The Caravanserai

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The Caravanserai

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The harsh wasteland that is the Zakath desert stretches out before you in every direction.

Anyone who grew up in these parts understands the vastness of the desert and its wind blown wastelands. Those who recently traveled to Yithorium had to learn these hardships along their journey. Either way, one good rule of thumb to remember is that the desert is always trying to kill you, always wishing to envelop you into itself.

The monthly caravan from Yithorium to Xambaala is a standard route of travel, and probably the most oft used trail across the wastelands, though it is definitely not without its dangers. Wild animals that can survive the harsh conditions are always on the look-out for an easy meal, while bands of desert nomads can cause trouble throughout the area as well.

Hiring on as guard duty at the Caravanserai in Yithorium gives any budding adventurers a free ride to the outer world, but the work is hard and the provisions meagre. Any spellcasters are required to try sleeping during the day, while the caravan is in motion, so they can be ready to defend the train from anything dangerous that comes out of the dark nights. Fighter types are split more evenly, some of them being allowed to sleep at night so they remain alert for any dangerous daytime occurrences.

As you sit around your camel dung campfire in your makeshift tents, listening to the wind whip anything not tied down outside, you get a chance to hear the stories and reasons for exploration from the others around you. It is the third evening since the train left the city, the night before you are scheduled to arrive in Xambaala. Other than wild jackals howling and a few other unexplainable noises, the trip so far has been rather unexciting. The eerie feeling on the winds might be an early indication that things are about to change.....

I didn't want to detail out the caravan too much since it wont be part of the adventure, so figure several carts and covered wagons pulled by either horses or oxen, quite a few people on foot, and maybe a few mastodons carrying larger loads.

I still need to approve a couple sheets, but I didn't want that to keep those who are already prepared to start waiting any longer.

So go ahead and introduce your characters to each other, maybe sharing your reasons for being here, while I finish up the prep work.

Once everyone (including me) is ready to go.........the mysteries of Xambaala await!
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Re: The Caravanserai

#2 Post by tpj »


Khalid sits close to the fire and watches the flames dance with great intensity. Without taking his eyes off the flames, he begins to make conversation with the others. He speaks in an accent that sounds thick and pronounced to those who aren't local to the region.

"I don't know what business the rest of you may have in Xambaala, but I have heard tales of a mausoleum outside the Old City. Said to contain great riches and also great dangers. Explorers I met say the dead walk amongst the crypts, guarding them. Perhaps it is something I should see for myself, if other brave souls might also join me."

"I am called Khalid Yad-Alnaar. I am but a simple clothier who is seeking fortunes and stories to tell back home."

He rests his hand on the hilt of the large curved blade by his side as the wind picks up.
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Re: The Caravanserai

#3 Post by Monsieur Rose »


A roguishly handsome man sits upwind of the campfire, his eyes flickering in the fire. He's been deemed a spellcaster and has had the benefit of sleeping under cover during the hot and long days. As Khalid introduces himself, his ears perk up and he focuses his attention.

"A Mausoleum, you say? I've heard it to be the ruins of a palace. Other times I've heard it be an underground oasis. The riches and dead remain the same, though. Just outside the city. Waiting."

He smiles and anyone who notices feels both reassured and excited. "I am called Kainaxarthos, others call me Kain. Did I detect a hint of Thracian there, Khalid? Are you from the desert, then?" He squints in the dim light, trying to remember what Khalid's complexion is, not sure if he ever saw him in the light.

Kain looks to the others sitting around, bestowing his welcome gaze upon each in turn. "And the rest of you have been in the desert long as well?"
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Re: The Caravanserai

#4 Post by Grognardsw »

Biblo Phyle, libriomancer

Biblo found it difficult to sleep in the daytime. He covered his eyes with cloth to keep out the bright light. He lay down blankets and bags of spice to soften the jostle of the wagons. He dreamt of other lives, each seeking to intrude on his own. “You are not worthy,” they taunted.


“The gods look down upon us with their thousand lights,” said Biblo Phyle, staring into the night sky as he drank from his wineskin around the fire with the other night-duty adventurers.

“Greetings Khalid Yad-Alnaar. A clothier with more talents I’m sure, to be up these nights.”

“Aye Kainaxarthos, I too am of arcane profession. My name is Biblo Phyle, collector of esoteric knowledge, acolyte of the written word, journeying from the far south of Khromarium. I travel in service to southern wizards seeking rare components for magick ceremony and incantation.”

