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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 1:47 am
by Scott308
Eglistrum Paharis

The mage will take his accustomed place in line, trying to move as quietly as possible.

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 1:54 am
by Zhym
Ampersand Mxyzptlk Kerfuffle Humperdink Wongdoodle Biddleshaft the Third follows along with a slight shrug.

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 3:43 am
by Spartakos
The group moves up to the corner, and carefully but decisively round it, and almost at once see what lies ahead.

About 20' from the corner, the corrior opens up into a smallish room; a guardroom, from the look of it. It is lit by a pair of torches, and it has some rudimentary furniture--a table, some stools--and a few barrels along the walls. A half-dozen goblins are lounging here, arguing about something in their rapid tongue; they look bored, and one is dozing with his head on the table. They wear leather cuirasses and halfhelms, carry round wooden shields, and are armed with long daggers and javelins. They do not immediately notice you, but you know they will momentarily.

Goblins surprised: [1d6] = 1
Party surprised: [1d6] = 4

You have surprise! Actions?

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 2:48 am
by Scott308
Eglistrum Paharis

Quickly recognizing that the goblins have not noticed the party, the mage presses the attack, sending a glowing bolt of energy straight at one of the arguing goblins.

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 11:24 am
by KingOfCowards
Old Sham Haddock charges into the room, hoping to strike down a goblin before it can retaliate.
Attack with Broadsword: [1d20+1] = 12+1 = 13, Damage: [1d8+1] = 1+1 = 2

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 1:01 am
by badams30
Brother Henry - Priest

Henry quickly says to our men at arms "Let's go, men!" and he charges the nearest goblin, swinging his mace at it!

[1d20+1] = 2+1 = 3 SWISH! WHIZ! MISS! :cry:

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:07 am
by Spartakos
Surprise round:

Sham leads the way, charging the goblins, and Cormac is at his side with axe raised high. Henry is not far behind, urging his companions to join them...but Lardo and Ampersand the Overendowed-With-Names both want no part of melee, and Eglistrum demonstrates his sorcerous talents instead. Geert nocks an arrow to his bow and hugs the wall, loosing his shaft when he sees a good opening. As for the lads from the Keep...Kal hesitates, uncertain as to what he should do, but Kyle follows close at Henry's heels, brandishing his hatchet with a perhaps undue amount of courage.

Sham's blow is true, but his opponent sees him coming just in time to start dodging, and he takes a glancing hit that nevertheless causes the goblin to squeal in pain (2 damage, still alive). Cormac's great two-handed stroke, on the other hand, cleaves his goblin nearly in half (9 damage, kill). Geert's arrow goes astray, but the glowing missile from Eglistrum's spell strikes with deadly effect (7 damage, kill). Henry's roundhouse swing is a clean miss, and Kyle's attack is more enthusiastic than effective.

Cormac attack vs goblins: [1d20+2] = 17+2 = 19, damage: [1d8+3] = 6+3 = 9
Geert attack vs goblin: [1d20+3] = 6+3 = 9, damage: [1d6] = 3
Kyle attack roll: [1d20] = 7, damage: [1d6] = 2

The goblins, finding themselves beset by a sizeable group including at least one wizard, scramble to defend themselves. Three attempt to form a defensive line (Sham and Henry's opponents, plus one moving to block Cormac), while the last runs to the wall and fumbles with a barrel there...he looks to be pulling something out of it.


Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 12:41 pm
by KingOfCowards
Sham continues to attack, but with the goblin now prepared, it proves too quick for his lumbering swing.
Attack with Broadsword: [1d20+1] = 6+1 = 7, Damage: [1d8+1] = 7+1 = 8

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:00 pm
by Zhym
Ampersand Mxyzptlk Kerfuffle Humperdink Wongdoodle Biddleshaft the Third slings a stone at the goblin messing with the barrel.

Sling (THAC0 19): [1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19 [1d4] = 3

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 1:25 am
by badams30
Brother Henry - Cleric

Henry swings at the closest goblin as he says "Fine work Kyle! Keep it up!"

To Hit: [1d20+1] = 17+1 = 18 SMASH!
DMG: [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3 BASH!

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 12:02 am
by Scott308
Eglistrum Paharis

Having cast his only spell, the mage pulls a dagger from the band on his chest, flinging it solidly into the barrel.

