On the island: About the Ship & Cove

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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#81 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna starts to participate in the debriefing. She has a far off stare in her eyes as she recounts her experience in the cave. "There was this child......of child like figure. She smacks of the un-living, no body heat and glowing red eyes. Scared the shit outta me, and all I could do was run." She looks at Billy, staring into his eyes. "Whatever it is, I am not sure we should mess with it."
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The party gets some R&R before dinner...

#82 Post by Argennian »

~ Everyone within earshot at the beach HQ grows solemn and quiet as they listen to Lauranna recount what she saw beyond the cave-in. Some seem shaken or appear incredulous to the news, obviously struggling to even consider the possibility that undead children may in fact haunt this island of unlikely surprises.

General Jovak stops talking with Captain Billings about the repairs and affairs of the Seahawk to listen in as well. After a brief, unseeing glance over at Ulrich, the high priest/fighter lord turns about to face the elf maiden. His beardless jaw sets in a toothy grimace of displeasure as she finishes her story, and he reaches up for the comfort of his large holy symbol hanging like a toy pendant around his thick, corded neck. His massive arms and barrel chest flex and tremble and surge with muscle-rippling waves of desired divine retribution.

Gentleman Billy looks nervously from Jovak to Billings, and then to Ulrich before kneeling down next to Lauranna. He scrutinizes her carefully, a visible sorrow upon his visage for what she endured when she meets his gaze. He nods reassuringly and places his old, weathered hand tenderly on her slumped shoulder.
"I agree we should steer clear of this... creature you speak of, Lauranna... no matter what it may be," he details with a follow up look around to the other party members present before addressing the young High elf once again. "Go and see Shanny for some of her special calming elixir. It'll help you relax and sleep better. Perhaps you and I could join her later tonight as well? For a... discussion of what her elders would do if they were still here..."

Lauranna acknowledges Billy, and with the crab den coin now counted, stands up and heads back to the ship. Tired from their morning explorations and wanting some much needed R&R, Emm and Caelvanna join the High elf. Ulrich remains at Jovak's side at the command tent on the beach, and realizes that the blinded general is noticeably troubled by what everyone just heard. Perhaps when they are alone later, the young priest will fill him in on what he felt and sensed when the party confronted the strange and surely-evil whimperer. Bogdan then produces the beautifully ornate dagger and the two gold rings he recovered from the severed, bony hand of the poor bloke who ended up crab food. He hands them over to Gentleman Billy for inspection. The old thief studies them closely, one at a time, before announcing that they'll take a closer look when they get back from their giant crab and dead body retrieval mission. He somehow already knows the dagger and one of the rings is magical.

~ So another dinner recovery detail is assembled, headed up by Gentleman Billy and Culter as before. The heavy raft is once again deployed. The team arrives at the entrance to the watery cave unmolested to find the huge dead crustacean waiting for them. There is no sign of any of the giant rats that fled the cave previously and all seems normal. With at least as much effort as before, the giant crab is loaded up on the raft and prepped to make the short float back to the cove. The recovery detail then moves inside the coastal cave to secure the rock ledge and entrance to the former crab den. Billy, Cutler and Bog begin working together to achieve the second part of their mission. After first making sure the underwater chamber is clear of any dangerous new denizens, they swim down and retrieve the bony remains. They've been picked pretty close to clean but Billy is convinced it will be enough. A quick look around the floor through the floating detritus blanket reveals nothing further than a few more of the same gold coins scattered about. Not wanting to tempt fate, the trio depart to rejoin the others above. Bog is happy to leave the watery cave behind without incident. The pressure he felt being back there was palpable and almost unsettling. Add in the fact that he thought he heard the whimpering again. Ever so faintly. No one else seemed to hear or notice it, or at least made no mention of it either way.

The successful detail floats into the well-camouflaged cove under the watchful eyes and loaded weapons of those on lookout. Cutler employs assistance to get the giant crustacean up on the beach and then focuses on processing crab meat for the upcoming dinner. Billy thanks Bogdan for leading them down into the crab den to retrieve the remains. With a nod of acknowledgement and appreciation, he relieves the big fighter to get some rest until they all meet for dinner. Before heading in himself, the old thief details that they should have more information on the items that were recovered. Now that the recovery detail is back safe and settled, Jovak retires from the beach HQ to pray and meditate in the captain's cabin. Ulrich follows dutifully, thinking again about their unknown whimpering adversary.