Hearing of ruins outside Xambaala, Biblo shared what lore he has acquired: “Have you not heard, Xambaala is unsafe after dark, even more so outside her walls. Each day at sundown, the Eventide Bell is rung, calling all residents to the safety of their homes. Once darkness sets in, anyone outside the city proper is on their own. Rumors of undead monsters who crawled out of their shallow desert graves to haunt the nights are common, as is talk of a cannibal cult of square headed humans who devour the flesh of anyone they abduct. Screams, drumming, chanting, and large fires in the distance haunt the outer limits of Xambaala!”

Biblo leaned in towards Kainaxarthos and said quietly: “What I say now will particularly interest you: Within the city is the Astrologers Tower, a gathering place and salon for sages and astronomers from across the lands. They trade in secrets and revelation, and revel in the written words contained in their ancient library. We should seek this place out.”

Thus far in his travels, Biblo had acquired several items on his lists. Grains of fine sand from these Zanath dunes, said to be particularly effective for sorcery of somnolence. The chitinous shell of the desert scorpion, useful for protective skin-hardening hexes. And a sampling of dried cactus needles for some mysterious dweomer which Biblo did not know.
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Re: The Caravanserai

#5 Post by hedgeknight »

Ceana Searcan
(Kee-ahnah Seer-can)

The Keltish young woman sits around the dung fire with her new traveling companions, who are suddenly quite talkative, having likely relaxed after three days of desert duty. She is working on her bow, making sure the string is freshly oiled and ready when needed; the desert sucks the moisture out of everything.
Preferring to remain quiet, she flinches when wizard servant mentions "a cannibal cult of square headed humans who devour the flesh of anyone they abduct."
"Before our caravan set out, I had a vision of such...things. This vision undoubtedly came from Yoon'Deh, whom I serve, and it was quite unsettling. Snakes slithering in the sand led me to a ruined building and to a square-headed...creature lying near its door. The thing looked like a human from the waist up, but its legs were twined, forming a serpentine tail of sorts. Its teeth had been filed to sharp points."
She goes quiet for several seconds, her forehead furrowed, then, "If this awaits us, I fear we are on a dangerous journey. I am Ceana, by the way."
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Re: The Caravanserai

#6 Post by tpj »


Khalid pulls back the cloths from his face, revealing his dark features and thick black beard illuminated in the firelight. His eyes almost glow with the reflection of the flames.

"I am from Yithorium, though many of my people wander these deserts. We are what you would call Moors. We were once known as the Berbers, but those are tales from the Old World that is no more."

"It would seem, my new friends, we've heard some of the same stories then. Great riches to be found, but perhaps as great a price to get at them. We shall call upon the light of Helios to send the unholy creatures into the darkness from whence they came."

He waves his hand over the top of the flames, seemingly undisturbed by the heat.

"Helios's magic dances within these flames. It is not like other magic, but can be just as powerful."
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Re: The Caravanserai

#7 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Kain nods along with each as they share stories, some more fantastical than others. He raises a brow in surprise as Khalid shares more of his heritage. "So not Ixian, then. I suspect your upbringing has not been luxurious. Nevertheless.." He switches to Thracian at this point. "Well met. May the sun be a blessing to your kin."

The fire crackles and illuminates the Keltish young woman, lending even more warmth to her fiery hair. Kain lends his undivided attention to her words. "A pleasure to meet you Ceana. All the talk of snakes and tails reminds me of The Great Serpent. He has quite the following in this area, you know. But dreams of snakes could mean other things too."

As Biblo conspires with him, a waft of what Kain swears is old manuscript washes over them. "I am quite a fan of secrets and salons. We should indeed." He addresses the larger group. "Recent undead are merely a nuisance, it's the more veteran ones who cause mischief. The cannibals you two speak of are of more concern. And they most likely are just outside the city in some sort of ruin, or palace, or mausoleum that's filled with riches and rubies."

"So I'll go first. I came to Yithorium to meet the Witch-Queen. Let's call it a list of things to do before I pass. But finding lost treasure is also on that list, so after hearing the tales, here I am. Biblo is hunting rare components, are you all treasure hunting in your own way?"
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Re: The Caravanserai

#8 Post by hedgeknight »


"I am no treasure hunter. I follow my visions and thus far, they have led me here. I know not what Yoon'Deh wants of me yet. But snakes and ruins seem to be at the end of it all."
She adjusts her kilt and stretches her legs out toward the fire. "I hale from the Gal Hills, so this...wasteland is very unfamiliar. Who is this Witch-Queen of whom you speak?"
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Re: The Caravanserai

#9 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Great stuff so far everyone! Maxon.......are you here too?

