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Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 12:37 am
by Samwell Turleton
I am at a loss for how to roll for a Dezzoroth attack on the creature.

Do I need to roll stats for the familiar first?

Is it based on a monster that I could reference?

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:58 am
by Marullus
Stats are mostly from the Familiar rules (p. 316). These are outlined below.
Familiar: Dezzoroth, the Demonic Mist Elemental
AC 14
Intelligence 5
HP: 6
Attack: +2 to hit, 1d4 damage
Uses caster's savings throws

Grants to Caster:
  • +1 to saves vs Mist (inc. Air and Water)
  • +6 hit points
  • +4 bonus to Fortitude saving throws against any kind of infection, poison, disease, or other debilitating effect.
  • +4 bonus to attempts to conceal yourself
  • Half-damage for any attribute loss from Corruption or from poison, disease, etc.
  • Claims caster's soul upon her death.
It is the most flavorful random generation... A mellow mist elemental of demonic origin and abilities. :)

As extraplanar creatures, they are impervious to normal
attacks. They can only be wounded normally by magic
weapons, spells, other extraplanar denizens, or creatures
with naturally magical attacks (including paralysis,
sleep, poison, acid, breath weapon, etc.). Creatures of at
least 4 HD are powerful enough to
wound an elemental for half dam-
age, and creatures of at least 6 HD
can cause normal damage.

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:56 pm
by Samwell Turleton
Thank you for the summary! You probably already posted that information before :)

I didn’t realize you randomized it - very appropriate!

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:04 pm
by Marullus
The joy of DCC is the randomization tables. :) I wouldn't have picked something that cool.

To be fair, I did veto the first choice. "Angry, demonic giant cricket" was something I couldn't work with. :lol:

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:10 pm
by Samwell Turleton
I could have also worked with a demonic cricket!

I do really like the mist though and appreciate the nautical nature of it.

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:45 pm
by greyarea
Marullus wrote: Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:04 pm The joy of DCC is the randomization tables. :) I wouldn't have picked something that cool.
Agreed wholeheartedly.

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:32 pm
by AleBelly
Samwell Turleton wrote: Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:02 pm Hannu Survage

sorry - don't know why it doubled the post


Initiative [1d20+1] = 20+1 = 21

Spear Attack [1d20+2] = 18+2 = 20, Deed Die [1d3] = 3, Dam. [1d8-1] = 3-1 = 2
Yay! Would have had Odlo stab at the eye too, but his arms are short. Deed die for the win!

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:12 pm
by Samwell Turleton
I guess I should have used a less eye bulgy icon and saved the eye bulgy one for a natural critical roll. I was still impressed by the high numbers.

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 3:52 pm
by AleBelly
According to the rules, we can designate one halfing to be the lucky one of the group, meaning he can expend luck on behalf of other party members. Odlo has 13 luck, while Hinrick has 12. IMO there are two things to consider. First, Odlo has slightly more luck, so he could be marginally more helpful. However, he loses his +1 luck modifier as soon as he expends a luck point. ybn, any thoughts on this?

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 4:01 pm
by ybn1197
AleBelly wrote: Wed Sep 02, 2020 3:52 pm According to the rules, we can designate one halfing to be the lucky one of the group, meaning he can expend luck on behalf of other party members. Odlo has 13 luck, while Hinrick has 12. IMO there are two things to consider. First, Odlo has slightly more luck, so he could be marginally more helpful. However, he loses his +1 luck modifier as soon as he expends a luck point. ybn, any thoughts on this?
I'm playing Hinrick a little more on the pacifistic side as opposed to how I've seen Odlo has been played (please correct me if I'm wrong.) Since we can't change the good luck charm once made (at least as long as both of our characters are alive) I think it would make more sense that Hinrick take the role of good luck charm since I am playing him in a more support oriented role.

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 5:01 pm
by AleBelly
Makes sense to me. I’m happy to go with Hinrick being the party’s good luck charm.