All party members eventually return to their respective bunks to take a nap or relax and wait out the rest of the afternoon before dinner. Those that nap or simply lie down in their beds find that sleep comes surprisingly easy. In fact, it feels as if everyone got way more sleep or relaxed for a much longer time than they actually did when the call goes out for dinner. Folks begin to stir and make their way back to the beach for coming feast...


OOC: Apols again for the long wait, all. I lost the rest of the post again (for the second time!) & am so tired I'm falling asleep at the wheel, so I'm just going to stop here. Everyone can post if they want to detail anything in addition before dinner & debrief. Otherwise it's assumed that we'll move it there; TOD updated.

POP1: any casters will be considered as having had enough time to rest, pray/memorize, so go ahead and update active spell rosters on your battle sheets, if you would! :)

TOD: 5:30pm of Day 6 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 18 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10 , Lauranna 9/9 , Ulrich 16/16 ; Griffo 24/24 ; Thalion 12/12
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – none/spear ; Caelvanna – none /bow (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – none /spear/SC ; Lauranna - none /short sword ; Ulrich – none /mace & shieldSC ; Griffo – none/short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Back at their respective bunks: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; Griffo , Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#83 Post by Alethan »

Before dinner is served, Bog takes some time to attend his weapons, honing edges and oiling blades, to make sure they remain in good condition in the salty air.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#84 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna tries to sit and relax a bit, but her thought continues to return to the spells she should study. As she pages through her spellbook, she settles on Find Familiar.

As she finishes, she seeks out Gentleman Billy. as she approaches, she asks, "I am considering trying to find a familiar tonight can I get some help with a personal guard please?"
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#85 Post by tkrexx »

When she wakes, Emm is even more stiff and sore than before she rested. Smelling roasted crab brings her mind to other things, however. She doesn't bother to don her armor, or even put on her boots, just wraps her cloak about herself and disembarks the vessel to feel the warm sand beneath her feet. She seats herself and takes a handful of sand, studying it carefully, then breathes deep the tropical air and all the sweet scents it offers. This place, so different from her home, the farms, the great oak forests, yet somehow, after the time spent here, she feels equally at home. She allows herself a slight smile before beginning her prayers.

Blessings fulfilled, the young Priestess grudgingly returns to the ship. Better to have her gear and not need it, so the saying goes. Even so, she carries her blade belt and boots draped over her arm as she strolls to join dinner. Seeking Lauranna, she plops down her gear and greets the Elfmaid. I would join you and Gentleman Billy in meeting with Shanny, in hopes she can provide answers to nagging questions. She pauses a moment in reflection. I was so afraid, and filled with anger at my fear. The creature you dealt with, merely hearing its voice made me want to flee. Now, tho, I must wonder how such a terrible curse could be laid upon a child. I find myself in deep pity, no longer wanting to destroy a foul hellspawn, but to free a bairn from her torment.

Spells updated.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#86 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna responds to the philosophical question raised by Emm. "I see your point, and though it might be a worth-while objective, I wonder if it would be worth the cost. Without more knowledge, we have no clue what havoc it might wreck on us. I just know that even thinking of it sends chills down my spine......even still."
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#87 Post by Alethan »

Bog steps out of the shadows and into the camp light, taking a seat next to Lauranna.

He eyes Emm closely for a moment before replying, "It's no bairn, that thing. It's some sort of daemon, I'll wager. Jus takes the form of a child 'cause it's extra creepy is all. Whatever it is, it ain't sommit we need ta be messin' with, you hear? It's too powerful for the likes of us. Instead, we should focus on the observations that owl friend of yours told us about. Din't she say sommit about another boat on the island?"

He turns to Lauranna with a frown and adds, "And if you needin' a guard, you know you can ask me for help. I bet Cal'd help ya, too. She's not so cold as she tries ta be."
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#88 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna, fresh from her slumber, takes her time before returning to the others. Silently approaching the others, she arrives just in time to hear her name being used. "Bah," she snorts in derision at Bog's analysis of her demeanor, but she still takes up a seat next to her companions and awaits their next course of action.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#89 Post by tkrexx »

Emm lowers her dark eyes and lightly smiles. These are not just companions, these are true friends, she thinks to herself. She aired her thoughts, and was quickly corrected. Only friends can do that. Caelvanna, irascible as ever, cannot hide a loyalty that rivals even that of bold Ulrich, while Lauranna, quick of wit and movement, and Bogdan of the courageous heart are sitting in this place speaking wisdom... Wisdom!... to the Druid.

