[Game #1] Osan Taan's Thread

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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#61 Post by Landifarne »

Swimming frantically upwards, Osan makes it to the surface after what seems like an eternity of swallowing water. Barely able to tread water with his remaining gear, the druid looks about- and it is completely dark. From the echoes of his breathing and splashing, however, Osan can sense that the chamber he is in is not overly large...the walls perhaps twenty or thirty feet away (in every direction), and the ceiling about ten feet above his head.

Swimming about, and feeling pretty desperate to get a handhold, Osan bumps into a shoreline/ledge on his left side. Crawling out, the druid lies in exhaustion for a few minutes. Thinking about it how long it took for him to be pulled to the bottom of the chamber's pool of water, Osan estimates that it is probably about twenty feet in depth.

OK, he took 2 HP of damage from water in the lungs and exhaustion. I'll allow him to recover 1HP of that (exhaustion) after one turn.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#62 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan, on a dark ledge (HP 6/8)

Knowing he needs his wits about him now, Osan works to clear his mind as he stares into the inky blackness of the watery cave.
Not sure how he managed to keep his lamp, but thankful he did, he reaches into his pack and feels for his tinderbox, which he retrieves, and with both hands carefully opens. Gingerly, he feels the contents, hoping the box did its job and kept them dry during the plunge.
He will then feel for his flask of oil, and fill only enough in the lamp so it will take a flame, putting the flask back in his pack afterwards.
If the tinderbox is dry, he fits the striker over his fingers and grasps the largest bit of flint, and carefully strikes a spark onto the charcloth to start an ember to light his lamp from.
He wonders what this place, which may have never seen light, will look like.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#63 Post by Landifarne »

Extracting his tinder Osan hopes that it is dry enough to light.

Wet: 1-50; Dry: 51-100 Wet or Dry: [1d100] = 69

Pulling the material out, he sees that the outer layers of his bundle are soaked, but that an inch or two of dry stuff is present. His oiled pouch did some of its job, at least.

Eventually striking a spark and getting it to take in the piece of charcloth, Osan transfers it to the tinder and then to his minimally-fueled lamp. Looking about, the druid can see that he is on a rough ledge with a half-oval shape, approximately 10' x 20'. The entire chamber is much as he guessed while in the water- roughly forty feet across and completely filled with water. Curiously, there is a strange pile of moldering equipment lying on the ledge just five feet from where Osan is sitting, obvious in its artificiality as amongst the stuff is an old bronze mace and bowl. Perhaps the hemispherical bowl is in fact a helmet...

Where the ledge meets the chamber's wall run two small tunnels, each less than two feet wide. Aslo situated on the ledge are a few head-sized rocks mixed amongst hundreds of smaller, scattered rocks- all of which look like they have been pushed from the small tunnels, as the debris is situated in near-random, radial patterns centered around the two tunnels.

Osan's not quite sure, but he believes that he can see a slight red glow emanating from each of the small tunnels.

He still has his staff roped to his arm, although the druid did pull the staff from the water, where it was bobbing merrily.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#64 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan (hp 7/8)

Osan takes in his surroundings and with the apparent excavation of the two tunnels and the old equipment, he takes out two of his wax candles and lights them in the flame of his oil lamp. He places one lit candle in front of each tunnel, and then works quickly to move the largest rocks near him to block the closest tunnel. Taking the greatest distance he can from the moldering equipment, he prods the pile of equipment with his staff held out at length. If nothing moves or kills him, he will step closer to the equipment and examine it more closely.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#65 Post by Landifarne »

Having lit and placed his candles, Osan quickly stops up one of the two tunnels. Then, turning his attention to the pile resting on the ledge, he prods the stuff with his staff.

Hundreds, perhaps even thousands of rusted, broken ringlets fall into metallic dust and roll about when the druid prods the pile. Mixed amongst the ruined mail are a number of small pouches that immediately fall apart. Inside the rotted pouches can be seen a small hoard of rusted coins...of various hues and oxidized states...as well as a number of dull, colored stones. Also evident is a small book that disintegrates upon touch.

Stirring and prodding the mass a bit more, Osan notes that underneath the pile is a pouch of river pebbles that breaks open...dozens of the things.

Set next to the pile are the bronze mace and helmet. Osan can tell what they are because they have not rusted nearly as much as the other items...although the half-helm's strap and interior padding have rotted away, as has the mace's leather handle wrapping.

While the druid does all this, Osan looks back at the open tunnel several times. Not quite blurring the red light that was there, the candle has made it hard for the druid to notice that the intensity of the light was steadily increasing. Looking back at that tunnel (a semicircle, one and a half feet in diameter) Osan sees an enormous beetle rush forward and bite at the candle with its mandibles.

The thing's carapace (oddly) emits a red glow from several locations, illuminating most of the cavern. Done with its attack on the offending candle, the beetle then notices Osan's presence and rears the back portion of its carapace...in defense? It is ten feet away.

