The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#61 Post by Grognardsw »

Eddie visits the Arkham police station for another of questioning. An Officer Dunsany obliges him.

"We haven't identified the body or found the second. The missing members are slowing that down. We're following up leads related to the murder site. Naturally, this being an ongoing investigation, we can't provide details.

Off the record, we are following up on the carnival lead. Also off the record, yes we're aware of the Providence case. There is BOI involvement. There have been no arrests yet relative to the Arkham murders."

Back at the Arkham Gazzette offices, Eddie convinces his reluctant editor to pay his way in Providence. "Play up the Arkham angle kid! We ain't the Globe!" the harried editor exclaims.
Good use of the Investigators Notebook.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#62 Post by Anders Molin »

Eddie put the finishing touches to his text for tomorrow's paper and rushed it off to the evening editor's desk. "Murders in Marblehead - Arkham Police Stumped" was his suggestion for a headline - though he reckoned the editor would pick something considerably more bland, as he did more often than not. Walt Harvey was an accommodating boss and a seasoned newsman, but Eddie did find him a bit unimaginative at times.

Before he left for Providence, Eddie sat down at his desk and made a couple of telephone calls. The first was to Miscatonic University and the office of Dr David Clarke, seeking an appointment for an interview later in the week. "It's regarding a dig site near Marblehead that's connected to a news story I'm covering. I just want to ask him a few questions about the place and any findings he and his students might have made."

The next call was a long-distance one, to the front desk officer of the Boston police. After introducing himself as a reporter doing background work on an active Arkham case, Eddie inquired about whether any reports of missing persons or murders had been filed lately - specifically about the time the Dark Pharaoh Freak Show would have been in Boston.

His telephoning business settled, Eddie grabbed coat, hat and suitcase and headed off to the station and the evening train to Providence. Meeting Sevellon might turn up some new leads, and he definitely should speak to the persons connected to this Carver person. Hmm... I should really make time to pay Mother and Father a visit as well...
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#63 Post by Grognardsw »

"Dr. Clarke is not available at the moment," says the Miskatonic University secretary for the Archeology and Anthropology Department. "But his colleague Dr. Francis Morgan was the co-leader of the local dig and could talk with you. He has gone home for the day but I will give him your information."

The enterprising reporter calls the Boston Police next. After calling him back to verify he is who he says he is, the officer answers briefly. "Let's see, about a week ago... I don't see anything, but people from all over go to the circus and carnivals that pass through. Could be any number of surrounding towns that such reports may have been received."

Calls completed, at least for now, Eddie boards the train for Providence.
Dr. Clarke's story is happening a few months prior to Eddie and the others. So that makes an interesting time-space conundrum in placing him in "current" time, not knowing what happened to him ;)
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#64 Post by Anders Molin »

Finding his seat on the train, Eddie sank down and covered his face with his hat. He let the details of the gruesome story mill about in his head, thoughts coming and going like patterns in a fireplace smoketrail, as he waited for the train to arrive in Providence. Once there, he would meet up with Sevellon Brown and ask him to relate any and all details about the Providence mutilations. Contacting Wilkins and Angell was at the top of Eddie's list of things to do in the morning.
As stated: Eddie will see what Sevellon has to say and in turn will give all on-record and off-the-record information he himself has on the Arkham end.

Must be a headache to be running multiple threads unfolding at different places in time... I'm impressed!

By the way, I notice I am switching between present tense and past tense in my posts. Do you have any preferences?
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#65 Post by Grognardsw »

The train pulls into Prividence station at 8:30 pm. Eddie disembarks and takes a taxi over to Sevellon Brown's house on the lower west side of College Hill.

"Good to see you again!" says Sevellon, greeting his old protege. The old editor's wife serves them tea in the study. Sevellon lights a pipe. The two newspaperman make small talk for a while. Sevellon shows Eddie his new fly fishing pole.

