Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

Samwell Turleton
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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#61 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Two dogs are attacking Wyatte and one dog is attacking Lenny. There are three handlers standing at different openings to the boulder field, one to the south, one to the west, and one to the north and each brought a dog to the fight.
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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#62 Post by Samwell Turleton »

George saws into the ropes with his knife. The tightly braided rope frays and splits with a snap, snap, snap and the weights fall to the ground. He is able to move freely again.

Wyatte’s hand reaches for his six shooter and he fires off a shot at the handler. Did he get him? The sheriff can’t quite tell as he follows up with the painted dog biting into his arm.

His shotgun fell within easy reach. Wyatte drops the six shooter and reaches for the bigger gun. The barrel swings around pressing into the belly of the wild dog and he pulls the trigger. The carcass slides down the barrel of the shotgun.

Lenny looms over the dog with his shovel raised over his head and brings it down on the back of the painted dog with a crack. The blade of the shovel bites into its back and Lenny twists it with a grunt. The cracking sounds may haunt you. The wild dog goes limp.

-6 vitality painted dog 3 (dead)
-5 vitality painted dog 2 (dead)
-2 vitality handler 2
Two of the three dogs are dead. The handler did get hit.
Please give a 2d6 assess roll

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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#64 Post by Marullus »

Assess: Lenny [2d6] = 4 George [2d6-1] = 8-1 = 7

Clambering to his feet, George's eyes narrow as he sees the handlers who intentionally set the dogs on him. There's a lot of wierd stuff in this world, but retribution, at least, is simple. He whips the knife in his hand at the man with deadly force [Greusome Twosome: 4 harm]
George throws knife [2d6+2] = 6+2 = 8

Lenny never liked bitey dogs. Only nice, fluffy dogs. He brings the shovel down in a fierce arc at the last canine so it can't threaten them any more. [Greusome Twosome: 6 harm]
Lenny hits with shovel [2d6+3] = 7+3 = 10
For recordkeeping: The two harm taken by George are shared, 1 each by George and Lenny. This is why blood bloomed on Lenny's leg when George got bit.
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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#65 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Turn Order:
Handler 3
Painted Dog 1
Handler 2
Handler 1

Wyatte will take the first action going into this next round and I will work that into my next post with Lenny and George's attacks.

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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#66 Post by Bluehorse »

Sheriff Wyatte

Chu-chuck! BAM! Chu-chuck! BAM! dog 1 and Handler 3 find themselves in the bandit cum Sheriff's sights as he continues using his shotgun with accuracy born of desperation and an over developed sense of vengeance.

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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#67 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Wyatte cocks the hammer of the second shotgun barrel and fires at the wild dog. Pellets rip into its side as it comes at you with a renewed fury. The dog bites down on your forearm and clamps its jaw. The spray careens wildly against the stone and it also hits the attacker to the west.

The handler coming up on George (#3) draws his knife. George is quicker to draw his and throws it accurately into the man's shoulder and the attacker's arm goes limp. He cries out both with the pain and with the thrust of his own attack towards George's abdomen. Jeremiah tries to intervene but is too slow before the blade cuts into George's side.

The handler from the western opening (#2) has pulled a shotgun from a holster on his back and seeing an opportunity aims into the group of George, Lenny, and Jeremiah. Lenny takes the worst of it as he cuts across the path of the fire to bring his shovel down on the last dog. He helps pry the dog off the sheriff's arm with the blow.

While you struggle with the attackers the black liquid continues to seep from the stone so that the whole surface of the stone is a slick, shiny black with the corrosive fluid. It appears to be bubbling still from the holes but Loam is deep set with concentration, standing at the center of the stone, waving his walking staff back and forth over the surface. Without any better guess it appears he is trying to counteract the spread of the liquid with limited success. The liquid is creeping towards Wyatte as you are restrained on the ground.

