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Bogtown: town background information.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:59 pm
by Spearmint
Bogtown Settlement information:

please read this to familiarise yourself with the town.

Though directly south of the citadel Ironguard Motte, the trade route takes a circuitous route via the Old Dwarf Bridge that spans the wide, slow flowing Moorwash River, a journey of some eighteen miles and a sluggish seven or eight hour trek.

Regular caravans of trade traverse the route, carrying local lumber or iron ore exported from the dwarven mines of the Moon Peaks. Animal skins, swamp 'bushmeat', exotic flora and fauna, strange fungi and rare compounds are among the more unusual cargoes.

Bogtown Northwoods, neighbouring the river, are predominantly deep, murky creeks of tall Cypress groves, home to numerous predatory creatures while the Southwoods has become a haven to roving bands of humanoids and were-creatures that have fled trouble from the Barrow Moor to the west and the contested foothills of the Moon Peaks to the east.

Bogtown itself is a settlement of around five hundred permanent residents with an almost equal number of transient seasonal workers who labour as gold-panners, miners and lumberjacks. The town has a seedy reputation, being a haven for the low-born and outcasts of mainstream society. Several rogue guilds are thought to vy for 'turf' in the town though no major gang is thought to have asserted overall control of the smuggling and underworld activities.

The town dwellings are a mix of corrugated iron shanty town shacks, stilted wooden cabins and fancier stone, wattle and daub constructions. The town has several drinking establishments though the main hub of the community is the impressive Toasted Troll Tavern. Characters invariably make this their first port of call.

Scattered around the town are various cottage industries, typical iron trades and smithing, merchants hawking food or tailored garb, Verne's apothecary & pharmaceuticals. A Silver Standard depot serves warehousing needs. Several 'jack of all trades' exist, the butcher equally adept at pulling teeth, the carpenters double as a funeral directors.

A major feature of the town is an old shaft that became the town well due to the spring water flowing through caverns at the bottom. Derelict for years, it was recently refurbished and dedicated under the ministrations of an itinerant cleric of Cromm Cruach.

There are few other signs of religious faith. No church of St Ygg, no formal chapel to Cromm. A shrine to Silvanus is maintained by elves. The place also doubles as home to some bounty hunters known as the Inquisition, a fundamentalist sect that deals with lycanthropy afflicted renegades and bandits.

The administrative body is overseen by an elected town council and the Duchy appointed Mayor designate. A conscript militia generally keeps law and order and occasionally patrols the region though not in any great force.

With less restrictive rules enforced, it is no wonder the town draws people from all walks of life and class specialisms.

Players arriving in Bogtown.

please date your arrival in town and use the general or specific location threads while in Bogtown. Unlike Helix, this location is not considered a 'safe haven', therefore consider your actions as they may have unintended consequences.