The red illumination in the tunnel from which it came seems to waver a bit, as if others of its type are about to come in...

State Osan's actions, then roll for initiative. If attacking, go ahead and roll appropriately.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#66 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan, (hp 7/8)

Osan watches the beetle closely, thinking that it appears to be guided mostly by instinct, and it certainly does not like the candles, but prefers it's own light sources.

Osan keeps his staff out in a non-threatening manner, ready to discourage any approach by the beetle, and sidles over to put the remaining lit candle between himself and the glowing beetle, hoping that if aggressive, it will first attack the second of the candles.

(ooc: If Osan knows, or is relatively certain, that his Invisibility to Animals is effective against such large insects, he will cast it)

Summoning his most soothing voice, Osan says, "My friend, those lights of yours may be needed by me."

If the beetle does not approach him, he will briefly look to see if the beetle's light has revealed any more about the cavern than his lamp did, and to more closely judge the distance between himself, the candle, the beetle, and the pile of loot.

Initiative: [1d10] = 4
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#67 Post by Landifarne »

Fire Beetle's Intitiative: [1d10] = 5

Casting his spell, Osan gets it off before the glowing beetle rushes towards him. Suddenly disinterested in the druid, the giant beetle veers towards the second candle and chomps it to pieces...just as two of its fellows come out of the open tunnel.

Once the creatures notice the piled rocks they begin to systematically attack the things, attempting to push them away from the tunnel's entrance. Smiling at himself, but knowing that his power to trick the creatures only works for a fraction of a bell, Osan knows that he's not in immediate danger from the beetles.

Looking around the rest of the chamber, Osan notes that the chute from which he fell is located a good five feet above the water's surface. Even if he could reach that opening, The druid knows that he will have a very difficult time working his way back up the slick tunnel.

Seeing that the pile of artefacts are innocuous he saunters over to them and sifts through the things. With all of the pouches (and some clothing) rotting into nothingness, the stuff is completely mixed together. Pushing the worthless mound of rusted links over (it was weigh down everything else), Osan sees seven black-coated silver coins (unrecognizeable in origin to the druid as they are too heavily corroded), two slightly tarnished gold coins and fifteen or twenty piles of blue-green oxidation that were once copper pieces. The gold coins bear the images of beer steins and battleaxes, so they must have been minted by the Dhurghalin to the east, Osan knows.

Pocketing the silver and gold coins, Osan sifts through the numerous pebbles and sees that three of them are semi-precious stones suitable for use in commonn jewelry. Worth something, he pockets those as well. The thiry four river pebbles are actually more interesting to Osan, as he notes that each is inscribed with a single character of aelinghan.

Someone had a collection of the things, that was obvious. And by the state of the person's mail, this must have been may years ago...it's a shame that the journal that is buried in the pile crumbles to nothingness, as the druid would have been able to discern much from it, even if he may not have been able to read it.

By the time Osan is done examining the chamber and pocketing the valuables nearly half of his spell's efficacy has worn away.

47 Exp from the monies found (20/gp, 1/sp), you'll have to assay the stones later.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#68 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan, (hp 7/8)

Somewhat surprised at the aggressive nature of the beetles. Osan looks to see whether either tunnel is large enough for him to crawl through.
(ooc: doesn't sound like it from the description but wanted to make sure).

If the tunnels don't look large enough, Osan will take the bronze mace and helm putting the helm in his pack and the mace through a strap of his pack, as well as the aelinghan inscribed pebbles which he scoops into his belt pouch. He then secures his tinderbox, remaining candles, sickle, oil, and lamp in his empty sack that he stuffs through his belt, next to the sack with the mosquito bird trophies. He then empties his waterskin and fills it up with air, and takes out one of the mosquito bird corpses.

This done, Osan lights a candle and puts it near the edge of the ledge close to the beetles. When a beetle moves near the candle, Osan will kick it into the water, and throw the mosquito-bird corpse in between the other two beetles. He will then jump into the water, waterskin in hand, and hopefully able to see from the light from the beetle in the water. He is intent on finding where the water exits the cave.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#69 Post by Landifarne »

Osan confirms that the tunnels are too narrow to go through, and sees that the three beetles have essentially cleared the second passage.

Interesting. Is he wearing his pack, or has he set it on the ledge when he kicks the beetle into the water?
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#70 Post by NJWilliam »


Osan's pack is on the ledge at a spot where he can reach and grab it from the water.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#71 Post by Landifarne »

Osan sets up his pack and the candle, leaning his staff and shield against the rucksack. Holding his air-filled waterskin and freshly killed bat-midge, he lights the candle and observes what happens.