Yes, yes of course. Whatever that thing is, it's too great a matter for us. That is part of what vexes me. I would agree we should not risk it's wrath a second time, yet I worry the creature will venture forth in the night. It knows us now, either by voice or sight or scent, and it's wails of despair may well turn to hatred if it thinks we are helpless. I was helpless today, I refuse to be so a second time.

Again Emm turns to Lauranna. I understand you and I have similar ideas. Gaining another friend to accompany us cannot be a bad thought. May we both have the Forest Father's approval in this matter.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#90 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich dutifully follows his mentor Jovak. Although eager to continue his training, Ulrich also hopes to discuss the child "thing" with Jovak at some point....
How do we know you're not a donkey-brained man?
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ASC: dinner is served; Billy identified loot from crab den..

#91 Post by Argennian »

~ The dinner call goes out on the Seahawk and the party begins to stir from their respective bunks. Everyone feels well-rested, regardless of how much sleep they did or did not get, and stomachs begin to rumble their readiness for the upcoming feast.

Once out on deck, the wonderful aroma of cooking crab meat slaps each of you across the face hard. You remember that first crab fest, alright... and how could you not? There was melted garlic butter for heaven's sake! In fact, the meal was actually a impromptu combination of giant crab & giant snake surf and turf. You gorged yourselves, and rightly so. After all, it was also a celebration of finally reaching land for the former landlubber party members, and not dying out in big, dark waves and cold, unforgiving depths of the open sea. Yeah, that meal and entire evening was epic, and the headache everyone had the following morning proved the alcohol flowed as bountifully to boot.

Like moths to the flame, the party departs the eastern warship and makes their way to the beach HQ BBQ. Mighty Hazara sinks slowly towards the watery western horizon and prepares to dazzle onlookers as she has every sunset since they arrived. Gentleman Billy and Shanny are already seated about the large fire pit. Tamber stands dutifully behind the blind old witch, ready to receive instructions if and when they materialize. Billings and his officers are present within the command tent nearby, going over pretty much anything and everything over and over, just like they always do. The captain acknowledges your approach with a businesslike nod while Gramps decides to hit you hard with his unmistakably infectious missing-tooth smile, shake of his nappy white-haired head and signature, follow-up one segment long wink.

~ Lauranna is the first to arrive. It seems she's been studying that recently-updated spell book of hers and has decided to cast a spell tonight. She queries Billy about protection protocols if she decides to move away from the cove to do so.

Before he can formally respond, Emm arrives with a gear-dropping flourish and interjects a point of order request to be in attendance when Billy and Lauranna meet up with Shanny later. The blind old witch says nothing but lets slip a smirk of a slightly sadistic nature. The druidess then offers the retired master thief and the young magic-user/thief an honest explanation of what she felt when the party was naught but a mere cave-in away from the mysterious, evil whimperer. She talks of the perspective, or perhaps the point of view, that the destruction of this child of the dead could be considered a mercy service, and as such would elicit a duality of feelings and emotions.

Lauranna considers the druid's submission, responding that much of what she feels regarding that thing is plain old dread, pure and simple. She seems absolutely certain that she does not want to put herself in that kind of spot again, shivering noticeably as she details this. Those present around the fire can see that the High elf is far from over the scary encounter she experienced.

Suddenly arriving at the fire from the opposite direction after walking half of the cove's outer perimeter, Bogdan takes a seat next to Lauranna. Having overheard the exchange, the big fighter proceeds to explain that if they're making guesses or taking wagers on whatever that hell that thing is, he's going with daemon, straight up. Not one to overlook an opportunity to steer the others toward a more sensible and perhaps achievable goal, the half-orc queries Emm about some of the facts she gleaned from the giant owl, including details about the partially-buried shipwreck on the southeast side of the island. He concludes with the fact that if she needs someone to watch her six, that he's more than able and willing, detailing also that his archer-specialized fighter counterpart would more than likely be willing to do so if she was simply asked to.

As if on well-rehearsed cue, Caelvanna arrives at the fire. Hearing her name being mentioned, she simply grunts a sarcastic acknowledgement to whatever Bog was saying and settles in next to the others in preparation for a direct frontal assault on the upcoming crab feast. The Wild elf fighter also appears ready to deal with whatever else might be in order for the evening.