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:33 pm
by Gelatinous Q
OOC: Sorry guys, rough week.

Lardo will attempt to hide in shadows and maneuver behind the goblins for a backstab attack.

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 6:52 pm
by Spartakos
21st of Shining, 12:00 pm

Initiative, round 1:
Initiative for monsters: [1d6] = 1
Initiative for party: [1d6] = 3

The party presses their attack on the beleaguered goblins, with considerable effectiveness. Sham's blade is turned aside, but Henry's mace staves in a goblin's helm and drives it to the floor (3 damage, kill). With Henry's foe dead, Kyle manages to maneuver around and drive his axe into neck of the goblin facing Sham. The monster goes down with a gurgle (1 damage, but enough to finish it). Cormac's wrath is terrible to behold, as he disembowels the final goblin (9 damage, kill).

Cormac attack vs goblins: [1d20+2] = 17+2 = 19, damage: [1d8+3] = 6+3 = 9
Kyle attack roll: [1d20] = 13, damage: [1d6] = 1

Ampersand and Eglistrum both try to use missiles to stop the goblin at the barrel; while the mage's knife thunks into the barrel, the gnome's slingstone impacts solidly and cracks the creature's skull (3 damage, kill).

The room falls silent as the goblins twitch their last. Kal flushes red at the cocky grin his friend gives him, realizing he stood slack-jawed for the entire fight...though the whole affair probably half a minute. Geert shrugs and slips an arrow back into his quiver, and glances down the passage where the group came from. Lardo straightens up from where he was crouched by the wall, trying to maneuver.

Now that they are in the room and no longer fighting for their lives, the group can see another hallway to the left (if facing the way they were when entering the room). Besides the furnishings described earlier, the party can now see there are 4 barrels at various points along the walls; one is empty, one holds ale (from the smell of the bung), one holds salt pork, and the last--the one the goblin had his arm in--holds water.


Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:29 pm
by Scott308
Eglistrum Paharis

The mage will walk over to the barrel holding water and retrieve his dagger. He will then stick his hand in the water to try and find whatever the goblin was looking for.

Somebody needs to cut ears off these guys so we can get paid for them.

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 1:33 pm
by Gelatinous Q
Lardo cheerfully volunteers for ear duty. He'll roll the bodies for booty while he's at it.

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 1:41 pm
by Zhym
Ampersand Mxyzptlk Kerfuffle Humperdink Wongdoodle Biddleshaft the Third helps Eglistrum, peering into the water to see what the goblin thought he needed so urgently. "Get a look at what you're taking out of the barrel first," he advises. "When dealing with goblins, it's best to prepare for the worst. Maybe the air makes it go boom? Don't let curiosity be our doom!"

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 8:45 pm
by badams30
Brother Henry - Cleric

After a quick glance around at the carnage, and an audible "Ewww!" At the sight of the goblin ear removal going on, Henry smiles and with an excited tone says "EXCELLENT work, men! And yes, do be careful around that liquid. No telling what these hideous things have in here."

Henry walks about the room looking for any signs of injury or distress to the party. He pats Kyle on the shoulder and says "Keep up that good work." He says to his colleague, "It's okay. Jump in next time and the next goblin will be yours!"

Henry will cheerfully bop about, but keeping a watchful eye out.

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 7:37 pm
by Spartakos
Eglistrum and Ampersand find that inside the water barrel is a burlap sack; it's contents are rather weighty (20 lb. or so). A little prodding says said contents are likely coins.

Lardo recovers 6 ears from the dead goblins, and rifles their pouches, coming up with 38 sp. In addition, they have their leather armor, halfhelms, 6 daggers of assorted size and shape, 6 round wooden shields (painted with crude runes), and a dozen javelins (besides assorted personal effects, of value only to a goblin).

Next move?

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 6:57 pm
by Zhym
"Who'd keep coins in a barrel full of water?" wonders Ampersand Mxyzptlk Kerfuffle Humperdink Wongdoodle Biddleshaft the Third aloud. "And why go get it as the battle gets hotter? When spit gets real, you want cold steel. Was he going to flee? Or pay us to let them be? I've got not clue what they were trying to do."

Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 8:20 pm
by KingOfCowards
Old Sham stands by the unexplored hallway, ready to leave when the party finishes up.
He agrees with Ampersand about the coins, "That does seem to be an odd choice of action. Maybe open up the bag to be sure..."