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[CLOSED] Player Bennies

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:13 am
by mithrandir138
So, since we are having a hard time with the roller, I am proposing that we tack on the Bennies system from Savage Worlds, slightly modified for Castles & Crusades

Every now and then the dice may not work for you. That’s why this game gives you, the player, a little control over your hero’s fate.

Every player starts each game session with three “Bennies” (American slang for “benefits”), represented by gaming stones or other tokens that signify a little bit of good luck or fate. The Game Master may also give you more Bennies for great roleplaying, overcoming major obstacles, or even entertaining everyone with an outlandish action, side-splitting comment, or other memorable act.

You can use Bennies to reroll any attribute/SIEGE check or attack roll. You can keep spending Bennies and rerolling as long as you like, and take the best of your attempts. If you roll a 5, for example, and a Benny gets you a 4, keep the original 5 instead.

Bennies cannot be spent on damage rolls or any other roll that isn’t an attribute/SIEGE check.

How does someone get more Bennies?

The CK should hand out a Benny anytime a player does something particularly clever, finds a very important clue, or generally advances the plot. You should also hand out Bennies for great roleplaying, particularly as it concerns any hinderances or flaws in their backstory. If a character jeopardizes his life to save his comrade, he definitely deserves a Benny for his efforts. It never hurts to reward a player for a great line, side-splitting in-game joke, or even a rare serious and dramatic moment. Bribes also help. :)

Re: Player Bennies

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:33 am
by mithrandir138
Bennies have been added to the game. Closing the poll.