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Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:06 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Throm leaves as fast as his stubby legs can take him out of the nest that he was searching.

Climb 81% [1d100] = 38

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:19 pm
by thesniperknight1
Eirenaios dismisses the ball of fire, "Umm......sorry everyone....that really was a stupid idea", he climbs out of there with shame.

Climb(43): [1d100] = 90

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:21 pm
by tooleychris
Craxzus (npc) also begins climbing down.
Craxzus Climb (50 %)[1d100] = 58

With Thorgrims help in spotting, the climb is easier. (easy skill rolls double skill score)
Everyone makes it safely down but in the rush the elf Eirenaios looses grip and his feet fall from under him. He grabs a crevice and dangles by one arm, scrambling his feet to find leverage, but his finger strength finally fails and with a cry he plummets...
Fall height [1d100] = 1
One foot to the ground below. (frigging beautiful :) )
Black smoke starts to billow out of the cave, far above, like a furnace but everyone is on the ground. Ruken is elbob deep in the wyverns rear end.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:47 pm
by thesniperknight1
Eirenaios stands up quickly in a false attempt to look dignified, he looks to Ruken who is for some reason searching the rear of the wyvren, "What....ummm...are you doing exactly? I really hope that this is chemist related...", he looks to the others, "I am sorry about that, seemed like a great idea at the time", he laughs awkwardly, "Now anyone has more things to attend to with the wyvern or should we go to see the chemist?"

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:45 pm
by Rukellian
"The venom-filled gland I was looking for was not in the barbed tail. The delivery system stems from a sack found within the wyvern's... ermm, rectum." He looks at the others, his arms knee deep within the creatures behind, and then back at the group. Slow realization takes hold of the gnome as he realizes just how weird this might look to the others. He smiles awkwardly and forces a laugh. "I was just finishing up anyways."

Ruken pulls his arms out carefully and produces a second vial of the wyvern's venomous fluid. He seals it quickly and cleans off the surface before putting it in his bag carefully with the other vials. "I've collected some of its blood too, with it I can-" The gnome stops mid-speech as he notices the clearly robotic insect that Eirenaios is hulling around. He geeks out in his own spastic manner and rushes toward it for closer examination. "By the powers that be... this alchemist we are heading towards, he is both a master of artificial life and machina technologies! This is incredible. I've never actually seen one in before, only in picture books during my studies!"

"It has to be his work, can't think of any other person on this island that can produce such creations, not even a master smithy would know where to begin, even one who has dabbled into the alchemical arts. To breath life into artificial constructs..." The muttered words that follow are hard for those not privy to alchemical speak. The gnome goes through everything he knows that might come close to how this creation was achieved. Though his limited experience may prove his undoing during the evaluation.

Alchemy Skill Check 20% [1d100] = 9

Metallurgy Knowledge Check 30% [1d100] = 86

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:58 pm
by tooleychris
The little alchemist looks over the machina and discovers a tiny button on the back side. Pushing it reveals what appears to be a square toy hut with one door, 1 window on each side and a chimney. A piece of parchment is tied to the chimney. On it is an alchemic symbol for expansion and another for contraction.
(this was meant as Rukens christmas present, as the others up in the cave were for the rest of you.)

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:29 pm
by Tyrion
Must be a wonderful life when you can find joy in pieces of junk and the inside of a birds arse. I be ready to move on and try and get that image out of my head.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:33 pm
by Dram
Craxzus- Watching the smoke plume out of the cave. It may be best that we move to the Alchemists shop. That smoke may draw unwanted attention. Now that the main predator is dead.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:36 pm
by thesniperknight1
Eirenaios marvels at the bug with great curiosity, "THIS IS SUPERB!!! I have no idea what it is or what it does but absolutely magnificent!!", he snaps out of it, "Oh yes, we should move", he follows Craxzus

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:43 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Throm "Aye lets just move on ta the alchemist fella."

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:58 am
by Rukellian
tooleychris wrote:The little alchemist looks over the machina and discovers a tiny button on the back side. Pushing it reveals what appears to be a square toy hut with one door, 1 window on each side and a chimney. A piece of parchment is tied to the chimney. On it is an alchemic symbol for expansion and another for contraction.
(this was meant as Rukens christmas present, as the others up in the cave were for the rest of you.)
Suffice to say, the gnome will be keeping this treasure close by, for a more in-depth investigation later ;)

Ruken is at a loss for words. His joy at this moment is so overwhelming, the gears in his mind running at such a speed, that he cannot form words properly if he wanted to. All he can manage to do is marvel at it with wide eyes full of wonder. He puts it away for fear that it would steal away precious traveling time, his ever-curious in mind aching to see if it is what he thinks it is.

Thanks tooley! :D

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:51 pm
by tooleychris