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Strongarm Tavern & Grill (OOC Role-play For All)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 1:16 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Step up to a table or the bar, or if you wish pick a spot around the firepit outside. This cozy dwarven tavern and eatery is run by a retired adventurer Throm Strongarm. As you can see by his burly arms where he gets his name. Having retired from his adventuring Throm now runs a respectable tavern & grill. The place staffed by a mix of races. You can see by the looks of it all are welcome. Though when an argument between a few patrons turns into what would be a brawl you notice it gets broken up by Throm himself and a big half-orc that must be the guard for the place. Things then get settled down and you notice the dwarf's offer of settling things is to have the arguing folk sit down and two options arm wrestle and a dwarf drinking game the combination makes things a bit less destructive than a brawl might. Finally with that under control those who enter are greeted by Throm himself when he is not busy.

Throm Strongarm

"What's yer pleasure? Care for a drink? Some food? How about our specialty the grill? We have a great kabob plate and some of the best dwarf spirits you can ask for."

Yup you guessed it this is the OOC area for all things chatter or if you want some role-play out of game.

Re: Strongarm Tavern & Grill (OOC For Everyone)

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 5:15 pm
by Rex
Whats on the menu for discussion today?

Re: Strongarm Tavern & Grill (OOC For Everyone)

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 5:33 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Throm "Well we got Banger's an Smash, Tide Me Overs, Miner's Pie, and pork or steak kabobs. Unless yer lookin fer something lighter we got cheese plates, or sliced meats and cheeses with crackers. Plenty of ale, or dwarf spirits if yer looking for something stronger. Some wines as well. or hot tea, or spiced cider, an this stuff I like in the morning called coffee."

Re: Strongarm Tavern & Grill (OOC For Everyone)

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 5:53 pm
by tarlyn
A black haired woman sporting golden yellow robes enters the Tavern. Scanning the room, she walks over and takes a seat.

"Good Dwarf, might I peruse your menu and have a hot beverage?"

Re: Strongarm Tavern & Grill (OOC For Everyone)

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 6:59 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Throm eyeing the woman raises a solitary eyebrow "So long as yer not causin any trouble. Paying customers be welcomed. What ya looking fer in a hot beverage? I got teas, spiced cider, coffee. Some ask for a warmed wine I suppose we can provide that if you'd like. As fer the menu I just told this fella here. We've got Bangers and Smash, Pork or steak kabobs, Miners Pie, and Time Me Overs, though most non-dwarf folk call em meatballs with sauce or gravy. If we got chicken in we can do a grilled kabob with that too."

Re: Strongarm Tavern & Grill (OOC For Everyone)

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 7:06 pm
by tarlyn
Merely smiling, she replies "I wish no trouble, unless given reason, sir", and grins slyly.

"I would have a hot ginger tea and Miner's Pie, please."

Re: Strongarm Tavern & Grill (OOC For Everyone)

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 7:33 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Throm smiles "Ah woman after me own heart, I love the miners pie. Tea will be out in a minute the pie will take a bit chef had it in the oven about half hour ago should be ready in maybe ten minutes." the dwarf goes and stops on of the gnomes working for him and has them go fetch the tea. About 2 minutes later the gnome returns with a tall clay mug steam coming from it and the smell of ginger the gnome hands it to the woman. Throm goes back to the good sir that asked a moment ago about food and drink.

Re: Strongarm Tavern & Grill (OOC Role-play For All)

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 6:15 pm
by RiverGreenForest

Pushing the doors open a stocky dwarf wearing a plain tunic of dark green, black trousers, and a blacksmith's apron walks into the Tavern. Eyeing the room with a tired but calm demeanor he spots an open seat at the front of the tavern and makes it towards the front to sit down.

"Ah, good sir! I like a mug of your finest Dwarven ale and a menu of your finest food to fill me gut!" said the Dwarf with a big smile on his coal smudged face.