2. Into the dark

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Re: 2. Into the dark

#81 Post by KingOfCowards »

mb. wrote:Boggs, maybe my post above wasn't clear: you dropped the torch in a puddle and it went out. Did you mean you're grabbing it from the ground and hitting the gnoll with it? Or: you've still got your sword, so you could take a swing in the dark at -1, so your roll would be an 8, still a partial success. You can revise your action as you wish.
Right you are. I will just stick with the original roll and stab with his sword for a partial success and 2 damage.
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#82 Post by Pulpatoon »

Oelle, rattled by the whole situation and pained by the arrows sticking out him, dithers over which spell to cast. His last attempt at Disruption of the Humors went so badly awry that he worries about there being something in the local thaumatorsphere—or worse, perhaps he just doesn't have the presence of mind to cast a difficult spell under trying conditions? "Light" is simple enough, that he should be able to cast it with barely a thought, no matter what the circumstances.

But, no, Disruption of the Humors is clearly the optimal choice, given the circumstances.

His fingers prepare for the spell.
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#83 Post by mb. »

Boggs, you stab blindly in front of you, and apparently that gnoll's slower than you are: you hear a yelp and your sword sinks satisfyingly into flesh. Just as you begin to congratulate yourself, you hear a hiss close to your head and an arrow explodes on the wall beside you!

Oelle & Boggs, without the benefit of a torch, the stairs require more care and time than you'd like. Reaching the top, there's a landing which opens onto a corridor to your right. It's long and straight and extremely dark, but you think you can see vague, weak moonlight at the end. The corridor ends and there's an arch on your right, opening onto a curved corridor with arched windows looking out into the waterfall chamber. Above the roar of the waterfall below, you hear the sounds of a fight to your left, and can see vague, dark shapes...
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#84 Post by Spartakos »

Bedwyr grips his sword in anticipation and moves towards the sound of violence, as quickly as he can while keeping his footing.
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#85 Post by Pulpatoon »

Oelle feels around for a loose rock or something, thinking he could cast Light upon it and throw it toward the fight.
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#86 Post by mb. »

Oelle, feeling around on the dark floor, you find a thick old bone about two hands long. That'll probably do. Please roll+INT to cast.
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#87 Post by Pulpatoon »

Cast Spell [2d6+2] = 6+2 = 8 Oelle draws unwelcome attention to himself.

Oelle picks up a bone, running his finger over it, setting it aglow with stark white light. The light has the immediate effect of letting everyone know exactly where he is. He tosses the bone towards the sounds of fighting, and tries to roll away from the spot where he was exposed, but in the narrow confines of the passage, he doesn't get far.
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#88 Post by KingOfCowards »

Boggs flinches as the arrow crashes near him, and pulls another dagger to slide in closer to the wounded gnoll.
Hack and Slash: [2d6+1] = 6+1 = 7
Damage: [1d8] = 2[/quote]
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#89 Post by Spartakos »

What does Bedwyr perceive at this point?
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#90 Post by mb. »

Boggs, you slide a dagger under the gnoll's ribs, and just as he coughs blood on you and slumps to the floor, something brightly glowing bounces to a stop near your feet. Looks like it's a bone?

Bedwyr, to your elven eyes, the moonlight coming from the open waterfall chamber casts stark patches of bright and black through the arched windows into the corridor your standing in. To your left, where Oelle just threw the glowing bone, stands Boggs with his back to you, a freshly slain gnoll slumping to the ground in front of him. The corridor is clearly circular, and you're standing at about 9 o'clock. At about 3 o'clock there's an archer in a window, looking unsure what to aim at with the newcomers and bright light. And here comes trouble: at about 12 o'clock, two gnolls, probably your friends from below, have just stepped out of a dark archway.

Oelle, the bone lands near a figure, and it looks like it's Boggs! And a gnoll who seems to have gotten the pointy end of Boggs' dagger and is collapsing to the floor.

What do you do?
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#91 Post by Spartakos »

Bedwyr's face lights up with a vicious grin. "Well met! Without that water between us, I can greet you properly!", he says, and flies at them with his sword glimmering in the moonlight.

Hack & Slash, precise [2d6+2] = 10+2 = 12
[1d10+1] = 4+1 = 5 sword damage
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#92 Post by Pulpatoon »

Oelle moves closer to Boggs, in order to get a view of the gnolls Bedwyr is charging at. Upon spotting a likely target, he casts Disruption of the Humors.