As the group talks, a grizzled Ixian veteran of these caravan trips nods his head before speaking in a heavy desert accent.

"Yer bookworm speaks the truth. Xambaala is not now what it once was, which is now even less that it was originally."

As you try to make heads or tails of that wisdom, he continues.

"Aye, there is a curfew once darkness sets in, for those willing to abide by it anyway. Nobody enforces it however, allowing anyone foolish enough to wander the desert at night to do so at their own peril. If I have learned anything about authority over the years, it's that most would rather hide problems than admit to them."

"I too have heard the screams and the chanting outside the walls of Xambaala, so that is also true, though I personally have never had the urge to investigate it. Once we arrive safely inside the walls of Aramis' Caravanserai, I suggest you all stay there and don't go out snooping around at all. Law and order works a bit differently out on the fringes of civilization, so don't go around making yourselves a target."

The squinty eyed, dark skinned man leans back on his mat, taking a long drag on his hookah mouthpiece, awaiting any further comments or questions.
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Re: The Caravanserai

#10 Post by Grognardsw »

Biblo Phyle, arcane acolyte


The adventurers talked around the campfire.

Biblo reached into his vermilion robe, said to be woven by vestal virgins under a full moon, containing many pockets seen and unseen. He drew forth an ivory fork and knife to eat his fire-roasted meat, for he was particular about his eating practices.

“The Ixian speaks wise words,” Biblo said. “We should not rush out to haunted ruins where death stalks the foolish.” The arcanist chewed his meat. “This could use some salt.”

Biblo said to Khalid: “As one keenly interested in the written word, I couldn’t help but notice during our three days together that you’ve consulted a certain book on occasion.”

Biblo keenly observed the others for signs of sorcerous profession - the telltale indicators of dress and armament, temperament and interests, scroll sheaths, books, symbologic tattoos and the like. Biblo wondered about the Moor Khalid, whose comments about Helios, fire, and his unflinching hand passing through the campfire flames could mean something.

“Greetings Ceana,” said Biblo in introduction, keeping his eyes away from her legs as she adjusted her kilt. “Hopefully your dreams of snake people do not come true.” He noted the young Kelt’s red hair. Such color locks from a virgin was on his want list of spell components. Biblo was doubtful the Kelt qualified, but one never knew.

Continuing his side conversation with Kainaxarthos, Biblo said: “The Astrologers Tower could contain answers about lost treasures beyond the wall and elsewhere.”

OM, once we arrive in Xambaala, is our caravan employ ended? Do we earn gold for the guard duty?
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Re: The Caravanserai

#11 Post by tpj »


Khalid nods to Kain and responds in Thracian, "And also to yours, my friend."

He then turns his attention back to Biblio.

"I suspect, my friend, we have have very similar tastes in our reading material." he says with a knowing wink.

He then asks the caravan veteran, "You seem to have experience with these parts. Might you recommend any contacts when we arrive who may help us in getting our bearings? So that we don't violate any local customs, of course."
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Re: The Caravanserai

#12 Post by Urson »

Maxon is a Moor, but his eyes are a brilliant sapphire blue. He keeps his beard and moustache well-oiled, and he appears fit and healthy. He quietly surveys the others around the campfire. He appears to have seen what he was looking for.
I am called Maxon. I have studied the blade, and spellcraft. I recently finished my 'prenticeship, and am looking for my place in the world. My mentor asked me to find someone, and this journey is the first leg of the trip.
I am open to exchanging knowledge with any of you- provided I get honest value for what I am trading.
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Re: The Caravanserai

#13 Post by hedgeknight »

Grognardsw wrote: Fri Jul 22, 2022 3:14 am Biblo Phyle, arcane acolyte
“Greetings Ceana,” said Biblo in introduction, keeping his eyes away from her legs as she adjusted her kilt. “Hopefully your dreams of snake people do not come true.”
"Greetings, Biblo...and to the rest of you as well"
Ceana smiles at Maxon then says, "I hope they are just dreams, but Yoon'Deh is known to send visions to her faithful. I fear we are destined to find such things."
She then turns her attention back to the bone in her hand she has been gnawing on for the past few minutes. She chuckles as Biblo produces cutlery from inside his robe.
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Re: The Caravanserai

#14 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He doesn't follow Biblo's path and is sure to appreciate Ceana's legs while chatting with Biblo. "It sounds like much has changed in Xambaala. Hopefully, the tower has withstood those changes, but if the city has lost some of its order, it's been my experience that the learned don't fare well in chaos."

