Adventure Section 1.0

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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#81 Post by MajorTom »

Storyck is quick to raise his hand. "I could use a gyrojet weapon and some ammo, if you got it to spare."
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#82 Post by Hagakuri »

(OOC: Yes, Thomas is a human.) "If T'prin wishes to seek information here in town, I see no problem with that". Thomas says turning to T'prin. Thomas turns to the host; "Mr. Garret, sir when is your transport scheduled to leave, do we have perhaps half a day or so? Secondly, have you had any other incidents like this or perhaps threats, written or oral"?
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#83 Post by Hagakuri »

"Also, I wouldn't say no to a needler rifle, if it isn't too much trouble." Thomas says to Garret.
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#84 Post by pdunwin »

"I have my spear," says Borble. "Defensive gear would be wise, if we can find out what kinds of weapons might be used against us. Other than that, I'm ready to go."

It's no secret that dralasites can sometimes detect lies, so Borble doesn't feel particularly bad about focusing his senses on Garrett in that way. He's never been terribly good at this "trick" of his race, but he finds it worth practicing.

Using lie detection (5%) on Garrett.
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#85 Post by cryominer »

Vigg is almost in shock with the 110 credits per day... wow!

"Boss Garret, I could use a needler pistol... I'm not much of a fighter. However, I could use some more doze, tangler, and frag grenades as well as any blasting caps, fuses, or remote detonators and some plastic explosives.... of course, if that is too much, the grenades and the needler would really help..."
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#86 Post by cryominer »

Hagakuri wrote:Thomas turns to T'prin. " I feel that if any of us have law enforcement contacts perhaps we could ask those ruffians a few questions. "in addition, a future visit to this company town may be in order."
Vigg says to both of them growing a new pod at the same time to get to his normal 4 limbs, "well, those gun-happy humans certainly aren't miners! They had the cleanest and most manicured hands I have every seen on a human! Like robots, they were! Perhaps they were hired by someone else?"
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#87 Post by Teflon »

t'prin places his hand over his face"
'their hands, i didn't even notice."
"good catch my friend.Another piece of the puzzle."
(ooc question for the game master, in my search for rival mining companies, were there any that were into molybednium mines?)
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#88 Post by Hagakuri »

"That was a very astute observation my Dralasite friend." Thomas says to Vigg. "I wouldn't have even thought to look."
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#89 Post by Hagakuri »

"Perhaps we should attempt to talk to them anyway." Thomas muses to the group. "Maybe we could tell the authorities that we are contracted to Garret Mining, that may slip some gears." Thomas finishes.
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#90 Post by Harpoonrgm84a »

Garret takes down notes and then says, "I will be right back. Please, make yourselves comfortable." Garret walks out of the office and is gone for about 10 minutes. When he returns, he has another human in tow and they are carrying a load of items. The both put the items down on the table before you. The helping human is thanked and he quickly leaves. Garret points to the pile and says, "Here is some help for you."

On the table you find the following items: 1 Gyrojet Pistol with a full clip, a box containing 15 grenades (5 doze, 5 tangler, and 5 fragmentation), 1 Needler Rifle with one full clip, 1 Needler Pistol with one full clip, and 6 Civilian Skeinsuits.

Garret says, "This should get you started. You can pick up more ammo down the plaza if you need it. Also, here is your first days pay." He hands you each 110 credits (Don't forget, half of that goes toward regular things like rent, food, etc, so you end up with 55 credits each.) "Now, go do what you need to do, but please be at landing pad Eta 1 in 4 hours. We launch at that time. Again, thank you for helping me in this endeavor."
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#91 Post by MajorTom »

Storyck wonders again, "So maybe they be outside agitators. We find out." Even as he is speaking though, his mind is on getting a real gyrojet weapon. Something a whole lot better than the makeshift weapons and chemical ammo that he and his cousins used to make and shoot back at the farm.
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#92 Post by MajorTom »

When the pile of weapons and equipment is brought in, Storyck is quick to his feet to take a look. He picks up the gyrojet pistol and hefts it in his hand. He quickly does a safety check, ejecting the clip and checking the breech. He inspects it thoroughly, not so much checking it over but savoring the fact that he is holding a real gyrojet pistol. Then he looks around guiltily, replaces the clip and returns it to the holster. He looks at the skeinsuits and picks out the one that was clearly intended for him.

"Hokay, I be at the landing pad in 4 hours." He checks his chronocom and then adds. "I be getting more ammo before we go." If anyone else is headed in that direction, Storyck will go with them, introduce himself and try to find out more about the others. He is especially interested in talking to a dralasite and yazirian as he has no experience with either.
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#93 Post by Hagakuri »

Thomas turns to Garret; "Thank you sir, this equipment should be very helpful." Thomas turns to the group; "Well, we have four hours, so what is the plan?"
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#94 Post by Hagakuri »

Thomas then picks up the needler rifle and ensures it is on safe, ejects the magazine and checks the action. He slings it over his shoulder and picks up one of the civilian skeinsuits that looks like it might fit. Almost as an afterthought he grabs two doze grenades.
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#95 Post by MajorTom »

"I'm gonna go to the plaza and get more jetclips for me new pistol," Storyck tells Thomas. "Then I wanna be getting something to eat before we be goin to the mine."
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#96 Post by Jaakari »

From the anteroom where the receptionist had been sitting came the sound of the door opening and closing. A voice, presumably human calls out, “Chief, I’ve reviewed the...” the voice trailed off when the owner of the voice came into the room, dressed in well-used coveralls, he took in the scene and the four sentiments grabbing weapons from a box and almost colliding with one of them who seemed intent on exiting through the door “Sorry Garrett, I didn’t realize you had company. Everything on the list is done...”. The dark-haired human took a good look at the others in the room, interesting group.

((OOC: greetings to all. I’ve been working a great deal and got the go ahead on joining a few days ago. Looking forward to the play))
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#97 Post by MajorTom »

A large but youngish human male looks up from where he was examining a gyrojet pistol. He steps over to the newcomer and says, "Hi, I be Storyck, or Rick for short. You be goin with us? What be your name?"
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#98 Post by Hagakuri »

"I'm Thomas, Hello," the slight, brown haired human says, extending his hand.
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#99 Post by Jaakari »

The newcomer nodded at the big fellow, ‘Stork’ was certainly not a good descriptor at all. He could see why ‘Rick’ might be a better fit, though ‘Rock’ might be even more apt. His own sallow skinned face has a lean look to it, or it might have been the bluish lithium paste grease that streaked it and his battered coveralls. One wondered whether he ever heard of gloves. “I’m Lloyd, been working a few odd jobs... getting The Chief’s drone programming in line.” he gestured at Rick’s pistol, “have a care with your iron, there.”

“As to your question, that depends... are you part of the Project?”
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Re: Adventure Section 1.0

#100 Post by Jaakari »

Almost reflexively he put out his hand to grasp Thomas’. “Lloyd,” he said, “Lloyd Niles.” Thomas might not realize until after he’s shaken it that Lloyd’s hand had bright bluish grey paste on it, now Thomas was so anointed.
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