Both Gentleman Billy and Emm cannot help but share a smile and nod of recognition for the others gathered. Being in the presence of true, loyal friends renders a special appreciation that the old retired thief and his fellow members of the Hands of Balance know all to well. Emm gives silent thanks and maintains high hopes for their mutual island futures. She acquiesces that the party should indeed steer clear of the proclaimed demon-child-thing and concentrate on more attainable goals. She details that Lauranna's idea of finding a mage's familiar coincides with her thoughts of locating a animal companion to share her journeys, trials and tribulations with.

Ulrich and Jovak are the next to arrive for dinner, having just completed their prayers and meditations. The newly-ordained priest of Moradin dutifully follows in step behind the badly burned and completely blinded high priest/fighter lord, sharing a good evening nod with the other party members as they take a seat and prepare to eat like the kings of their new island retreat.

~ Billy assesses the sightless general closely, that look of worry again evident on his visage. He signals wordlessly to Cutler to initiate evening meal expenditures forthwith. The capable ship's cook responds with a practiced efficiency and continues to impress. The meal is as much luxurious as one can get sitting around a large fire on the beach of an island out in the middle of a watery nowhere. The gigantic portions of the crab meat main course are supplemented with steamed rice and seafood chowder, as well as fresh-baked bread and a tasty mix of crisp greens. More of Billing's seemingly endless supply of fine eastern spirits are offered up to any and all that wish to partake. A large keg of fresh water that was retrieved from the nearby spring-fed stream is set up to help wash it all down. It's a convoluted dance of both gluttony and restraint on the evening agenda, and everyone makes up their mind as to which they prefer.

Once finished with his meal, Billy settles in and brings forth his pipe for an after-dinner puff, to aid in the digestive process. He pulls forth a few items from his cloak, nodding to Bogdan as he does and looking around the fire to be sure he has everyone's attention. "Master Ziffiris and Shanny were kind enough to make time to identify two of the items you recovered from the crab den. First, this exquisite dagger," he details as he pulls it from it's ornate sheath and spins it around in his hand with practiced ease. "Tis' a very old, yet powerful blade, magickated to the first level of power for standard applications. When facing creatures that are smaller than a man, it rises to the second level of power. And if that alone were not impressive enough, one can utter the command word inscribed in old-common on the hilt and it will give off magical light in a 10' radius! Like so... Lumen!"
As promised, magical light instantly emanates from the small blade and illuminates the wide eyes of those staring from around the fire. Billy speaks the command word again and the light disappears. He then sheaths the obviously valuable weapon and sets it on his lap.

With everyone's attentions now confirmed as focused upon him, the retired master thief produces the two rings that Bog found still stuck on the bony fingers of the severed hand & forearm lying hidden under the coins within a small depression the crab den floor. "The first one of these rings is also magical in nature. Although it apparently did not aid its former owner from meeting his or her demise down in the crab den, it is in fact a Ring of Free Action! The powerful dweomer placed upon this ring enables the wearer to move at normal speed and rapidity, even when underwater. It also negates the effects of many spells that are designed to hold or restrict one's movement, such as a mage's Slow or Web spell or even a cleric's Hold Person spell. Needless to say, a most powerful asset for many applications!" he concludes, setting it down on his leg next to the magical dagger.

"And last but not least, there is the other ring," Billy details, passing it to his left and making a gesture to indicate that he wants it passed around to everyone gathered by the fire, so they may handle and scrutinize it more closely. "It's not magical, but it does have an inscription on the inside of the band: two small circles on each side of what looks to be a dagger. It is a design not often seen by the common folk but one we members of The Hands know to be the a symbol of the King's Eyes! We've seen the markings on rings before, and even some amulets and bracelets. From what we've been able to gather, they are only given to those of rank and prestige among that guild of traitors and murderers!

"Needless to say, this makes our proposed plans of using Shanny's magics to communicate with the deceased even more critical! Those magics cannot be applied on the dead until well after midnight, and must be done in privacy due to the sensitive nature of the rituals involved. So that being the case, we will likely have to wait until tomorrow morning before we can report on that.
I can, however, report that Najania remains hard at work trying to dispel and get past the multiple protection spells that were woven upon that chest you all found. He's already bypassed the first three layers and is confident that he'll be completely through the remaining ones within the the next few days. I can also report that our previously-unresponsive young charge Aramis is finally doing better. Jennynia, Najania and Ziffiris have been working with him as they can. With any hope, he'll be back to his usual self soon and can become part of the active crew again."