Handler 2, -3 Vitality (Wyatte's Shotgun)
Handler 3, -4 Vitality (George's thrown knife)
George, -2 Vitality (Knife attack)
Wyatte, -1 Vitality (Dog bite)
Lenny, -3 Vitality (Shotgun attack)
Painted Dog, -6 Vitality (Dead)

Sheriff - Attack [2d6+2] = 9+2 = 11
Handler 3
Handler 3 - Knife [2d6] = 8
Jeremiah [2d6] = 3
Painted Dog 1
Painted Dog 1 - Bite [2d6] = 9
Handler 2
Handler 2 - Shotgun [2d6] = 8
George throws knife [2d6+2] = 6+2 = 8
Loam [2d6] = 7
Handler 1
Handler 1 - 6 Shooter [2d6] = 4
Lenny hits with shovel [2d6+3] = 7+3 = 10

Handler 1 - 6 Shooter [2d6] = 4, Handler 2 - Shotgun [2d6] = 8, Handler 3 - Knife [2d6] = 8, Painted Dog 1 - Bite [2d6] = 9
Jeremiah [2d6] = 3, Loam [2d6] = 7
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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#68 Post by Samwell Turleton »

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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#70 Post by Marullus »

Lenny: X X X X | O O O O
George: X X X O | O O O O

The shotgun pellets tear through Lenny, pocking his flesh, and the large man sees red, and not just from the blood. He lets loose a gutteral roar and brains Handler 2 with his shovel. (6 Harm, Greusome Twosome)

George winces and buckles as Lenny is shot, holding his own abdomen and the knife-wound where this pigsticker got him. He feints back and grabs his shovel off the ground and brings it up in a vicious uppercut to Handler 3. (6 Harm, Greusome Twosome)

With their assailants dropping and the black ooze approaching behind, George picks up both his own knife and the one the handler used to stab him and tucks them in his belt. He checks the man's pockets for good measure. Both he and Lenny step into the clefts in time to get clear of the ooze, leaving the third man on the other side of the circle to Wyatt and his guns.

Shovelin': Lenny [2d6+3] = 7+3 = 10 George [2d6+2] = 5+2 = 7
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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#71 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Lenny hefts his shovel up over his shoulder and his abdomen burns with the movement. He brains the handler who reflexively fires his last shell. It tears through Lenny's side.

Handler 1 moves carefully around the edges of the stone and is distracted by what is happening behind Wyatte. He fires a shot in Wyatte's direction but it flies wide.

George sweeps his shovel upward forcefully and the strike lifts the attacker off of his feet. He falls backwards into the stone and hits his head hard against the rock. He slumps against the stone surface in a seated position. George quickly searches his body and find a woven muzzle looped on a belt and 5 gold pieces.

Loam continues to counteract the spread of the black viscous liquid but it has reached Wyatte as he remains bound on the ground. It rots through the back of his clothing and starts to corrode the skin his back and shoulder. The liquid around Loam is surging around him like stalagmites of molasses. He continues to wave his staff but the thick black liquid oozes over him.

Jeremiah rushes from George's side to Lenny's aid and throws his knife into the chest of the Handler. He falls onto his back with the knife protruding from his torso, coughs, and slows his movements on the ground.

Wyatte returns fire on Handler 1 and hits his knee. He goes to the ground but still has some fight left in him.

Lenny, Jeremiah, and George turn to see Loam getting engulfed as the head of an immense serpent forms out of the black liquid from the stone. The body is accelerating out of the liquid behind the head as it moves north.

Handler 3, -3 Vitality (Dead)
Handler 2, -3 Vitality (Shovel) and -2 Vitality (Knife) = (Dead)
Handler 1, -2 Vitality, Hobbled (Bullet)
Lenny, -3 Vitality (Shotgun)
Wyatte, -1 Vitality (Black liquid)

Notes: Gruesome Twosome: once a day skill so I am using the base damage of the weapons.
Throw Lead: requires both the use of the shotgun and the six shooter. You are currently out of ammo in the shotgun so this skill is not available this turn, however, you can fire the shot with your six shooter.