"Terrible business, these murders," Sevellon gets around to saying. "Gruesome violence, maybe ritualistic, something to do with missing hands, heads, and chest carving though the police didn't describe how. Several days ago they arrested this Timothy Carver fellow. What a surname! He confessed to six murders, but there were others. Police won't say how many. They've been increasingly closed mouth about it, but I know the Bureau of Investigation is involved. And rumors of drug rings and foreigners. So your Arkham murders in the same modus operandi make sense I suppose, the crime crossing state lines and all. But I'm not sure Carver did the others."

Sevellon draws on his pipe. "Your freak show lead, that is intriguing. I remember they were in town not three weeks ago. That Seeress having the Miskatonic ring sounds suspicious indeed."

"Carver's roommate, Robert Angell, has been gone but is returning tomorrow. He's going to be questioned by a good many people I imagine. Including my reporter, and I suppose you too!"
Sevellon says with light laughter.

The two talk more. Sevellon insists Eddie stay in their extra room for the night.
You can write in what tense you feel comfortable with. I write in present tense as it feels more immediate.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#66 Post by Anders Molin »

After a long evening of talking to his old mentor, Eddie withdrew to the guest room. Even though he was tired from a long day of work, travel, and excitement, he could not bring himself to go to bed. Standing by the window he gazed out over downtown Providence, a trail of smoke rising from his cigarette. Funny how different things can be, Eddie mused. In here, I'm warm, comfortable, and safe. Out there somewhere, a lunatic murderer might be stalking his next victim this very moment. He pulled on his cigarette. Or am I jumping to conclusions? Maybe the murders were planned in cold blood and the body parts severed to delay identification... No, this whole story has a sinister tilt - foreigners, carnies, tight-lipped cops... I need to get to the bottom of this.

Eddie put out the cigarette, made some additions to his notebook and finally went to bed, where uneasy sleep awaited. In the morning, he would try to catch Angell before the rest of the pack showed up.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#67 Post by Anders Molin »

Eddie woke with a start and sat bolt upright in the bed. What..? Why..? Did I hear something? ... No, you're imagining things... He lay down again, but found it no easy thing to go back to sleep. Instead, he rose. Wrapping the blanket around his body, he returned to the window and let his mind wander as his gaze swept over the Providence rooftops.

First Boston, then Providence, now Arkham... Next stop for the carnies would be Worcester. I can't telephone the police and tell them to be prepared for mutilations and murders, can I? But what can I do? Damnit, I need to get some answers from these fellas Angell and Wilkins - but I hardly even know what questions to ask!

Eddie remained by the window for a good while before stumbling back to bed, dreamy sleep finally enveloping him.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#68 Post by Grognardsw »

August 12, 1925, 8:00 am
Providence, RI
Apartment of Robert Angell and Timothy Carver
Eddie Sharp, Arkham Gazette reporter

Eddie wakes up and enjoys a breakfast with Sevellon. He checks in at the office. A copy boy reads a phone message from Marius Albertoni that came in just 20 minutes ago. "Eddie - I heard strange noises last night outside my house. I am concerned. What is going on?"

Eddie takes a cab over to Robert Angell's apartment. Sevellon mentined that Robert is the son of George Gemmell Angell, the Brown professor emeritus of Semitic languages. The place is a run down building housing mostly immigrants or students. Eddie trudges up three flights of stairs, knocks on the door, and is greeted by Robert. He is a sensitive looking youth with a shock of blondish hair.

"Come in," says Robert. "You want to know about Tim?"
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#69 Post by Anders Molin »

"Thanks, mr Angell." Eddie tipped his hat and entered the apartment, casually looking around to get a feeling for the place. In his head, he mentally reminded himself of some wise words once spoken by his mentor Sevellon Brown: "Don't be afraid of silence in interviews! People hate silence, and will gladly keep talking to avoid it!" Eddie took out his notebook, flipped it open and started interviewing the young man: "I've learned that Tim has confessed to six murders. Does that surprise you?"