Gentleman Billy's usually easy-going demeanor and calm visage then evidences a look of concern. He addresses Lauranna and Emm specifically next. "I would prefer that if either of you wish to cast any spells on this eve that you do so from the ship or the cove. I cannot guarantee your safety without pulling too many crew off perimeter security and repairs to do so. If either of you must roam to complete these spells, I ask that you wait till the morning. Your well-being is my primary concern and I'm under orders to ensure that you remain safe and healthy. Based on what each of you reported regarding the childlike creature down in that cave, there's also the fear that it may come above ground to roam the island by night. We will strengthen our guard shifts this evening and be prepared for just such an eventuality."

After pausing for a few deep puffs from his pipe, Billy then readdresses the party. "Do any of you have any questions or requests for me, friends?"


OOC: Stopping here due to more ongoing RL time constraints; wanted to get something up before I fall asleep or get called back out in the field. Please feel free to ask Billy any questions or continue with the absolutely awesome Top Drawer role-play, if so desired. 8-)

Otherwise, just need to know from Nuke & Rexx regarding if they want to cast their respective spells of Find Familiar & Animal Friendship:

Find Familiar: Lauranna can cast her spell from the ship or cove at anytime; it has a normal range of 1 mile radius/level; she just needs to maintain the casting part for 2d12 hours is all! Doesn't matter what TOD it is when she begins casting, what responds is rolled randomly.

Animal Friendship: Emm can cast this whenever she wants but also has a choice of when she casts it and on what animal. So if she wants to try for a specific animal, please detail that and we can figure out how best she'll make the attempt!

~ continued apols for the ongoing delays on my side, guys, but massive appreciations for everyone's bulletproof patience! ; TOD updated

TOD: @ 7:00pm of Day 6 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 18 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10 , Lauranna 9/9 , Ulrich 16/16 ; Griffo 24/24 ; Thalion 12/12
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – none/spear ; Caelvanna – none /bow (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – none /spear/SC ; Lauranna - none /short sword ; Ulrich – none /mace & shieldSC ; Griffo – none/short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Around the campfire with Gentleman Billy, Jovak & Shanny: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; On perimeter guard: Griffo , Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#92 Post by Alethan »

OOC: So what was the total coin count, then? And... who gets the two magic items? ;)
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#93 Post by Argennian »

Alethan wrote:OOC: So what was the total coin count, then? And... who gets the two magic items? ;)
OOC: Let's take this one to the OOC/Questions? thread.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#94 Post by tkrexx »

Alethan wrote:... "Instead, we should focus on the observations that owl friend of yours told us about. Din't she say sommit about another boat on the island?"
Aye, toward the east side of the island. The Priestess had been staring at the ocean, seemingly lost in thought, but turns her eyes to the Half-Orc Swordsman as she continues. The most dangerous part of the island, according to the Owl Mistress. On the way to the great cave where Human sacrifice performed. So it appears we will be going that direction in either accord. The wrecked vessel is close to the size of the Seahawk, but it has obviously been there for years. It's mostly underwater, and the bow is buried in the sand bottom. The mast is broken, and the inlet it resides in is quite well covered with vegetation, so it will be difficult to see from land or sea. I'm told the entire area there is infested with poisonous plants, snakes, giant spiders... And I can only hold the blessing of curing poison twice a day. It could be a battle simply finding the wreck.