Shovelin': Lenny [2d6+3] = 7+3 = 10
Handler 1
Handler 1 - 6 Shooter [2d6] = 3
Shovelin': George [2d6+2] = 5+2 = 7
Loam [2d6] = 8
Handler 2
Handler 2 - Shotgun [2d6] = 7
Jeremiah [2d6] = 11
Handler 3
Throw Lead [2d6+2] = 9+2 = 11

Handler 1 - 6 Shooter [2d6] = 3, Handler 2 - Shotgun [2d6] = 7
Jeremiah [2d6] = 11, Loam [2d6] = 8
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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#72 Post by Samwell Turleton »

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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#73 Post by Samwell Turleton »

The serpent's body continues to rapidly emerge from the center stone. As the head lifts over the boulders a set of shimmering, vibrating wings flutter rapidly at the base of its head. The wings shake off black liquid in tiny droplets and you are fortunate not to have it touch your skin. The wings are an iridescent multicolored vibration as the black liquid covered body comes from the ground. The body looms over the boulders and drips black liquid beneath it as it begins to encircle the boulder field.
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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#74 Post by Samwell Turleton »

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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#76 Post by Marullus »

Lenny: X X X X | X X X O
George: X X X O | O O O O

George screams in pain as Lenny takes a full shotgun blast in the abdomen. Rather than hiding in his own cleft, he leaps over the collapsed bodies and hurries to Lenny as the larger man slumps down and sits.

"I' cold, George. Don' like getting shot," slurs Lenny.
"Ain' expecting you to like getting shot," snips George as he digs through his satchel for rags to staunch the bleeding.
"Hells, Lenny... No, don't you give up on me. You remember when Cooner shot himself in the foot? This ain' no worse than that. You... no, no... you just keep awake there. You tell me about Cooner, yeah? This ain' gonna be bad at all..."

George cleans and wraps the wound, hoping it's not as bad as it looks. Once Lenny is taken care of and his bleeding stopped, he'll take care of his own knife wound, which is shallow by comparison.

The giant snake made of liquid goo emerges behind him as he works, the Sheriff's guns still firing, but George ignores it. Ain't nothing going to distract him from saving Lenny. No rabid dogs, no giant goo snakes, no weird hoodoo prophets.

"The sparkle snake comin' out, George," says Lenny reverently. "He gonna break the light, he not careful. Gotta be gentle with touches, but it breaks it."
"You don't worry about no giant snake, Len. Ain' no snake gonna break you, and it ain' gonna blight our farm's plants, neither. You just stay with me."
Can't access books right now to look up wound healing, but the Backbone rolls for Helping are here:
George Checking the Gunshot wounds: On Lenny [2d6+3] = 3+3 = 6 Then On George [2d6+3] = 6+3 = 9

Please arbitrate the success and let me know the outcome. I think we can also drink water? If so, George administers that, too. Want to get Lenny back below 4 wounds, if not healed better.
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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#77 Post by Samwell Turleton »

This is a good opportunity for a little rules summary/review:

Vitality and Harm: To heal Harm, a character must rest for one night or have another character Give Aid. If this is done, they regain +1 Vitality. First aid is a free action, but you can only receive it once per injury or status condition.

Water: You may choose to take a drink in order to decrease the amount of Harm taken to 0 or change the outcome of a dice roll to an automatic 12. I believe you are intended to use it as the Harm is taken. For this encounter, if you want to retroactively undo harm up to this point then you can specify the attack and reduce that Harm to 0 with a drink of water.

Items: Some effects and Vitality can be regained through the use of items.

Unstable: If you take more than 4 Harm, the character is rendered Unstable. An unstable character will slowly deteriorate until they are healed or killed. I don't see rules around that deterioration defined further. I am thinking it would be on the same timer as water consumption - 3 times per day.
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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#78 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Marullus - Let me know if you want to make any adjustments to how you respond to the damage or I will go ahead as you noted in your last post.
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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#79 Post by Marullus »

I would like to subtract 3 Water to handle that last shotgun blast on Lenny.

I just rolled the Give Aid for each, with a failure on Lenny and success in George. That leaves four Harm on Lenny and two on George. With their special twin ability, I will level that to three Harm each.

I think the IC role-play can stand as-is.
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Re: Tale #1a: The Pygmy Goat Ranch

#80 Post by Samwell Turleton »

I am reading the rules as written to be for the use of 1 water to negate all the harm of one incident. I am open to either approach.
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