CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#81 Post by Griffith »

Schlovell will examine the stone where the green light disappeared. He will knock on it with his hammer.

Sir Hanout Longpepper
approaches the statue. If he sees nothing that is obviously dangerous, he will move in closer and examine it more thoroughly.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#82 Post by Pulpatoon »

Foul Ol' Amphelice slinks into the statue room to look around for anything shiny and easily pocketable.

Symond Berry checks to see how Miss Cleo is holding up. "How are you doing? Can you breathe alright? Do you need a drink of water?"
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#83 Post by kalstone »

Myles moves forward with the lamp to illuminate the statue.

Irakas will join Schlovell in examining the stone.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#84 Post by ybn1197 »

Sitrus nods at Quill's words as if they are some sort of sagely advice and uses his shovel to scoop up the remains of the snake and carry them over to the bowl.

Toross moves carefully into the room, spying at every nook and cranny like there are more slithery things waiting for them.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#85 Post by Norjax »


Kid digs through the opened body of the snake. There are no organs or blood present, and the inside appears cauterized. He is puzzled by lacing that appears to have been used to sew the body shut along the length of its belly. The serpent’s eyes and mouth have also been sewn shut, adding to the mystery of how the thing was able to move about and attack.

Beefheart approaches the tapestries. They are aged, but maintained. Both are illustrated with abstract images that are somewhat difficult to comprehend from the initial glance. He looks behind both tapestries, which conceal the now familiar polygonal blocks. The wall appears solid and unassuming.

Miss Cloe recovers from her ordeal and looks about the room. Her neck and shoulders are stiff and are beginning to turn a darker pigment. She is seriously wounded from the constrictive grasp, and has difficulty maintaining her balance.

Timmy looks up at the ceiling and walls. The ceiling is relatively flat and carved out of living rock. He does not see any ledges or nesting places that the snake may have resided. There are no apparent holes or other openings that the serpent may have come from.

Toldren explores the perimeter of the room, noting two exits that lead into dark passages. On the floor and against the east wall are several carpets rolled and stacked. They all share the same burgundy color.

Schlovell takes a knee and examines the point in the solid stone floor where the green light made its exit. He taps it with his hammer but does not notice anything unusual.

Sir Hanout examines the statue. It appears constructed out of a greenish-gray stone with the two base blocks polished to a high sheen. The form of the smiling, tentacle monster is made from the same type of stone, but has had several layers of black soot or paint rubbed onto its surface. A large, polished green gem is set into the front to represent an eye. The moon shape and writing that has been etched into the base is incomprehensible to the proud noble.

Foul looks around the room for anything loose and easy to obtain. She does not find anything except the same carpets that Toldren discovered.

Symond comforts Miss Cloe and offers her a drink of water.

Myles directs his light source for anyone who requests the need for illumination.

Irakas joins Schlovell and tries to determine where the haunting light disappeared.

Sitrus moves over and picks up the snake’s body after Kid is done examining it. He moves over to the curved alcove and tosses the remains into the 3 ft. bowl. It instantly vaporizes into ash as it crossed the edge of the dish!

Toross makes note of the room’s contents; the altar, tapestries and carpets. He does not notice any nooks or crannies besides the two 5 ft. wide exits.



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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#86 Post by Griffith »

Sir Hanout Longpepper, "Say, is anyone able to decipher this inscription? Or identify this tentacled creature? Some sort of chaos deity, I suppose.... He points his sword at the bundled up carpets. "The worshippers probably spread those out on the floor to genuflect themselves in front of their tentacle god." Hanout shudders.

Schlovell heads over to the carpets to examine them. If he sees no danger, he will spread one of them out on the flooor.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#87 Post by coil23 »

Quill was anxious to begin sketching the demon snake's dramatic attack but it seems somewhat gauche so soon after...and Miss Cleo's current condition makes him set aside the artful endeavor for a later time. He does go to inspect the inscription, hoping he can recognize something and appear intelligent and sagely.

Toldren, clear on some of the company he now keeps, speaks aloud the obvious: looting things in this place, like that green gem is likely to get people killed. Foul magic is at work here. We don't want some tentacled demon coming to life or sending its minions to deal with us. Hands to ourselves may increase the survival rate, people. He will nudge the rolled carpets, wondering if something may be inside.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#88 Post by Pulpatoon »

Foul Ol' Ampelice, her scrawny fingers already reaching towards the green gem, pauses at Toldren's admonition. Suspended between greed and survival, she is frozen in indecision for a long moment.

Eventually she drops her hands and goes to peer behind the tapestries.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#89 Post by ybn1197 »

Sitrus shifts his shovel so that he is carrying it on his shoulder and proceeds back into the shrine room. Seeing that some of the group have become interested in the rolled carpets, he will proceed over to the southern bearing hallway and peek down there to see where the hall leads.

