput on the other side so he can heal him if needed as they run past the worms (hopefully).

Strenguth check: [1d20] = 15

Dexterity check: [1d20] = 6

Whoops. I think I fell. Here's a strength check to try to catch on:

Strength check: [1d20] = 17

Uh oh...

"RUN, LIPPUT!!" ...'splash!'

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:25 pm
by max_vale
Lipput snorted a bit as it dawned on him that his brother's plan didn't include the worms not noticing HIM; but since he had no better ideas in mind; he attempted to follow his brother back to the other side of the pool where hopefully his other siblings were still breathing....

STR Check (17): [1d20] = 7

DEX Check (16): [1d20] = 20 C'MON! Why do I get bit in the ass by the worms EVERY damn time I cross this water? Sigh....

STR/DEX Check 2 (16): [1d20] = 13

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:45 am
by Vargr1105
Day 1, Turn 9 - Return to the Black Pool

You folks do remember that you are thieves, right? You can climb walls and avoid the whole tarzan skit by crossing the pool the same way it was originally done back at the blue pool. I'm surprised no one remembered that thus far. :) I may have screwed up the details of the rolls needed for going tarzan, I don't remember. You need a DEX check to grab and cross, the STR is only needed if you slip. So let us handwave this and assume both brothers reach the other side safely.

After beseeching the Dark Powers for their protection Pol casts a Sanctuary spell on himself. Giving a signal to Lipput they both dasf and swing across the pool using the fungus strands. Arrived at the other margin they can now see the moving shapes outside the water much better. About 30 feet away stand 3 grubs happily munching on the battered remains of several of their fellows. It is hard to tell, but it seems the dead grubs (or what is left of them) being dinned upon exceed in number the trio having their meal.

Of their orchish brothers they still see no sign.

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:49 pm
by ChubbyPixie
Vargr1105 wrote: You folks do remember that you are thieves, right?

Ooc: Ha! I'm going to be honest - I kind of forgot I have a 95% climb... It's all these clerical duties. I got muddled.

Run around 'em, Lipput!! While they're busy eatin'!

Pol will run alongside Lipput, ready to cast Cure Light Wounds if needed.

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:07 am
by max_vale
Lipput grunts and heaves himself up over the ledge; and quickly draws his sword and shield upon seeing the wormies.....and then relaxes a bit as he sees that they are busy eating the bodies of some of their fellows.

Hearing Pol's words; Lipput nods and says; "I was just t'inking the same thing. Let's run!" With that; he joins his brother in moving as fast as he can to get past the creatures....

Re: The Action Thread #1.1 - The Quest for Rope

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:38 am
by Vargr1105
Day 1, Turn 9 - Escaping the Black Pool

Greasing their joints with courage and intent the pair of brothers attempts to get the heck out of dodge as fast as possible. The creatures take no notice of Pol whatsoever, one lifts its maw from its meal momentarily to sniff the air as Lipput run by but if it pursues the brothers know not. They leave the things behind running at full tilt down the pipe, until wheezing lungs and aching muscles force them to slow down and continue the journey at a more relaxed pace.

Some time latter...

We have now officially left this sub-thread.