This is the wreck in which there were three survivors who sought out shelter in a cliff-cave above the sight of the sinking. The Great Owl believes them all long dead. Emm pauses a moment and draws breath. A water-beast has since used the hull as its home. Quite akin to the tentacled creature that disabled the Seahawk. Not as big, but possibly more... Deliberate. This wreck will not be an easy take.
... "It is in fact a Ring of Free Action! The powerful dweomer placed upon this ring enables the wearer to move at normal speed and rapidity, even when underwater. It also negates the effects of many spells that are designed to hold or restrict one's movement, such as a mage's Slow or Web spell or even a cleric's Hold Person spell." ...
The Druid's eyes become sharp at this description, focusing on the ring like a noose. Does this mean someone could move thru my Stranglebrush enchantment without becoming caught? A quiet moment goes by before she turns to the party. This could be incredibly useful, were enemies trapped. The type of enemies lacking sufficient honor to offer mercy.
... "It is a design not often seen by the common folk but one we members of The Hands know to be the a symbol of the King's Eyes!" ...
Aye, Emm nods. Karagonian ships, if my guess is right. They come here, and the surrounding 13 islands, on infrequent intervals, from and to the nearest and furthest of the large islands northeast of here. The same isle as the barbarians next week. It seems they came and forced the natives of the entire island chain to unify, as it somehow serves their purposes. Mostly they shuttle between two of the large islands. They come to hunt fresh game, as if they have depleted the resources of their base isle, but infrequently they bring a haul. The Owl knows not what it is nor what they do with it.
... "I would prefer that if either of you wish to cast any spells on this eve that you do so from the ship or the cove. I cannot guarantee your safety without pulling too many crew off perimeter security and repairs to do so. If either of you must roam to complete these spells, I ask that you wait till the morning." ...
The Druid shrugs. My beckonings will be those of opportunity, the when and where are not mine to control. The first should not be difficult, and can be done from the ship, but subsequent applications might need be done... At a later time, on the trail, possibly causing unfortunate delays.

Emm will first seek a seabird of some sort with obviously good vision, as advance scout and eyes above. Something that can survive on the island and at sea.

Sorry for the delay, I had a lot of research to do in the archives before I could make an accurate post.
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ATSC: Billy responds to Emm

#95 Post by Argennian »

tkrexx wrote:
Alethan wrote:... "Instead, we should focus on the observations that owl friend of yours told us about. Din't she say sommit about another boat on the island?"
Aye, toward the east side of the island. The Priestess had been staring at the ocean, seemingly lost in thought, but turns her eyes to the Half-Orc Swordsman as she continues. The most dangerous part of the island, according to the Owl Mistress. On the way to the great cave where Human sacrifice performed. So it appears we will be going that direction in either accord. The wrecked vessel is close to the size of the Seahawk, but it has obviously been there for years. It's mostly underwater, and the bow is buried in the sand bottom. The mast is broken, and the inlet it resides in is quite well covered with vegetation, so it will be difficult to see from land or sea. I'm told the entire area there is infested with poisonous plants, snakes, giant spiders... And I can only hold the blessing of curing poison twice a day. It could be a battle simply finding the wreck.

This is the wreck in which there were three survivors who sought out shelter in a cliff-cave above the sight of the sinking. The Great Owl believes them all long dead. Emm pauses a moment and draws breath. A water-beast has since used the hull as its home. Quite akin to the tentacled creature that disabled the Seahawk. Not as big, but possibly more... Deliberate. This wreck will not be an easy take.
Billy nods in consideration. "I admit interest in knowing what kind of ship it was, as well as what she was carrying as cargo. If you decide to move on the wreck, I'll assign Griffo and Thalion to go with you to assist, or at least provide cover and keep a lookout. Would also be nice to see if those three survivors the great owl mentioned left anything behind that could be useful..."
tkrexx wrote:
... "It is in fact a Ring of Free Action! The powerful dweomer placed upon this ring enables the wearer to move at normal speed and rapidity, even when underwater. It also negates the effects of many spells that are designed to hold or restrict one's movement, such as a mage's Slow or Web spell or even a cleric's Hold Person spell." ...
The Druid's eyes become sharp at this description, focusing on the ring like a noose. Does this mean someone could move thru my Stranglebrush enchantment without becoming caught? A quiet moment goes by before she turns to the party. This could be incredibly useful, were enemies trapped. The type of enemies lacking sufficient honor to offer mercy.
"Indeed," the old retired master thief opines as he puffs his pipe. "It utilizes powerful magics to be able to do so, and can be used by anyone, not just spell casters!"

