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Nobles, Merchants, and Scoundrels (NPC's)

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:40 pm
by Paladin
Aku Ha'rim

A tall, thin man. Dark-skinned and black-eyed with a hooked nose and neatly-trimmed beard which gleamed with oil. He met you near the Great Gate and offered his services as a guide in return for coin to buy food, claiming that he hadn't eaten for days. You rejected his offer out of hand and left him mid-sentence. He watched you go, but did not protest or try to stop you.

He dressed in clean, well-made garments and had the air of a wealthy man. No weapons adorned his person--none that were visible, at least. He had no associates with him during your encounter. He was well-disposed toward Gil and disliked Jasmine's manner. To Barlow he appeared neutral.

Re: Nobles, Merchants, and Scoundrels (NPC's)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 10:51 pm
by Paladin

A slave-trader encountered in Kazak's tavern, The Vulgar Unicorn. He offered to pay 100 gold pieces for Jasmine and Gil accepted the money, then promptly bet the gold on a bout between Jasmine and a bruiser named Chin in the arena.

Jasmine was knocked out and the merchant thus lost his money and fell victim to fraud. He now nurses a grudge against Gil and has vowed to kill him. He and his men have failed and attacked the party, only to be rebuffed by Gil and Jasmine's tough swordplay and a lucky strike to the eye by Gil's war-hawk.

Re: Nobles, Merchants, and Scoundrels (NPC's)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 10:55 pm
by Paladin

A huge man topping seven feet tall and broad as an oak tree, Kazak is from the steppes to the far north and east. He came to Nuz Edrak to start a business and retire from sword-slinging. The Unicorn has become very successful and the arena daily draws a crowd.

He has employed the party in hopes of discovering the identities of the thieves attacking his caravans on the trade route and putting them to the sword.