Toross heads over to the alter to assist the others in deciphering the runes.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#90 Post by kalstone »

"Well, let's not be hasty," says Irakas, eyeing the gem. "After taking all this risk, it only seems right we should get some reward. Not everything in this temple could be deadly." If there is no objection, he will wait until everyone is far away from the statue, then try to remove the gem.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#91 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Miss Cleo pants and strains to take a drink of the proffered water. "I am not felling well at all to tell da truth. And now look at da after effect I am experiencing on my neck and shoulders!"

The woman slowly moves towards the southern hallway, wondering if anyone has the means to heal her wounds. She waits there listening and looking down the hall, wanting nothing to do with the spooky green statue.

Timmy feels sorry for the injured woman but has no means to help her out. He follows her towards the rooms lower exit, not sure if she should be wandering around by herself.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#92 Post by Norjax »


Schlovell inspects the carpets and does not notice anything unusual. He proceeds to unroll one of them out so it lays flat on the floor. The dark red carpet is 4ft wide and 6ft long. It has a solid crimson border with abstract images, similar to the tapestries, decorating the center field. The splashes of colors are in a range of reds, tans and pinks with black splotches and streaks throughout. The imagery is unidentifiable, but somehow disturbing.

Quill examines the inscription, searching his memory for any recognizable symbols. Roll 1d20 for a luck check.

Toldren nudges the rolled carpets, but lowers his guard when Schlovell rolls one out.

Foul joins Beefheart, looking behind the tapestries and seeing the familiar polygonal block wall.

Sitrus looks down the southern corner hall. Using his infravision, he can see that the passage drops down two flights of stairs and continues south for 50ft until it turns sharp to the east.

Toross offers his assistance in interpreting the squiggly runes on the altar. Roll 1d20 for a luck check.

Irakas greedily eyes the green gem, trying to determine how to remove it. He peers into the translucent jewel and notices that it is securely anchored into the stone of the chaos statue.

Miss Cloe and Timmy join Sitrus near the south exit, observing anything of interest.


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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#93 Post by ybn1197 »

Sitrus, having checked the one exit from this room, will head to the other side of the room and look down that corridor.

Toross: Toross Luck Check: [1d20] = 14
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#94 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Miss Cleo wobbles around some more as she starts to wander over to the first set of steps down the hallway.

Timmy Little puts his hand on the woman's shoulder to stop her from continuing any further. He inspects the fortune tellers wounds a bit, looking at the back of her neck where she cant see them. He hopes that the dark marks aren't getting worse. "Now just stay here for a bit so I can look around for any more danger. I don't think you can handle another surprise attack."

The foolish minstrel continues to search the walls, floor, and ceiling of the southern passage, looking around for any possible danger or any secret doors or traps.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#95 Post by coil23 »

Quill luck check: [1d20] = 1
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#96 Post by Starbeard »

Beefheart continues to examine the tapestries, tracing his hands along the abstract patterns to see if anything happens.

Kid Crimson gets excited about the rolls of carpet. "Hey, neat! I bet we could take one of those and roll it straight down the stairway!." He starts to drag one to the top of the stairs.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#97 Post by Pulpatoon »

Symond Berry helps Kid Crimson move the carpet to the stairs.
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#98 Post by Norjax »


* Sitrus moves to the western side of the room and peers down the west corridor. He sees a passage that goes in for 15ft and then takes a sharp turn north and descends down a 10ft wide flight of stairs. The construction of this passage matches what you have seen thus far in this underground abode.

* Toross and Quill cannot decipher any meaning to the inscriptions of the altar stone.

* Timmy continues to comfort Miss Cloe near the southern exit. Satisfied that she is currently safe and her wounds are not getting worse, he follows Kid and Symond into the southern passage and searches the immediate area while they play with a rolled-up carpet.

* Beefheart examines and traces the abstract designs on the tapestries, trying to make sense of the artwork. Make a Luck roll.

* Kid, excited, drags one of the carpets over to the southern passage with Symond’s help. The two push and roll the rug down the first flight of stairs, and watch it harmlessly stop just beyond the bottom of the steps. Each step appears to be constructed out of single blocks of stone, similar in origin to the polygonal blocks.


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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#99 Post by Starbeard »

Kid Crimson looks disappointed. "Aw, I was hoping it would unfurl or something. You know, like the red carpet treatment." He steps down to the carpet roll and rolls it down the next flight of steps.

Beefheart presses his luck. Beefheart Luck check (LK 12): [1d20] = 15
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Re: CHAPTER ONE: Into the Temple

#100 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Miss Cleo leans up against the wall, not sure which way to go.

"Oh lawd a mercy! Me not feeling very well at all in ear anymore! She starts thumbing through her tarot deck to see what the fates might have in store for her next.

Timmy watches as the others have fun with the carpets. He continues looking around at the walls as he moves along with the others, shure that there has to be something to find eventually.

"Great idea to use the rug like the barrel! Keep doing that all the way down. If another rock comes crashing out, at least it won't crush the cloth like it did the wood."

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