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 7:14 pm
by AleBelly
Something just occurred to me as I was rolling for Onnekas' dimensional shift mercurial magic effect. The description calls them doppelgangers, which I initially assumed to mean they were mirror images. But, there's already a mirror image spell and mirror image mercurial effect, so this must be something different...and doppelgangers have corporeal form. Could that mean Onnekas' duplicates are real, and can take action for the one round they're present?

That would be awesome.

As a counterargument, I would expect him to phase out every now and then for his counterparts in other dimensions. Or maybe I'm just giving this thing too much thought...

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 7:19 pm
by Samwell Turleton
AleBelly - that is a brilliant concept!

Keep giving it thought!

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 7:44 pm
by Marullus
Yes. :)

It's written as a similar concept as Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. They're multi-dimensional copies all meeting at a convergence, so they're all technically distinct from you. I'm not particualarly comfortable with the multiverse concept in traditional fantasy genre (I save that for my sci-fi)... in my write-ups, I have scripted that your duplicates are plant-based, not multiverse convergence, because of his connection to the One Tree. Plants have no difficulty with the concept of budding clones of an original plant, so I used that imagery. When that effect occurs, plants bloom in your vicinity and some of them bloom into identical Onnekasi (with physical form) and after the turn, they age out (turn to pollen, age out and wilt, etc.). As Onnekas connects with the universal consciousness of the One Tree, this makes sense.

It is intentionally wierd in the first place. I am fine with you riffing in that direction, and yes, I'll even include that it allows them to all act on the turn they exist. I'm happy for your further evolution (pun intended) of this as Onnekas and his connection with the One Tree continue to evolve.

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:27 pm
by AleBelly
Okay, perfect. I'll edit my post now to reflect the actions. I'm not going to go crazy on the duplicates...I'll riff off how you rule (using previous post as inspiration). Running with the idea that his simulacrums have something to do with his budding patron relationship, I don't think Onnekas would have any control over what they do.

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:19 pm
by Marullus
I am happy for you to incorporate as much as you feel comfortable with. You're a good player and I trust that.

Even if you don't control them, they are still identical duplicates of Onnekas, so would act similarly in most ways. How about this? Describe any quandaries Onnekas is thinking about at the moment you cast the spell. You can act out what Onnekas' choice is, but other versions of him might choose differently. That way you can have ownership of Onnekas' personality and thoughts without feeling like you're abusing the situation by choosing all the simulacrum actions.

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:16 pm
by Marullus
AleBelly wrote: Tue Sep 15, 2020 5:25 am Skill check as herbalist to see if he can heal/salve their wounds.

Wounds heal with rest. A healed character can never exceed
his natural hit point maximum.

A character who actively adventures and gets a good
night’s rest heals 1 hit point. If the character gets a day of
bed rest, he heals 2 hit points per night.
Healing is hard. I'm going to say that herbalism is a key factor in determining if rest is "good." If you're adventuring (i.e. not in an actual bed in a clean safe place) then getting good rest that allows you to heal will require some kind of roll. An herbalist treating you as physician can make the roll for you, and that's fair. Having proper tools (i.e. have "herbs, 1lb" and use them) can grant a boost on the die chain.

You get 1hp back for a night's rest, a second hp if you spend the day resting afterwards. Hannu is down 7hp and Olga is down 3hp. If you rest the day, the night, and the day, Olga would be rested at the sunset tomorrow. Hannu would need to lounge around until sunset on the fourth day.

You CAN get rest on the ship in the cabin. However, Olga can't sail while she's resting. If you anchor, encounters are possible on land but the ship is safe. If you are at sea, someone else needs the navigation checks while Olga is resting to see if you wreck the ship and/or have encounters. :)

House Rule Proposal: Any character can shrug off incidential damage after a fight. This allows you to recover up to your level in hit points once per day when combat is over.

Thoughts? It mitigates the "non-cleric healing" slightly, but keeps things pretty brutal.

Re: OOC Game Discussion

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:41 pm
by greyarea
This non-cleric healing works for me.