tkrexx wrote:
... "It is a design not often seen by the common folk but one we members of The Hands know to be the a symbol of the King's Eyes!" ...
Aye, Emm nods. Karagonian ships, if my guess is right. They come here, and the surrounding 13 islands, on infrequent intervals, from and to the nearest and furthest of the large islands northeast of here. The same isle as the barbarians next week. It seems they came and forced the natives of the entire island chain to unify, as it somehow serves their purposes. Mostly they shuttle between two of the large islands. They come to hunt fresh game, as if they have depleted the resources of their base isle, but infrequently they bring a haul. The Owl knows not what it is nor what they do with it.
Billy listens again to the druid's intelligence report and considers the possibilities. "I am hopeful that any ships operating here in the islands steer wide of us. At least until such time as we have the good commander and other friends back with us, and also have completed repairs to the Seahawk. Whether they be pirates, privateers or Karagonian Navy, we'd do well to avoid them completely, if at all possible. That goes for the foretold coming of the native barbarians here as well. If the great owl was right about details of their previous visits, they might not even come to this side of the island to conduct their... rituals..."
tkrexx wrote:
... "I would prefer that if either of you wish to cast any spells on this eve that you do so from the ship or the cove. I cannot guarantee your safety without pulling too many crew off perimeter security and repairs to do so. If either of you must roam to complete these spells, I ask that you wait till the morning." ...
The Druid shrugs. My beckonings will be those of opportunity, the when and where are not mine to control. The first should not be difficult, and can be done from the ship, but subsequent applications might need be done... At a later time, on the trail, possibly causing unfortunate delays.

Emm will first seek a seabird of some sort with obviously good vision, as advance scout and eyes above. Something that can survive on the island and at sea.
"A good plan, Emm," Billy agrees. "We could certainly use some eyes in the sky to give us an idea of what's been happening... not just here but on the nearby islands as well. Having not heard from Commander Ziller in some time, we do not know where he is or what the status of the rescue mission might be. According to Shanny's divinations, he and the others are still alive but that is all we know..."
The old thief once again focuses on Emm and continues. "I too had hoped that the great owl would have returned by now, and that you could persuade it to make a reconnoiter for us. I hope it's alright, and that nothing bad has befallen it or it's young. Perhaps when you are next able to speak to other animals here or obtain an avian companion, we could find out?"


OOC: ok guys, please feel free to join the conversation here or declare any addition actions for the evening. Otherwise we can move things forward through the night to Day 7.

POP1: I still need a heads up from Nuke in regards to if Lauranna wants to cast her Find Familiar spell tonight from the ship or cove!

tkrexx wrote:Sorry for the delay, I had a lot of research to do in the archives before I could make an accurate post.
No worries and great post, Rexx!! 8-)

TOD: @ 7:15pm of Day 6 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 18 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10 , Lauranna 9/9 , Ulrich 16/16 ; Griffo 24/24 ; Thalion 12/12
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – none/spear ; Caelvanna – none /bow (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – none /spear/SC ; Lauranna - none /short sword ; Ulrich – none /mace & shieldSC ; Griffo – none/short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Around the campfire with Gentleman Billy, Jovak & Shanny: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; On perimeter guard: Griffo , Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#96 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna listens to the dialog, thinking a bit before speaking up. "How goes the repairs? I mean how much more time do we have here before we are ready to leave?" She waits a while for the answer before she decides. "I think I would like to try and cast my spell tonight, I just can't get interrupted once I start."
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#97 Post by tkrexx »

"I too had hoped that the great owl would have returned by now, and that you could persuade it to make a reconnoiter for us. I hope it's alright, and that nothing bad has befallen it or it's young. Perhaps when you are next able to speak to other animals here or obtain an avian companion, we could find out?"
Last eve when the Owl took the crab claw she made note that it would feed her young for days. I don't expect to see her until she spies visitors to the isle, or until her food source runs dry, or unless she has other pertinent information she chooses to share. I would not count on any of those options for a bit.
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To the early morning of Day 7 on the isle...

#98 Post by Argennian »

~ Once the party is done discussing the details and potential utilizations of the newfound items, Billy hands the magical ring to Bogdan and puts the other one back in his inner pocket. He then hands the magical dagger over to Lauranna, looking at druidess after he does. "I am surprised that you would not wish to use the dagger, Emm. All of your companions have dark-sight but you. Perhaps you would like to carry my light coin when next you all go out and about then?"
Nuke66 wrote:Lauranna listens to the dialog, thinking a bit before speaking up. "How goes the repairs? I mean how much more time do we have here before we are ready to leave?" She waits a while for the answer before she decides. "I think I would like to try and cast my spell tonight, I just can't get interrupted once I start."
"The repairs are proceeding on schedule from what I'm told. Still looking at another week minimum," Gentleman Billy details at Lauranna's query.