Noting Robert's answers, Eddie continued: "I haven't had the chance to talk to Tim myself. I guess you knew him well, being his flatmate? Could you describe him for me?
Eddie uses a technique consisting of open questions like the two above, nudging Robert on with short interjections and encouragements like "Aha? I see... Is that so?" etc. The aim is to keep Robert talking about Tim to learn as much as possible without steering the conversation. (I you prefer, I'll gladly role-play the entire conversation blow-by-blow, but that might take quite some time...
As Robert was finishing his story, Eddie added: "I'd like to ask you some specific questions if that's allright?"
These are the questions Eddie asks, if they are not already answered through Robert's opening story:
  • What kind of work did Tim do?
  • What interests or hobbies was Tim pursuing in his spare time, if any?
  • Did Tim ever mention anything to Robert about the murders, before or after the fact?
  • Did he say anything about a motive?
  • Does Robert have any theories of his own as to why Tim would commit these murders?
  • Does Robert in fact believe Tim did it? If not, why might he want to confess to them?
  • Tim has denied involvement in several similar murders here in Providence - has he mentioned anything about those?
  • Did he recently meet with any new acquaintances, or anyone Robert had a weird feeling about?
  • Did Tim go and visit the Dark Pharaoh Freak Show when it was in town?
If you allow such things, I'd like to roll for Luck to see if I remembered to bring my camera from Arkham:
Luck (45): [1d100] = 75

Guess not :)
As the interview itself drew to a close, Eddie rose and put his hand in his jacket pocket, where he could feel the crumpled message from Marius up in Marblehead. He needed to hurry back to the Journal and borrow a telephone, but before he left Robert Angell he needed to see to one final thing: "By the way, mr Angell, might I have a look in Tim's room?"
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#70 Post by Grognardsw »

Eddie's observant eyes take in Robert Angell's apartment. The reporter steps into the dimly lit living room. Sunlight filters through drawn shades. Dust motes drift heavily. There is a not-pleasant smell of foreign-cooked food.

"I just got back last night. Haven't had time to clean the place up."

The reporter hits Angell with some direct questions.

"Yes I was surprised. I knew he'd been taking drugs, keeping strange hours, and reading some wild stuff. But that describes a lot of students around here," Angell says. Eddie surmises he's referring to Brown, RISD and Providence Colleges whose students swarm about College Hill.

"To go off the deep end and do what he did..." Angell shakes his head. "Tim was a thoughtful guy, keen on his studies, bit of a loner. Into books and history. He was working at Charter's Book Shop before this all happened. Cataloging books and tending the store. He enjoyed that. He became interested in jazz music after visiting some local clubs. I prefer classical myself. Recently Tim started getting in these moods, talking gibberish. It would pass. He'd ramble on when he was high. I started avoiding him around that time."

The second-hand furniture is worn and dirty, the beds unkempt, the place dusty, the kitchen filled with unwashed dishes and scattering cockroaches. There are many  books. Among the volumes are history, macabre and fantastical fiction from the likes of Poe, Machen, Dunsany, and pulp magazines such as Weird Tales and Argosy. 

A battered Victor Victrola phonograph player and collection of records sits in the corner.  Angell’s art work is all about. Eddie knows he is a student at the Rhode Island School of Design. The artwork seems related to classes – there there are still-lifes, landscapes, abstracts. 

"He never mentioned anything about the murders. I don't have any theories of my own, other than he had a bad reaction to whatever drugs he was on. But then, the murders happened over time? I don't know. I suppose Tim committed the murders. He confessed. He didn't mention specifics of who he did or didn't kill."

"On new acquaintances, maybe he did but he never brought them to the apartment. I remember he said he had a new client of his own, someone he was procuring books for. I don't know his name, but he was a professor in the archeology department at Brown."

"Oh yes, the freakshow, we all saw that. Timothy enjoyed it. He went two nights in a row."

During the interview it occurs to Eddie to take pictures, but he forgot his camera. Perhaps he could borrow one from Sevellon.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#71 Post by Anders Molin »

"Thank you for your time, mr Angell." Eddie picked up his coat and hat and pocketed his notebook. "If it's okay, I'd like to return later and take some photographs - for the news story, you know." Tipping his hat, Eddie hurried down the street, hailed a cab and returned to Sevellon's office at the Journal.

"Sevellon, do you have a spare camera? I left mine at home and there are some pretty juicy shots to be had at that Angell/Carver place. My suit'll reek for a fortnight, but I think it was worth it!"

