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Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:27 am
by dmw71
Accepting the fact that my mapping ability is borderline abysmal, I had the idea of (when possible) finding actual images which closely resemble the location I am attempting to describe. In some cases, multiple images will be required.

Hope they help!


01. Situation at the Falls
02. New Situation at the Falls
03. Troglodyte Lair (Bog)
04. Troglodyte Lair Entrance

01. Situation at the Falls

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:43 am
by dmw71
I searched, and searched, and searched some more for a waterfall that somewhat resembled what I had envisioned. I did find one "close," but it flowed the opposite direction. Thankfully, I was able to flip the image so it's closer to what I had in mind (and what I had been describing).

There are two images. I've added notes to each, but understand they are not exactly how I had in mind and, where there are discrepancies, my description will override the actual photograph. The first image is primary. It shows the waterfall which rolls off to the right. In the game scenario, there is not as large a pool where the water lands; it more smoothly rolls off into the stream. There's also a 10' gap/passage between the waterfall/river and the cliff. Also, the "Cave will be here." note needs and arrow pointing up (there appears to be a gap in the green sections behind the waterfall; that is where the cave will be).
LR Seljalandsfoss Waterfall - Notes.jpg
LR Seljalandsfoss Waterfall - Notes.jpg (195.27 KiB) Viewed 2053 times
The second image is included to show the field/canyon which leads up to the waterfall. Except for Gwillt, all characters crossed this open field leading up to the waterfall. It is also where the humanoid band has set up camp. The cliff face is also rock, more vertical and without the greenery.
LR Seljalandsfoss Waterfall Field - Notes.jpg
LR Seljalandsfoss Waterfall Field - Notes.jpg (220.39 KiB) Viewed 2053 times

Re: Images

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:29 pm
by saalaria
Great idea - really helps to visualise and also very evocative too

Re: Images

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:48 pm
by Stonjuz
Well, that settles the mystery where dmw disasppeared to. He was off photographing the world for his adventure.

Re: Images

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:05 pm
by onlyme
Stonjuz wrote:Well, that settles the mystery where dmw disasppeared to. He was off photographing the world for his adventure.
Thank goodness he found one suitable, then. Imagine if he had to get an excavator and dig out a canyon first.

Re: Images

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:13 pm
by Alethan
Psh... if I'd known there were stairs going down the side of the mountain, I would have used those instead of the rope.

Re: Images

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:18 pm
by Computer +1
This looks like a very pretty spot for us all to be killed!

Re: Images

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:38 pm
by dmw71
Computer +1 wrote:This looks like a very pretty spot for us all to be killed!

Re: Images

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:11 pm
by onlyme
dmw71 wrote:
Computer +1 wrote:This looks like a very pretty spot for us all to be killed!

ok, so he didnt use the twisted evil sign, so his laughing is a good thing, I think . It is a rather scenic sight, well, except for the goblin and wolf entails scattered all over the place.

Re: Images

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:19 pm
by dmw71
onlyme wrote:ok, so he didnt use the twisted evil sign, so his laughing is a good thing, I think . It is a rather scenic sight, well, except for the goblin and wolf entails scattered all over the place.
Hey, I'm rooting for you guys! At the same time, I'm frequently at the mercy of the dice gods.

02. New Situation at the Falls

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:37 pm
by dmw71
I'm struggling with a bit of a head cold and not as patient as I normally might be when searching for images, but I found one that is kind of close to what I envision.

The previous images from the 01. Situation at the Falls post still more accurately represent the cliff (which isn't very high (~50 feet)), but this image is added to simply show how the forest from the south grows "into" the side of the cliff at the spot you're located. I wish I could find a more profile image, so you could more easily see where the forest touches the cliff (instead of seeing the forest in front of the cliff), but this will have to do.
cliffForest.png (129.96 KiB) Viewed 1986 times
Oh, who am I kidding? This picture is terrible. I'll try to find a more adequate one at some point.

This one is better:
forestCliff.png (517.4 KiB) Viewed 1983 times
Anyway, except in a few spots, the area where the forest meets the cliff is not dense, so movement along the base of the cliff will hardly be impacted except for those more dense areas. The trade-off being, the more dense areas will provide better coverage.

03. Troglodyte Lair (Bog)

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:44 pm
by dmw71
Here is how I imagine the bog/swamp area surrounding the troglodyte lair to look. You would currently be at the bottom of the image:
bog.png (671.74 KiB) Viewed 1802 times

04. Troglodyte Lair Entrance

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 2:18 pm
by dmw71
lairEntrance.png (1.1 MiB) Viewed 1698 times
Initial Entrance
The makeshift covering the beasts are trying to pass off as a door offers nothing in the way of actual protection; rather, it is more a simple assembly of sticks, bramble and other vegetation meant to provide concealment. No traps or anything else out of the ordinary is detected at the entrance.

Side Entrance
"...a lightly concealed hole -- like a cave entranace -- in the side of the lair. The hole itself is about three feet high and two feet wide, but even casual examination reveals that the passageway beyond basically doubles in both height and width, closely matching the single-wide passage the group previously discovered. There are no odors or sounds currently heard from within."