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Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 11:27 pm
by Paladin
This is where we will kick off our first foray outside the city walls. Good luck!"

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 1:58 am
by Bluetongue
Shylock Cravat

His euphoria at successfully bypassing the guards is swiftly calmed as he sees the half dozen mounted guards start chasing them We can't outrun them in the wagon.

"Out fighting them we could do but to what purpose? Maybe a better strategy is to recruit them? Extra meat shields to protect us against the caravan raiders. As long as the raids are stopped then Kazim won't mind who takes the glory for it. Maybe better for him if his rivals thought the city guards halted their raids."

The halfling looks ahead for a suitable place we can face off with the guards and anyone with charm skills can get to work. He points to a derelict building or copse of trees as options to pullover. He then climbs into the back of the wagon to pull open a barrel lid to use as a wooden shield in case the pursuers let fly some arrows.

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:31 am
by cybersavant
Corthalis Aelvynwynne looks over at the Halfling. "We could try that. Course, that's only temporary, and once they come out of it will be surlier than ever."

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 2:50 pm
by tarlyn

The big barbarian pulls the hood off of her head and pokes her head up and out of the hay.

Looking back at their pursuers she begins counting on her fingers, mouthing each number in a low whisper .. One.. two ... three .. four ..

Stopping at what she thinks is the right number, but can't be sure.

"No think they help us. They more afraid of an idiot than us. Instead kill, maybe just beat them all and tie them up or send back

to city in defeat."

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 4:10 pm
by Darklin2

Continues whacking the horses to keep speed up.

We will have to take them out. I have no spells left since I healed everyone this morning so let's get as far from the gates as possible so they don't see what is happening. If we take them out it will provide you all with horses and we can send back the survivors. Maybe that will save us some face when we return to the city. If we can take them out with out killing any we would be better off. Now someone take the cover off the wagon and roll it up so they don't set it aflame. Stick it in the chest for safe keeping. Use the flat of your blades. If we kill any we will never be allowed back.

Keeps driving he horses.

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 4:29 pm
by Grognardsw
Gil, barbarian skald


Gil peeks out the back of the wagon at the pursuing riders. He nocks an arrow to his bow, ready to fire.

The barbarian waits to see if the elves may use spells as the riders get in range. He hears the chatter going on in the driver's seat.

"By Kord! They will not befriend
Against their blades we will fend,"

Gil yells up to Shylock.

"Can you turn those wolves to sheep
Under ensorcellment of sleep?
Either men or horse
'Ere we take more violent course?"

Gil exclaims to the elves.

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:10 pm
by tarlyn

"Maybe we can trick guards? Get out of their, view, farther,,,,, find good place one or two of us to get off and hide.

Let them pass, we follow and P-O-W!!, we sneak up behind and surprise attack.... Maybe Gil and me cause

we fast on feet."

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:17 am
by cybersavant
Corthalis Aelvynwynne turns back to look at those in the back of the wagon. "I have a spell or two, but they'll have to be close. There's no guarantee it will affect all of them though. Stealing their horses may be just a bad as killing them. Why do we want to go back to a plague infested city?"

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:43 pm
by Paladin
The Chase is On... Outside the Walls, Late Morning

The road stretches interminably before you. Where once was a thriving suburb of the city, now you see only empty, decaying structures that were once homes and shops, abandoned for fear of the dead. They litter both sides of the road and grow more sparse as you continue. The riders draw closer, steadily bridging the gap but still out of bowshot.

As the paved road plows through the white sand, so your wagon rumbles into the waste, far from what passes for civilization within the walls behind you.

Gil - 36/39
Jasmine - 51/55
Corthalis - 10/10
Alec - 22/22
Shylock 23/23

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 9:23 pm
by Bluetongue
Shylock Cravat

"Turn by that large shack over there just before the trail rises into the dune." The halfling points to the left at a detached hovel, overgrown with weeds and strewn rubble.

"Carry on a hundred yards and then halt the wagon at the dune. Make a stand there."

He grabs his shortbow and once the wagon turns and he is momentarily out of sight of the chasing posse, the rogue leaps from the wagon and rolls away to take cover in an old latrine shed. He hopes the posse pass him by and he can snipe at the horsemen from the rear.