Kain does make eye contact while talking to Ceana, however. "Truth, be told, I'm not too familiar with the desert as well. I've traveled it, sure, and spent some time at the hometown of our friend here, but you're in good company." He smiles and something about the firelight and how it reflects on his chiseled features lend credibility to his words. "Ah. The Witch-Queen. The ageless and beautiful ruler of Yithorium and the rest of this desert." He looks around at the other members and the veteran. "I have only good things to say about her, as I'm sure so does anyone else from this area. She does graciously allow some independence for smaller mining operations and places like Xambaala. But if our friend here is correct, the regional leaders may have bungled things."

"So tell me, Friend, has law fallen in Xamballa?" He asks of the veteran. "Has it splintered and been run into the ground by misaligned interests?"

Kain nods at Maxon in greeting. "Good to have you on this journey. Do you expect to find your quarry in Xambaala? For we all seem to be seeking something there."
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Re: The Caravanserai

#15 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Please continue the great roleplay between PC's as I answer a few things.

The as of yet unnamed grizzled Ixian huffs at some of your comments and questions before responding gruffly.

"Customs? Contacts? It sounds like some of you haven't looked into this trip beyond what the caravan master told you, eh?"

"I will say this.You should find Xambaala to your liking, if you enjoy loose women and good lotus, that is."

He glares at Maxon's introduction, but doesnt comment.

"When we arrive at Aramis' Caravanserai, you will each be paid 5 gold coins for your service. You will also be allowed one free nights lodging in his complex, which should give you enough time to get your bearings around town. It is not nearly as large as Yithorium, especially if you don't consider the slaves, which most don't."

The man glares angrily over the weak firelight when Kainaxarthos speaks highly of the Witch Queen, but he knows well to hold his tongue lest he lose it.

"The learned you say? They're the idiots ignoring the problems in the first place. The Satrap hides in the safety of his mansion while his whore wife plots and schemes behind his back. It is known that she seeks a more powerful suitor to latch onto and help her overthrow her own husband."

"No sir, there is still plenty of law to follow inside the walls. Whether you choose to abide by them is entirely up to you."
He laughs to himself.

"I know one thing, I will be knee deep in pomegranate wine and willing harem girls by this time tomorrow."

He tosses another cake of camel dung into the dying fire.
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Re: The Caravanserai

#16 Post by Urson »

Prostitutes and Pomegranite wine are definitely things to look forward to.

I don't know where my search will lead- Xambaala is just the direction I was pointed in.
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Re: The Caravanserai

#17 Post by Grognardsw »

“What do you know of the Astrologers Tower?” Biblo asked the Ixian. He would rather split the bindings of some rare books than split a prostitute.

“Was your apprenticeship for spellcraft?” Biblo asked Maxon later. “Do you have a specialty? Perhaps we can compare notes at some point.”
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Re: The Caravanserai

#18 Post by hedgeknight »


She can't help but smile at Kain and wonders if the rest of him is as chiseled as his face and arms. But with all the talk of politics and such, Ceana grows bored and returns to her arrows, inspecting them for defects, particularly the fletching. She listens as the men talk, something she is used to doing back home.
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Re: The Caravanserai

#19 Post by Urson »

Maxon nods. I am trained as a warlock.
I have skills with the sword and magecraft.
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Re: The Caravanserai

#20 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Kain nods at the veteran's promise of payment and a night's lodging. He can't help but think of himself as the powerful suitor the whore wife is looking for. A whole town, ripe for new leadership. He shakes off the image and focuses on the current situation.

"It sounds like Xambaala is a town where you need allies. What do you all say about an arrangement? We stick together for a bit until we get our feet under us, and then if it's not working out we can go our separate ways. I know that I would enjoy the company of you all, and can be a powerful ally as well."

He catches Caena's eye and flashes a winning smile at her. "And if you're interested, I would love to accompany you to dinner while the others enjoy pomegranate wine and whores. Unless, of course, you find that preferable to dinner."
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