"Also, I'll need to speak to Carver's employer, mr Wilkins. Could you have one of your fellas dig up the address to his business? I might be headed there right after I deal with the telephone note from this morning."

Swooping out before Sevellon could deny him the favour, Eddie returned to the small desk in the corner of the room where he had temporarily installed himself during his Providence visit. Picking up the telephone, he called Marius Albertoni to hear what was going on outside his house. Eddie pulled nervously on his cigarette; deep inside, he hoped he was not too late in calling - but too late for what?
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#72 Post by Grognardsw »

At the Providence Journal office, Eddie borrows a camera from Sevellon. He obtains the address of Charter Book Shop.

Then the reporter calls Marius Albertoni. His wife answers and calls her husband in from chopping wood.

"Hello Eddie. Yes last night I heard a weird cry. Not a natural animal - I know all those. This was higher- pitched, almost above, maybe carried on the wind. Caused our animals to put up a ruckus. Then a thumping against the house. I went out then with my shotgun but didn't see anything. I looked for tracks. I'm good at that. There weren't any. There weren't any tracks!"
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#73 Post by Anders Molin »

"That does sound weird, Marius. I can't honestly say I know what's going on, but I have a bad feeling about this. Maybe the - thing - you heard is connected to the body you found nearby." Or it's connected to you finding the body, Eddie thought to himself. "Say, Marius - are any of your animals missing?"
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#74 Post by Grognardsw »

"Yes, that was the other thing. I am missing a goat!" Marius continues. "I am afraid for my family. They're going to go stay with my wife's sister in Lowell. Are you going back to the freakshow?"
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#75 Post by Anders Molin »

"I need to follow up a couple of loose ends here in Providence, but I'd like to go back to the Freak Show as soon as I'm back in Arkham. And Marius - maybe you should go look for that goat in the surroundings? Perhaps whoever mutilated those bodies have done the same thing to your animal." Eddie put out his cigarette in a nearby ashtray. "Right, I need to take care of things here in my end. I'll check in with you once I return to Arkham - maybe we could return to the Freak Show together?"
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#76 Post by Grognardsw »

"Okay," says Marius. "Be careful."
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#77 Post by Anders Molin »

Eddie replaced the telephone handset and picked it up again, this time calling the Providence police. Introducing himself to the officer on duty, he went on: "Just a short question regarding the man in custody for the murder-mutilations - did he state any motive for his actions as he confessed?"

As he finished the telephone call with the police, Eddie grabbed the borrowed camera on his way out the door. Hailing a cab, he gave the driver the address for the Charter Book Shop. Interviewing Reginald Wilkins was next on Eddie's agenda.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#78 Post by Grognardsw »

Eddie waits several minutes on the phone with the Providence police as they confirm his identity with the newspaper.

"Okay, we can't say much because it is an ongoing investigation. But off the record, the suspect has not offered a definitive motivation, or one that we can understand. Most of what he says is gibberish now."

Eddie then takes a cab to the Charter Book Shop. As he approaches the front door it opens. A bookish younger man and an old man are about to exit.
If there are more questions for the officer you can still ask.
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#79 Post by Anders Molin »

Before hanging up on the police officer, Eddie asked a couple of follow-up questions: "Gibberish, you say? What kind? Did he say anything intelligible at all - perhaps naming places or persons? I am working on a story concerning similar cases in Arkham, so I'm obviously interested in any mentions of accomplices with connections up north. All off the record, of course! "


As Eddie approached the book shop, he noticed the persons leaving. Walking up to them, he said: "Good day, sirs My name's Eddie Sharpe, reporter with the Arkham Gazette. Are any of you by any chance the owner of this store? "
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Re: The Hunt - Marius and Eddie Take Aim

#80 Post by Grognardsw »

The Providence police officer answers: "He started talking English then interspersed it with some other language than switched over completely. I think he's daft. We are consulting with outside experts on it. Carver didn't name accomplices or anyone else, as far as we could understand what he was saying. As to similar murders in Massachusetts, that's beyond our jurisdiction, but we're coordinating with appropriate local authorities."
For what transpires at Charters Book Shop, please see the Chapter and Hearse storyline.

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