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Starting Out

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 5:14 pm
by jemmus

Image - Charles Russell, "Smoke of a .45"

Welcome to the game! Just a few notes to get us started.

First of all, this will be my first time GMing or even playing Boot Hill 3E. We'll be learning the system together as we go along.

I'll try to make this game as faithful to the real 1873 Texas as possible, without being a stickler about insignificant stuff. I'm originally from Texas and lived (and worked plenty) on a little farm-ranch, and my parents did the same in Oklahoma. They grew up not so far away in years from cowboy life. Some of the characters will probably based on people from that generation I've known.

The first thing, of course, is character generation. Notes on that:
-Your character can be of any ethnic background (black, white, Tejano (Mexican-descent Texan), native American, Asian, mixed). Note that at this time Texas had a fair amount of immigrants from the German states (Bavaria, Hesse, etc.) and Scotland and Ireland. As well as Anglo-Americans originally from Tennessee and North Carolina.
-Your PC can be male or female. If female, she'll probably need to be a tomboy to be able to ride with the other PCs.
-Please note that most people in Texas 1863 don't have an education beyond primary school. If you want a PC with a better education than that, you'll need to select an appropriate Skill.
-We'll use Method 2 or Method 1 for rolling up PCs. Please see this thread about character generation. ... 31#p619431

As I said in the Looking for Games or Players announcement, PCs playing lone drifters isn’t workable. The PCs need to be in a group, as with most RPG games. So eventually we need to decide on the group's overall occupation, so the encounters and story can go from there. Examples:
Bounty hunters and/or guns for hire
Outlaws – maybe like the James Gang or the Hole in the Wall Gang
Cowboys on cattle drives – likely more dangerous and exciting than it sounds
Texas Rangers – Indian fighters and outlaw hunters
Comanches or U.S. Army – lots of combat, but probably not very interesting otherwise
Ranching family – Cattle punching, herd-defending brothers and their dad (and NPC mom).

We don't have to decide on that now. The group's theme may even just emerge through game events and PCs' actions and decisions. But if you already have a preference, please PM me.

The campaign ID is 993

Any questions about the game, please post here.