He then nods his understanding and smiles at her desire to want to cast her mage's spell. "Understood. Master Ziffiris says that you'll need to do so about a healthy fire, and that it could take quite some time to complete the casting. Once we depart for the evening, you can do so here. I know he'd like to join you when he finishes with Aramis..."

tkrexx wrote:
"I too had hoped that the great owl would have returned by now, and that you could persuade it to make a reconnoiter for us. I hope it's alright, and that nothing bad has befallen it or it's young. Perhaps when you are next able to speak to other animals here or obtain an avian companion, we could find out?"
Last eve when the Owl took the crab claw she made note that it would feed her young for days. I don't expect to see her until she spies visitors to the isle, or until her food source runs dry, or unless she has other pertinent information she chooses to share. I would not count on any of those options for a bit.
Billy nods his understanding. "Very well then. When she does, we'll certainly have more here waiting for her!"


With the second epic island giant crab fest and subsequent after-dinner conversation concluded, everyone gathered departs for their respective sleeping quarters or stations. Ziffiris joins Lauranna at the fire with the expensive material components she'll need to cast her Find Familiar spell. Zimba ensures that there is plenty of wood on hand to keep it going through the night, if need be, before moving off to coordinate and set up a more encompassing night watch about the hidden cove.

The evening progresses past midnight and well towards dawn before Lauranna's spell finally yields results. The High elf mage's concentration is broken by a sudden presence in her lap and accompanying squeaking declaration. She looks down and discovers a small weasel is rolling around on her breaches, nipping playfully at the pouches on her belt! It seems completely tame and unafraid of her, and responds with happy squeaks, purrs and nose twitches when she pets and handles it.

Ziffiris suddenly snaps wakes and smiles when he realizes that Lauranna's spell has worked. "Ahh! It appears you have summoned something after all. Well done! Remember to keep it safe from harm, for you will suffer the baneful effects of its demise should it ever perish..."

Tired from the hours of continuous casting, Lauranna retires to her bunk with her new familiar. Ziffiris follows after waving to those on night watch and heads off to bed as well.


OOC: Nuke: information on your new familiar listed below. Please notate your Character & Battle sheets when can! 8-)

Mage's Familiar: Weasel
Size: Small
Move: 150 feet
Hit Dice: 1d3+1
Hit Points: 3 / 3 (current / total)
No of Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d3
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Animal
Alignment: Neutral
Note: When the familiar is within 120 feet of the magic-user, the magic-user gains additional hit points equal to the familiar's. However, if the familiar is ever killed, the magic-user permanently loses twice the familiar's hit points.

TOD: @ 4:00am of Day 7 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 19 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10 , Lauranna 9/9 , Ulrich 16/16 ; Griffo 24/24 ; Thalion 12/12
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – none/spear ; Caelvanna – none /bow (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – none /spear/SC ; Lauranna - none /short sword ; Ulrich – none /mace & shieldSC ; Griffo – none/short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Back in their bunks: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; Griffo , Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#99 Post by tkrexx »

OH, Hohohoho! Look, it's sooooo cute! Emm almost squeals in delight at the sight of Lauranna's familiar. I was SO hoping you would attract a companion I could speak with! The Forest Father smiles on you indeed, my friend! She almost acts as if the Elfmaid had just given birth.
"I am surprised that you would not wish to use the dagger, Emm. All of your companions have dark-sight but you. Perhaps you would like to carry my light coin when next you all go out and about then?"
The Druid nods. I have my lantern, and I now hold my own Airflame. It does not last long, but It may not need to. Still, I will not refuse the offer of your lightcoin. It's light is the brightest I've seen, sure to keep all sorts of undesirables away. Perhaps I can fashion a holder of sorts, from a piece of scrap wood from the Seahawk.

When Lauranna makes her way to her bedchamber, such as it is, the Priestess continues. Gentleman Billy, might I offer Shanny the blessings of curing poison on those who she says suffer its ill effects? There is little reason not to heal those I can, and they fell in my defense, at least in part, so I do feel I owe them something. If and when the old blind Woman leads her to those in need (Or, in fact, even if she does NOT), Emm will address her directly. You knew when that storm would hit us at sea. You seem more in tune with weather patterns than I. Could you tell me what manner of weather we can expect over the next week... Or two?
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#100 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna is happy that her spell worked. "Welcome my little friend." she says as she hoists up the critter to rub noses. "I shall name you Wily." She lets go of him and allows it to roam over her person. "We shall have to find you a spot to ride."

As she returns to the ship to bunk, she replies "Thanks Emm, it feels kinda weird. I mean the magical link between us. I've never had the sensation before."

It doesn't take long before the pair falls fast asleep.

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