He hopes too the wagon does indeed stop and not presses on escaping with their load so insignificantly lightened.

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:50 pm
by cybersavant
Corthalis Aelvynwynne looks to the departed Halfling, then the others. "So, is that our plan, then?"

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:58 am
by Grognardsw
Gil, barbarian skald

The wagon trumbles along as the northmen grunts then responds to Cort in his cursed verse.

“‘Tis is as good as any
Blood will flow aplenty.”

Kneeling down behind all the gear for partial cover (AC bonus), Gil waits for the horsemen to get in range then lets fly with arrows.
Assuming we’ll get some missiles off before initiative is required, unless they’re horseback archers.

Gil short bow +2 Dex mod : [1d20+2] = 14+2 = 16 damage [1d6] = 1, [1d20+2] = 11+2 = 13 damage [1d6] = 2

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:23 am
by tarlyn

Unhappy with the idea of waiting for her foes, Jasmine snorts her disdain and unstraps her Two Handed blade, hiding next to Gil.

Whispering, she says :

"I not happy waiting. Very very bad for our foes who coming. Need to get some exercise and hurt them, then I feel better."

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:12 am
by cybersavant
Corthalis Aelvynwynne short bow thac0 19 [1d20] = 7[1d6] = 2[1d20] = 4[1d6] = 3

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 1:22 pm
by Darklin2

Reins in the horses and whips it in beside the shack. Slowing down to let the others jump out if that is their intent. He moves on slowly ahead into the maze of shacks and run down houses. Only about a hundred yards and stops strapping the reins to the brake and jumping off with his pack and bow in tow. And looks for cover to find a good sniper spot on a shack that will hold his weight.

Spread out and find cover. We spring the trap if they follow us. No Prisoners.

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:35 pm
by Paladin
The Chase is On...Abandoned Suburbs , Late Morning

Arrows fall harmlessly to either side of the oncoming riders. Two of the barbarians return fire and their bows prove equally impotent at this range. Alec weaves through the sparsely-scattered derelict buildings and swerves to one side before parking the wagon and slipping into the ruins.

The riders are gaining fast now, but you still have a moment to prepare before they're upon you.

Gil - 36/39
Jasmine - 51/55
Corthalis - 10/10
Alec - 22/22
Shylock 23/23

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:41 pm
by Bluetongue
Shylock Cravat

Half buried amid the sand and rubble, the halfling watches, waiting for the horsemen to ride by the derelict shack.

As the last rider passes him by and spurs onwards towards the stopped wagon he aims at the guard and pops off a couple of quickfire arrows, counting the yardage as seconds to release.

"Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, release ... "hitting the figure at the limit of his short range. (any bonus for attacking from rear? Usually +2 and opponent minus dex)

Shylock shortbow at short range: [1d20+4] = 11+4 = 15 damage [1d6] = 2 [1d20+4] = 8+4 = 12 damage [1d6] = 3

His next action depends on if the rider falls from the mount or u-turns to engage him.

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:19 pm
by tarlyn

Jasmine waits until the last possible moment and jumps out at one of the last guards, attempting to grab him, and toss him off his horse!

Grab a guard, toss him off his horse [1d20] = 9

Son of a !!!!!! Ask me for a saving throw , bam! I'll make it lol.. ho hum

Thaco for Jasmine is 17 so I am presuming it misses, unless she surprises her rider as she was waiting until the last possible

moment. She does have the "Jumping " skill as per Barbarians in Unearthed Arcana if that helps any.

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:17 am
by cybersavant
Corthalis Aelvynwynne jumps off the slowing wagon and secretes himself in a good spot to rattle off a sleep spell once the pursuers are in range.

Re: Upon the Desert Road (IC - Outside the City)

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 3:19 am
by Grognardsw
Gil bristles at his missed shots and quickly fires another pair of arrows, then readies for close combat.
The previous round’s 16 would hit AC 2 and I waited until they were in range. Was that still a miss?

This round rolls:

Gil short bow +2 Dex mod : [1d20+2] = 18+2 = 20 damage [1d6] = 5, [1d20+2] = 15+2 = 17 damage [1d6] = 6