Cast Spell [2d6+2] = 8+2 = 10
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#93 Post by mb. »

Welcome back useful dice rolls! :)

Bedwyr, you turn to the left, beginning a sprint around the curving corridor towards the two gnolls. Windows flash by on your right, and you believe you hear the hiss of a passing arrow, but you're too intent on your target to pay it any heed. You flash past Boggs and the glowing bone, casting wild shadows across the walls and ceiling. Your ancestral sword rises, flashing with reflected light that, to Boggs and Oelle, looks like some sort of inspiring elven magic. The blade comes down on a gnoll's neck, passing through to the opposite armpit, severing his bow in two along the way. So clean is the cut that his face writhes through a few expressions and he raises his arms, before he collapses into two pieces and a puddle of blood. The strength of the strike is such that it continues into the second gnoll, gashing his hip and knocking him off balance to stagger into the wall.

Oelle, you sketch your arcane diagrams of light in the air as Bedwyr sprints away, blocking your view of the gnolls, but in no time one is a mess on the floor, and the other staggers into your line of sight. Your intricate collection of lines and circles completed, you see your opening and project lines of sparkling light onto his body... Roll your damage.

Boggs, seeing all of this suddenly happen around you, whatever fear and despair you'd been feeling dissolves, and you're certain you'll all get out of this with stories to tell back at the pub.

Oelle and Boggs are near 9 o'clock on the circle. Pending Oelle's damage roll, there is still one gnoll near Bedwyr (about 12 o'clock) and another in a window across from Boggs (about 3 o'clock) aiming at him now that he's so well illuminated.

What do you do?
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#94 Post by Pulpatoon »

Disrupted Humors: [2d4] = 5

If that does not dispatch the gnoll, Oelle will continue attempt to keep it snared in his diagram and push his humoric tides even further into catastrophic disarray.

If it does dispatch the gnoll, Oelle will cast around until he spots the gnoll in the window, and fire at it.

Cast Spell [2d6+2] = 3+2 = 5

Dangit! Marking XP.
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#95 Post by mb. »

The archer next to Bedwyr shrieks and clutches at the points of light on his chest, then falls over backwards, twitching.

Oelle, the last of the archers is in a window across the chamber, and you build up your spell to target him. But somehow you cross lines that shouldn't be crossed, and your beautiful diagram of sparkling light shatters with a painful wrench and dissolves. Your hands feel as if you've been slapping stone all day, and your brain feels as if someone's been slapping you.
Take -1 ongoing to cast a spell until next time you prepare spells.
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#96 Post by KingOfCowards »

Boggs will dodge out of the way of the archer aiming at him.
Defy Danger: [2d6+2] = 8+2 = 10
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#97 Post by Spartakos »

Bedwyr gives a merry laugh as his beloved sword proves its excellence, and continues running around the circular hall, towards the last gnoll. As he closes in, sword dripping gore, he will speak to the gnoll, saying, "If you'd care to beg for your life, this would be a good time."

If the gnoll does anything other than immediate and unconditional surrender, Bedwyr will attack.
Hack & Slash, precise [2d6+2] = 5+2 = 7
[1d10+1] = 6+1 = 7 sword damage
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#98 Post by Pulpatoon »

Oelle curses his own incompetence and attempts to correct his magical diagram.
Cast Spell [2d6+2] = 4+2 = 6-1 = 5

Why can't his fingers find the right meridians? Why are the resonances refusing to form? They knew it! They knew he didn't have what it takes to preform magic in the field. They were right, with their taunts and japes at the crazy student who wanted to take magic out of the academic halls where it belongs!

Marking XP.
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#99 Post by mb. »

Boggs, you calmly step to the side behind a pillar between two windows, and the gnoll's arrow ricochets off the edge of the pillar and thwacks harmlessly into the wall behind you.

Bedwyr, as you charge around the corridor, the archer sees you coming and grins as only a dog-headed creature can. He quickly nocks and draws, releasing as soon as you're clearly visible. But he's apparently shaken by the sight of an angry, charging elf, releases too soon, and only manages to graze your calf (Take damage: [1d8-1] = 2-1 = 1), which doesn't even slow you down. He's still grinning when the point of your sword penetrates his chest, heart and back. He's knocked backwards by the force of your charge and slides off of your blade into a heap on the floor.

Oelle, already pained, you're unable to put the arcane details together no matter how you try, and the diagram shatters once again. The spell is forgotten until you can take the time to prepare spells again. The good news is, you'll definitely level next time we do the End of Session move! ;)

After quite a struggle upon entering the cave, the four archers lie in their own blood at your feet. You're all wounded, some more than others, and unpleasantly cold and damp. Other than the roar of the waterfall, there's no sound, and other than the three of you, nothing moves.

What do you do?
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Re: 2. Into the dark

#100 Post by KingOfCowards »

Boggs dares a peak around the pillar, just in time to see Bedwyr finish the last of them. He nods with approval and unceremoniously begins looting the closest gnoll.
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