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Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:34 pm
by spanningtree
Dieter - Mage

In response to Algrim: We made a pact with a demon to restore life to some of our comrades... nodding to Grimes and Castinus. In return we have to return something from a shipwreck. While the demon was light on details, it did indicate that the ship was not of the water bearing type. Ships that move through the air, or elsewhere for that matter, likely take magic and money to make them go. Not sure about the ladies but I would speculate this quest will pay for itself.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:21 am
by badams30
Grimes - Fighter

When Ulster asks Grimes about the rod, he turns and says "Why yes, besides stopping in to rest, we were on our way to return it to him. Sad that he didn't live to see that the freeze has passed."

OOC: Not sure who was carrying the rod, Grimes wasn't but he'll point out whomever is carrying it.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:19 am
by tumblingdice
Castinus' face darkens at the mention of the pact. He eats his fill, but drinks little. "I've tasted the sleep of death," he says, "so I shouldn't yearn for the sleep of the living. Yet I am weary."

In no mood to celebrate, he makes his exit to more restful quarters as soon as he can get away with it. Party pooper.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 3:35 am
by greyarea
Zissou checkles back at Ulster, I don't understand your faith's stance on neutrality or nature or what have you. Never have, never will.

All I know is that when we needed help against Chaos and all seemed lost and all nature destroyed, Rhosgobel helped us. Maybe that means he took sides, maybe it doesn't, I don't know. All I know is I counted him friend and we valued his help.

The Rod changes hands, as Acquaire retrieves if from a fold in her garments.


There is a gasp from onlookers as Dieter tells his tale. Leea furrows her brow. A pact with a demon... Clearly not approving.

Zissou steps forward. I'm sure there's an explanation. Poseidon's Champion couldn't, and I mean actually could not, make such a pact. Wave would revolt against him. And Belenus wouldn't allow his servant to still do miracles in his name if he...

Leea cuts him off, Unless he judged his servant was doing what was right. And saving a life... She concludes, putting a hand on Castinus' shoulder, a touch which eases his distress.

She looks to Dieter, You said you traded this pact for your friends' lives. What is this demon? And what would one infernal need with a, a ship? Is that what you said?

A ship that moves through the air..., intones a glassy-eyed adapt.

Zissou spits, Who's even heard of such a thing?!?


Hit points and marching order
Grimes 63/69
--Dandy 37/40 <Bless, Hold Person x2, Find Traps, Augury, Silence 15'r, Glyph of Warding, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Speak With the Dead, Protection from Evil 10' radius, Cure serious wounds x2, Raise dead >
Castinus 38/39
--Furuk 74/78
Dieter 40/42 < Magic Missile x 2, Otiluke's Smoky Sphere, Sleep, Auditory Illusion, Continual Light, Flaming Sphere, Stinking Cloud , Fireball, Monster Summoning I, Slow, Charm Monster, Evard's Black Tentacles, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer, Monster Summoning III , Otiluke's Radiant Sphere, Teleport >


Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 10:16 am
by GreyWolfVT
Algrim hearing this tale wonders what he got himself into by following these folks but shrugs and continues to eat and drink.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 2:47 pm
by badams30
Grimes - Fighter

Grimes does his best to look serious and says to Zissou "Poseidon and Belenus have kept me alive too many times to count, from riding dragons to liches to demons to crazy things from who knows where, I think Poseidon approves of what's going on." With a shrug Grimes continues "Apparently this ship thing has coincided with the appearance of lots of crazy creatures, so who better to check this out and get to the bottom of this than us? Clearly Poseidon would approve of such a mission, eh?"

Grimes will listen in on the small talk, and when he has a moment, he'll ask Zissou privately where he might obtain some magic armor. "I've been getting beaten up pretty badly by the things we're fighting lately, and I could use some better protection."

OOC: Grimes will hang out, keeping an eye out for the cute halfling cleric he saw earlier, and he'll make small talk as usual, happy to tell the tale of where they've been and what they've done.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 12:11 pm
by tumblingdice
Castinus nods in appreciation at Leea's touch, secretly wondering if there's any meaning behind it, his mood lightened.

I don't know what this ship has in store for us, but I'll do anything, anything to avoid the fate that befell me and Grimes here.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 1:34 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Algrim speaks between bites "It's too bad...yah dun dwarven mail'd help ta saver yer's made of mithril.....stronger than normal chain lighter too."

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:39 pm
by Craigers07
Furuk - Fighter

Furuk stops eating for a moment after listening intently.

"Everyone should be thankful there is no longer a deep freeze. I doubt the gods care if we save our friends' lives and make some gold on the side. "

He chuckles to himself.

"Well, I don't anyway."

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:50 am
by greyarea
Zissou replies, You misunderstand, Poseidon's Warrior. I was saying that the sea-god must approve, else that trident ye carry would have revolted against you.

I'm curious about this so-called boat you mentioned, tho. Who every heard of any boat that don't float on water? That, what'd you say? Flies in the air? That'd be the realm of birds! And dragons!

