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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 2:59 pm
by Marullus

Between this and the OOC thread it looks like we're following the fleeing kobolds to try to deal with them first. We know we'll incur the Grind shortly - anyone who wants to drink water as we walk should say so. (Allric will save his wine and risk getting angry, unless someone else has spare water they wish to offer him. We are light on rations this trip and relying an Rabon's cooking to stretch them.)

When we catch the kobolds, Berry's instinct to try to talk to them first kicks in. Nobody else has a matching instinct, so we can't help him. Then we'll see where we stand for further actions.


As Alfred and Thag push ahead down the hallway, Allric ceases his fretting about the statue and, waving Rabon and Berry to come along with him, shuffles quickly to catch up. "Let's not let the shooters do the talking for us, eh?" he confides in the priest and burglar.

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:57 pm
by shroomofinsanity
Berry pulls himself together and marches with his comrades, ready to try and talk sense to these creatures.

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 9:22 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Rabon follows last, wary of more exploding objects.

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:12 pm
by Ludanto
Sorry, everybody. Things got busy, and then I lost my notes. I found them, though I still can't find my TB book, which is weird.

After a quick deliberation, you run into the lava pit room. The heat hits you in the face with unexpected intensity, but you move past it, ignoring the shimmer of the heat and the orange glow that barely reaches the arching rafters of the room. Then, just as quickly, you're through the door to the other side. The hallway is dark once more, except for the lights you carry. The crumbling corridor continues north, and there's a passage to the west a short way ahead. There's no sign of the kobolds, who had quite a head start, and probably know this area better. From somewhere up ahead, you hear a brief, fluttering sound, though it quickly passes.

What now?

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:22 pm
by shroomofinsanity
I can link you to my torchbearer pdf dropbox if you need a book until you find yours.

Could one of you maybe take us forward. I'm not scared or anything, I would just rather someone more versed in stabbing maybe take the lead. Berry mumbles out towards his more martial compatriots.

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:14 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Rabon offers to help lead the way with Thag. No offense, Alfred. I'm sure your antlers are mighty intimidating, but Thag an' me are good at finding traps an' ambushes.He pushes forward to ensure his spot near Thag. Oh. An' your keen eyesight an' hearing oughtta let us know if we're bein' tailed. You can watch our backsides, right? An' Berry, you make sure Grampa-Pick-it-up don't get himself exploded again, 'kay? He winks at Allric in the dim light.

OOC: Rabon and Thag have similar instincts of scouting ahead, so they can support one another without it advancing the Grind.
IC: At character generation, Rabon wasn't the sort of person that put a lot of stock in listening to elves and dwarfs, iirc. :P Also, he is hoping he can keep Thag and Alfred from starting a battle, since Allric mentioned that. And keeping you all safe is Rabon's goal.

Edit: for the sake of saving time and headaches, CLICKY LINKY for TB resources.

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:05 am
by Ludanto
Carefully approaching the junction, the path to the north disappears into darkness. A significant amount of rubble litters the floor and lines the edges of the hallway. To the west, more darkness, and a faint hissing sound.

What now?

Thanks everybody. I've got PDFs. I just can't find my book for some reason.

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 4:04 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
I am all for letting the Scout Ahead instincts be triggered. Rabon is Exhausted, which is +1OB to all tests, so I'd rather have Thag take it on and just add a helping die. For now, anyhow.

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:59 am
by BillTheGalacticHero
I've been out of touch lately, I hope you all weren't waiting on me, I haven't been getting any notifications of new messages.

I'm ready to lead the next Scout test.

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:03 pm
by Marullus
I think you need to describe your action to trigger the scout test. :) You're leading the way, so it's mostly in your court until we find a group for Berry and I to talk to. :)

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 4:49 pm
by BillTheGalacticHero
If'n we go down the north corridor that'll leave whatever be makin' that sound behind us. I say we go west to investigate that hissin' sound. I'll lead the way, Rabon's got my back. Then Allric with Berry and Alfred in the back.

If I do the test with help from Rabon then I would need to use the 10' pole if I wanted the extra die from it, right? Rabon would not be able to give 2 dice for helping and using the pole.

As quietly as possible we head west, I'm using the pole to test the floor, walls, and ceiling. Do we have Allric's magic lights, or is someone carrying a torch?

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:55 am
by Marullus
Allric has three magic lights for the phase. No worries.

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 12:34 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Rabon sighs. Of course you'd be wanting to head that way. You're dead set on trying to be dead. Let's just hope it's only a hissing cockroach. Rabon scans the floors for pressure plates and tripwires, and the ceiling for signs of a rigged collapse or hissing cockroaches.

+1D to scouting instinct, if needed.

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 3:26 pm
by BillTheGalacticHero
Ready to roll some dice.

Scout-4: 4D + 1D help from Rabon + 1D item (10' pole) = 6D

Being Hungry does not effect a skill test.

I may use a Trait to remove a die and gain a Check. Details to follow once I know the Obs

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 11:35 pm
by Ludanto
Thag and Rabon move ahead of the group, at the edge of the light, wary of traps and the like. Soon, they see something moving ahead. It's a misty, flowing movement, a fogginess that drifts along the floor at the edge of the light cast by the glowing orbs, accompanied by a humid, mineral smell. The hissing is somewhat louder here.

What now?

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:15 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Rabon wiggles a grubby finger in his ear, then shakes his head and looks at the others. You hearing that too? Kinda-sorta ominous, right? He lets Thag edge into the room just in front of him to check it out, if he wants to. If not, Rabon is happy to leave whatever it is well enough alone.

I'm guessing that the housing is an animal. If it actually soundsmore like a geothermal gas vent, Rabon is happy to proceed.

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:23 pm
by Marullus
Coming up behind them as they stop, Allric ponders the fog and strokes his beard. He ponders all he knows of monsters and gas fissures. (LOREMASTER?) He sends a light mote bobbing directly into the area of misty movement to see more clearly.

Re: Session 5: The Crypt

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 5:47 am
by Ludanto
As Allric ponders, his orb advances into the fog. There's nothing in it that he can see. The movement appears to be just the natural billowing of the fog itself. The light reflecting from the wet stones, and the bits of crusty deposit on the walls and floor, suggest that this is a wet, steamy mist.

Soon it becomes clear that, while he knows quite a bit about monsters and fissures, there simply isn't enough information to go on at this point, and no conclusions yet to be drawn.

What now?