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Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:26 pm
by ybn1197
The barmaid nods at Hradian as to covering Flynn's wine as she puts his mug down and proceeds to deliver Flynn his water. Making her way up the bar she points at Wharram, "'Ere now, we'll have no ruckus here tonight," she says jokingly while grabbing him a mug and filling it with ale. She places the mug down before Wharram and moves back over to Loch. "What's there to say that you probably don't already know. 'Ere you are looking into the matter so you must already know about as much as any of us do. A couple of months ago, more and more rodents were found around almost everyone's farm. No one thought much of it, 'twern't the first time the rodent population swelled. It happens. But then some of the farmers they contracted Slough Pox. You have to understand that happens when the rodents swell. There's no cure for it so you have to be careful round them but this time it's like the rats are looking for a fight. Most times you leave them alone they leave you alone. But I hear tell one of them rats jumped on ole man Ogden's back and bit the bejeezes out of his ear. Well, it weren't long after that that some of the livestock went missing. And I don't mean they wandered off. The farmers were able to follow some of the tracks and they met up with some right nasty tracks that we can't make heads nor tails of."

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:59 pm
by Urson

T'ank you, brudderman!

Flynn picks at his guitar quietly, seeming to be unaware of the discussion- until he looks up to ask
Has you heard, dear lady- does de tracks maybe look like rat footprints, but way too large to be so?

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 6:50 pm
by Rex

Loch waits until no one else is near and in a low voice. "Sounds like something is controlling the rats. I am not good with magic, but I will check on where the livestock was last seen and see what I can figure out. Any other ideas?

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 10:32 pm
by hammerHead

Agreed, we can follow the tracks.

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 8:56 am
by shaidar
Wharram nods at the suggestions "Didn't the smith also say that those that feel ill came from a specific part of the town, before they moved them all. We could also check that out as well."

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:15 pm
by Thulsa-Doom

If we start at that specific part of town we might be able to take care of all of those suggestions.

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:40 pm
by Urson

The Bard continues his guitar playing, nodding at random points as the others speak. Jah knows, we mus' start somewheres.

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 7:17 pm
by ybn1197
Urson wrote:Flynn

T'ank you, brudderman!

Flynn picks at his guitar quietly, seeming to be unaware of the discussion- until he looks up to ask
Has you heard, dear lady- does de tracks maybe look like rat footprints, but way too large to be so?
Roll Gather Information (Charisma)

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:28 pm
by Urson

[1d20] = 2+3 Cha: 18 (+3)


Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:19 am
by hammerHead
Urson wrote:Flynn

[1d20] = 2+3 Cha: 18 (+3)

No oops! That flynn is one smooth customer, thinks Hradian to himself after polishing off his ale.

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:24 pm
by ybn1197
Urson wrote:Flynn

[1d20] = 2+3 Cha: 18 (+3)

No oops. This isn't d20. When it comes to rolling skills, you want to roll low. Difficulty is figured by taking the value of your attribute relevant to the skill (in this case 18), adding the skill modifier (+1 for having Gather Information; but the modified cap is 18), and then adding in any modifiers I assign based on difficulty (again, in this case none). So your target was 18.

There are 4 levels of success. Ordinary success, Great success (rolling lower than half the target, failure, and Great failure (rolling more than 1.5 times the target. Also, the added benefit of having a relevant skill is should you fail the roll, you may choose to reroll. Each adventurer begins an adventure with one Reroll Pool die per level. You may regain expended dice by taking short or long rests (see page 56). The Reroll Pool may only be accessed once per attempted action. If advantage or disadvantage applies to the check, the Reroll Pool allows only one die to be rerolled. Reroll Pool dice may also be used for all Luck rolls, Short Rest recoveries, and All Dead or Mostly Dead tests.

Sorry for the rules block. Now back to the game.

The barmaid looks to Flynn and flashes him a smile. "I can't really say as I haven't heard to be honest. But I do remember an old hunter by the name of Motely looking into it. People round these parts say he's the best hunter in the area. You asking jogged me memory. I seem to recall him saying something of the kind. I just tossed it off to the drink, but maybe he was on ta something."

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 10:40 pm
by Rex

"Where can I find this Motely?"

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:38 pm
by ybn1197
The barmaid looks over to Loch. "Motely has an old shack but half an hour's walk to the south but if you were to leave now, I doubt he would be there, he's usually out early in the mornin' till near sunset huntin' and trappin'. If he's had a good day, he'll stop here for some supper. Otherwise he'll head down to his shack." She gives you directions on how best to get to his shack.

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:10 pm
by Urson

Ah, t'ank you, darlin' lady. Dis Motely sounds lak a good man, an' a good nex' place to go.

Flynn pulls a hawk tailfeather from his braids (he found it earlier on the trail), and places it on the bar. Dis is fo' you, honey.

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:31 pm
by Rex

"Thanks, I may try swinging by since it isn't to far." Loch will head out about an hour before sunset.

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:32 pm
by ybn1197
She looks at the feather for a moment and then proceeds to put it in her hair. "Thank you."

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:24 pm
by ybn1197
Is Loch going by himself to see Motely or are others going with him. And if so, who?

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 4:38 pm
by Rex
if the others want to go search somewhere else Loch will go on his own.

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:15 pm
by Urson

Eff you be goin' to see dis Motely, I an' I go wit' you, Brudder Loch.

To the barmaid: Will dere be more folks here later? I an' I might could come back, maybe sing fo' de folks.

Re: A Favor for Captain Loris

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:03 pm
by ybn1197
"I wish there were dear but since some of the farmers contracted slough pox, people just don't want to risk coming out at night. 'Fraid the rats will get them while they stumble their way home," she says with a half-hearted laugh.