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Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:37 pm
by ragnboneshopper
I let my kids tell me what to carve into the pumpkin we get each year. This year it was triangle eyes turned on their sides so they pointed off in one direction, two little holes for a pig nose, and a gaping mouth with no teeth, looking like it was howling. The crazy squirrels here ate the mouth out even more by halloween night, which made it look kind of ragged and really spooky. Never had squirrels eat my halloween pumpkin before living here, but we have some strange squirrels. :lol:

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:22 am
by Majik
or tasty pumpkins. :)

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:54 am
by Majik
So... now with Farifax in the group, wha'S the marching order? Fairfax will take whatever position, but I assume there is a fightrer in the back to watch for sneak attacks?

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 1:34 am
by Grognardsw
I vote for going in the tower by a window. The magic rope can be handy there. Maybe we can try the crystal on the sorcerer if we find him.

Rags, was Thurinor able to bottle up some of that acid?

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:12 am
by Sir Clarence
Grognardsw wrote:I vote for going in the tower by a window. The magic rope can be handy there. Maybe we can try the crystal on the sorcerer if we find him.

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:16 pm
by ragnboneshopper
Grognardsw wrote:I vote for going in the tower by a window. The magic rope can be handy there. Maybe we can try the crystal on the sorcerer if we find him.

Rags, was Thurinor able to bottle up some of that acid?

Definitely, you've got three makeshift bottles of acid. I'll treat them like flasks of oil that break on impact and have the chance to do 1d6 damage on a hit. Obviously there are non-combat uses as well.

And through the window using the magic rope is absolutely feasible. There are places the rope could tie itself around. Then it's a matter of getting through the window, which looks to be a casement window, many-paned (hard to break through, swings open like a door, may or may not be latched from within).

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:36 pm
by ragnboneshopper
Majik wrote:So... now with Farifax in the group, wha'S the marching order? Fairfax will take whatever position, but I assume there is a fightrer in the back to watch for sneak attacks?
Here's the current single-file marching order. You want Fairfax toward the rear, Majik?


Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 2:06 am
by Majik
Going through the window sounds like a good plan.

As for Fairfax... he is not quite, metal armour and the grace of a fighter (and all that).
So mid to back of the pack might be best... of course he can take turns in the front from time to time.

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:05 am
by ragnboneshopper
Majik wrote:Going through the window sounds like a good plan.

As for Fairfax... he is not quite, metal armour and the grace of a fighter (and all that).
So mid to back of the pack might be best... of course he can take turns in the front from time to time.
Ok, how does the following look? (And btw, I'm moving this to the Party Status page, which makes good sense to me. I'll likely delete the Marching Order page.)

Marching Order - 5’ Wide Corridor/Passage


Marching Order - 10’ Wide Corridor/Passage


Marching Order - Outdoors/Open Space

.........[OG] [SW]
[M] [OZ] [F] [T] [ST] [A]

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:31 pm
by onlyme
works for me...

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:35 pm
by saalaria
All good for me too..

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:59 am
by Majik
Once more into the breach...

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:25 pm
by ragnboneshopper
Cool beans.

Btw, I forgot I should have awarded Ozborn some XP for finding the trap in the basement there by the acid vat. Take 60 XP there, Chubby! (I figure you saved six levels worth of your friends, x10 XP each)

About to update...

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:37 am
by Majik
lucky! :)

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:12 pm
by ChubbyPixie
ragnboneshopper wrote:Cool beans.

Btw, I forgot I should have awarded Ozborn some XP for finding the trap in the basement there by the acid vat. Take 60 XP there, Chubby! (I figure you saved six levels worth of your friends, x10 XP each)

About to update...

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:56 pm
by ragnboneshopper
Hey guys, real quick, what would you like NPCs to do as you climb into the tower? Some things to note:

- Ogirdor is willing to climb up into the tower and doesn't mind going near the front. He's grim and determined to make sure that no more unnatural happenings occur in connection with this tower.
- Stonjuz is terribly eager to get into the tower. He's just not sure about climbing the rope and prefers to go up in the middle of the pack.
- "Froggy" the bullywug friend is clearly not going inside at this time. He's had enough after the basement. He's shaking visibly. You wouldn't be surprised if he eventually bolts, though you might be able to convince him to hang around.

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 3:39 am
by Majik
Fairfax just met everyone, so he has little to say.

I on the other hand suggest the NPC/party members stay out side as a reserve guard (coming to the rescue if needed), and keep the bullywug from running... errr, hopping away.

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 3:44 am
by Grognardsw
Let's get Ogirdor up and in. Thurinor would climb in with a fighter like him behind him.

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:16 am
by saalaria
I agree with Grog. Og is more useful inside. If you can try and open the door, it will be easier for the rest of us. Hopefully its just a handle on the other side!!

Re: OCC Thread

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:28 pm
by ragnboneshopper
As per custom I tried to assemble the majority view of things based on in-character actions and OOC comments. It seemed that most everyone wanted to wait outside or at least wait until others had gone inside first. Two were in favor of having Og go in with Thurinor, which is in Og's interests as a protector of nature, so that's the middle ground that I chose to go with.

As a party, you have seemed fairly evenly split on whether or not to even explore the tower further. Though perhaps some of that is just playing your characters' personalities, there seems to be a fair amount of resistance to messing with this tower any further. Might it be good to iron out exactly what you're trying to accomplish here in a broad sense, out of character, and make sure everyone is on board? If you're all ok, I'm ok, but I mention it just in case.

Remember that I'm running this campaign as a sandbox. You don't have to do everything, don't have to fight everything, don't have to solve anything you don't want to solve. There will undoubtedly be consequences based on whatever you choose to do (leave a mad sorcerer behind you, he might decide he wants to kill you; go into his tower to kill him, it may be tough; and so on), but the adventure will not at all break down if you choose to "go off the rails," so to speak.

Hope everyone is having a good holiday! :D