Where would a ship like that even dock? On giant spires?
There is a mix of curiosity and derision in his voice.


Hit points and marching order
Grimes 63/69
--Dandy 37/40 <Bless, Hold Person x2, Find Traps, Augury, Silence 15'r, Glyph of Warding, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Speak With the Dead, Protection from Evil 10' radius, Cure serious wounds x2, Raise dead >
Castinus 38/39
--Furuk 74/78
Dieter 40/42 < Magic Missile x 2, Otiluke's Smoky Sphere, Sleep, Auditory Illusion, Continual Light, Flaming Sphere, Stinking Cloud , Fireball, Monster Summoning I, Slow, Charm Monster, Evard's Black Tentacles, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer, Monster Summoning III , Otiluke's Radiant Sphere, Teleport >


Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:17 am
by spanningtree
Dieter - Mage

The demon was inside a magic sword of great power called Blackrazor. After the sword consumed Grimes and Castinus we understood that we would have to break it to get them back. The act of breaking the sword released the demon from it's prison.

I have heard of spell ships, they can move through the air and some can even move between different planes. I have never seen one though. This quest should be interesting....

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:17 pm
by greyarea
Zissou's eyes nearly pop from his head. You broke Blackrazor?!? I didn't think that was possible!


Hit points and marching order
Grimes 63/69
--Dandy 37/40 <Bless, Hold Person x2, Find Traps, Augury, Silence 15'r, Glyph of Warding, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Speak With the Dead, Protection from Evil 10' radius, Cure serious wounds x2, Raise dead >
Castinus 38/39
--Furuk 74/78
Dieter 40/42 < Magic Missile x 2, Otiluke's Smoky Sphere, Sleep, Auditory Illusion, Continual Light, Flaming Sphere, Stinking Cloud , Fireball, Monster Summoning I, Slow, Charm Monster, Evard's Black Tentacles, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer, Monster Summoning III , Otiluke's Radiant Sphere, Teleport >


Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 11:50 pm
by spanningtree
Dieter - Mage

In response to Zissou: The other weapons of power made it possible. Dieter will say nodding and Dandy/Whelm and Grimes/Wave.

I suspect after we explore this ship we may have a showdown with the demon. Zissou, can you recommend a place or person to have my staff recharged?

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:49 am
by greyarea
Ye Olde Mage Shoppe is still open and they might have the armour you might seek, Leea tells you. And The Mages' Guild might be a place to get that staff recharged. I think they might charge you unlike last time when they did it for free in exchange for your service.


Hit points and marching order
Grimes 63/69
--Dandy 37/40 <Bless, Hold Person x2, Find Traps, Augury, Silence 15'r, Glyph of Warding, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Speak With the Dead, Protection from Evil 10' radius, Cure serious wounds x2, Raise dead >
Castinus 38/39
--Furuk 74/78
Dieter 40/42 < Magic Missile x 2, Otiluke's Smoky Sphere, Sleep, Auditory Illusion, Continual Light, Flaming Sphere, Stinking Cloud , Fireball, Monster Summoning I, Slow, Charm Monster, Evard's Black Tentacles, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer, Monster Summoning III , Otiluke's Radiant Sphere, Teleport >


Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:37 am
by Zhym
Ulster accepts the rod of weather control. "I will have this sent back to a place where it will be safe," he says.

"If you don't know where this flying ship is, why not help me with my problem?" he suggests. "I told you about it before, right? There was great earthquake not far from here when the sun was ice. After, there was a metal fortress in the mountain. All kinds of strange and wrong things have been coming out of it. It's made it hard for my druids to do their work. The birds told me the way to the fortress. If it has monsters, it must have treasure. Are you interested?"

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:48 am
by badams30
Grimes - Fighter

Upon being reminded of the old mage shop, he glances over at Dieter and says quietly "Hey, Deets? You want to head over that way? Sounds like we both might find something worthwhile over there.."

OOC: Unless Grimes is needed, he will head over to the mage shop. Sounds like we've wrapped things here pretty well other than small talk...

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:52 am
by Zhym
Ulster, seemingly ignored, spins his head side to side. "Hello! Big metal fortress full of monsters and treasures! Am I the only one hearing me?"

"Small talk" indeed! Hmph!

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:02 am
by badams30
Grimes - Fighter

Grimes glances over at Ulster and says "Don't get all worked up, I was with you at the word "treasure." And monsters? Heh, remind me to tell you about the time I rode a Black Dragon and killed him. Don't you worry. Let me get some nice shiny armor, and I'm by your side, friend." Grimes scratches his chin and says "You mentioned treasure too, didn't ya? My account is gettin' low, eh?"

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:00 am
by spanningtree
Dieter - Mage

Ulster, it sounds like you are already onto what we are looking for. How many days is this fortress from here?

Algrim, Ulster, if you agree, let's leave for this fortress as a party in two days.

Grimes, yes, lets check out that shoppe.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:10 am
by Craigers07
Furuk - Fighter

"I'm up for some more monsters and treasure! You can count me in Ulster."

Furuk will head over to the mage shop with Grimes and Dieter.