Noticing the candle, two of the beetles rush towards it and attempt to pounce on the taper, knocking into each other in their haste. One of the beetles arrives first and minces the candle quickly, causing the other to immediately lose interest. Osan flings the dead bloodsucker between the other two and one of them promptly picks it up. Macerating the thing to taste it, that one decides that the mosel is edible, turns and heads for the tunnel as Osan kicks the candle-mincer into the water.

Suddenly visible to the beetles, Osan notices that a single beetle is on the ledge, a second one is currently tromping down the tunnel, towards its nest, and the third is swimming awkwardly in the water- moving at a fairly slow speed. Five feet from the ledge, it progresses as fast as a novice swimmer dog-paddling through water and os swimming back to the ledge.

The one on the ledge immediately notices Osan...

State actions, roll initiative and any other appropriate dice.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#72 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan

Seeing how much the one beetle liked the midge, Osan carefully backs up to keep some distance, grabs for a second bat midge and throws it to the beetle on the ledge.

Initiative: [1d10] = 7
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#73 Post by Landifarne »

If you gain initiative I'll go with that, otherwise rule that it gets to Osan too quickly,,,

Firebeetle's Initiative: [1d10] = 5

Rushing Osan, the firebeetle doesn't give the druid enough time to feed it like a hungry dog. Raising its rear, the ting lances in, going after the fleshy parts of the druid's thighs:

Firebeetle Attack: [1d20] = 3

As Osan backed up the firebeetle missed the druid with its pincers. He is now backed to the edge of the ledge and the beetle's brother (in the water) is coming near!
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#74 Post by NJWilliam »


Osan kicks at the beetle on the ledge, trying to push it into the water as well, while his hands continue working to get the bat-midge-morsel out.

Initiative: [1d10] = 6
kick to hit: [1d20] = 11
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#75 Post by Landifarne »

Firebeetle Initiative: [1d10] = 6

Tiebreaking initiatives-
Firebeetle:Firebeetl'e Tiebreaking Initiative: [1d10] = 9
Osan:Osan's Tiebreaking Inititative: [1d10] = 1

Getting his morsel out before the firebeetle gets to him, Osan holds it out tentatively...and jams it between the stupid creature's mandibles as it reaches for him. Caught by surprise, the thing reflexively begins breaking it up and stops in its tracks. Halting, it decides to take the morsel to its nest and turns away. The third beetle gets ot the side of the ledge and climbs up.

Decide what he wants to do. If you want to attack (it will), make sure you roll appropriate dice after rolling for initiative.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#76 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan, (hp 7/8)

Osan turns to the fire beetle that just got out of the water and attacks it with his aklys.

Initiative: [1d10] = 0
Osan Aklys: to hit [1d20] = 0, damage [1d4] = 0

[ooc: very suspicious rolls, I'll re-roll after giving the dice roller some time to reset.]

Initiative: [1d10] = 0
Osan Aklys: to hit [1d20] = 0, damage [1d4] = 0

Okay, definitely an issue with the roller. Pulling out the precision dice!
And they are of little help:
initiative: 5; to hit: 1; damage: 2 (not that it matters)

Maybe the first two zeros indicated a 10 and a 20? . . .
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#77 Post by Landifarne »

Seeing the human on the ledge (it doesn't know that Osan gave it a kick into the water, the druid having been invisible at the time and it being remarkably stupid), the firebeetle raises its carapace and attacks.

Firebeetle Initiative: [1d10] = 10

Dodging the human's attack with his aklys the firebeetle slices in and attempts to bite the man's leg:

Firebeetle Attack: [1d20] = 11

And grazes the wilder's breeks, but misses getting its pinchers into his flesh. The druid's equipment, including the shield and staff are piled nearby.

Initiative, etc. He doesn't have his shield in hand, so his AC is 7. He can grab it up and will be effective if Osan wins initiative, otherwise it will be effective the following round.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#78 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan, (hp 7/8)

Osan reaches for the shield piled nearby and swings at the fire beetle with his aklys.
Initiative: [1d10] = 8
Osan Aklys: to hit [1d20] = 2, damage [1d4] = 4
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#79 Post by Landifarne »

Beetle's Initiative: [1d10] = 3

Moving very fast, the firebeetle lunges like a dog at Osan's midsection:

Firebeetle Attack: [1d20] = 20

Spearing the human directly in the stomach, the beetle's strong mandibles chew into the druid's soft flesh.

Firebeetle Damage: [1d2] = 2

Stepping to the side, Osan spins and grabs up his shield- but only after being seriously wounded.

Har, har! These are relatively small and weak firebeetles. Go ahead and continue with a new round (inititative, etc).

I see that you're continuing your excellent pattern of rolling...
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread

#80 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan, (hp 5/8)

Osan steadies himself and forces himself back upright after the beetle's attack to his gut, and swings his aklys again, this time from behind the protection of his shield. The pain strengthens his resolve.

Initiative: [1d10] = 5

Osan Aklys: to hit [1d20] = 17, damage [1d4] = 3

Finally some decent rolls!
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