WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#61 Post by Rex »


Gurung tries to take out one of the charging Japanese soldiers with his Enfield (charging Acme).
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#62 Post by ateno »

"Jimmy, do you want to cut power and the tranmission line to to antenna and start snapping away this part here, thats the important set of parts. I'll be right outside if you need me.

Elias looks out a window or just outside looking around the corner, while his focus is up, aims and fires at any enemy still advancing.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#63 Post by Urson »

The big Marine swivels to fire on the group of 3 Japanese, burning the rest of the belt of ammo.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#64 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Just my dancing arm, Doc. I can still toss these." Acme readies the grenade and tosses it to impact the mortarmen. "Fire at the incoming, doc, I'll be fine for a moment."

He'll use another luck point on the toss.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#65 Post by max_vale »

Moto Island in the Solomons Islands chain, approx. 8:25 AM, 18 April, 1943

The battle on the tiny rock in the South West Pacific continued to rage....

First, an Armored up Lance Corporal Gurung stood up out of the foxhole he had just exited and he took aim down the barrel of his Enfield Rifle and he put a .303 round down-range and into the center of one of the trio of Japanese soldiers charging towards Captain Acme and Corman-the-Corpsman's position. The IJA solider stiffened up and then keeled over like a tree cut down by a lumber-jack. The Nepalese soldier worked the bolt of his rifle and then the screeching sound of a mortar/grenade round assaulted his ears and it then exploded just a few feet away from him and he felt himself get lifted off the ground and then come crashing down to the earth on his back. The sky seemed to 'wheel' for a moment as he fought to get his breath and his entire body ached and he realized when his Armor power dissipated, he was going to be sore all over*....

Next, Gunnery Sergeant Charlie 'Dutch' Van Horn ignored the annoying cuts and grazes from the mortar shell fragments and he muscled the big Type 92 'Woodpecker' HMG around and depressed the firing triggers in the spade grips, rapidly sending out the last 15 rounds of the ammo strip towards the pair of IJA troops still threatening his commanding officer and the Corpsman and his shots weren't the best, but they were enough to put one of the Riflemen down for good and to wound the other. Dutch allowed himself a brief feral grin of victory and then he heard the distinctive sound of a Nambu Type 96 LMG cutting loose....firing AT him...and then the next thing he knew was that he was at the bottom of the foxhole with a couple of holes on his left side and breathing coming raggedly as he felt like his lower side and lung had been punched by Joe Louis. HIs shirt was damp all over and the veteran Marine KNEW he had been hit bad**....

Captain Acme waved off Corman's concerns for his wounds as he readied a grenade and one part of his brain was taking in the fact that fire from Dutch and Gurung took out two of the 3 charging Japanese riflemen and wounded the last and Corman's Carbine fire quickly put THAT last one out of the picture as well. Meanwhile, the main part of his brain was instinctively doing the calculations for ensuring his grenade throw made it OVER the beached landing barge, but still close enough to take out the two 'knee mortar' wielding troops as he yanked out the pin and let the spoon fly. He made the toss, catching onto to the fact that the Japanese 'grenade dischargers' fired one last time and then his PERFECTLY thrown grenade landed right where he wanted it too and it went off with a flash and a bang and he had the satisfaction of seeing a helmet and a small mortar tube going flying up into the air from the effects of the blast....His glee was short lived however as he saw a quartet of troops rushing from around the far side of the barge, one of them carrying a big Nambu LMG and that same IJA trooper was firing it and riddling Dutch with holes as his senior Non-Com fell down into the foxhole out of sight.....

Inside the shack that served as the Radar and Radio station; Roker was packing up his gear and slinging his SCR backpack radio on as Jimmy moved to break down the antennae per Tucker's instructions as they heard the gunfire and explosions coming from outside. Tucker scooped up his Scoped Springfield Rifle and he opened the door and looked out around the corner towards the sounds of fighting. He saw the rushing quartet of IJA troops and Gurung get blasted to the ground, though he could also see/feel that the Gurkha's Armor power was 'up', so he was probably okay. MUCH more concerning was the sight of poor Van Horn getting shot several times by an LMG wielding soldier and then falling out of sight into the foxhole and the 'Coastie' quickly took aim at this threat. From his position at the doorway, it was probably 60 yards or so, but with a quick breath and then an intake of a second, he stroked the trigger and he put a round right into the IJA soldier's head and dropped him out of the picture forever. There WERE still 3 more IJA soldiers with Arisaka rifles that he could see however.....

OOC: Okay, Dutch is Seriously Wounded (-2D to all actions until treated)....with what's probably a collapsed lung...he's gonna have a hard time moving fast on his own or doing certain things until treated.....Gurung is just Bruised...he's at -1D to all actions for the next 4 rounds.....

There are 3 IJA troops with Arisaka bolt-action rifles about 25 yards from Gurung, Acme, Corman and Dutch....and about 50 yards from Tucker (and Roker) at the doorway to the shack.

Acme is out of Luck Points (and grenades...though he DOES still have some rocks)
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#66 Post by ateno »

Elias will continue with his focus and fire again at one of the other riflemen.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#67 Post by Rex »


Gurung tries to re-activate his armor power. (Expend 3 will points)

He then rolls over and tries to locate his Enfield rifle.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#68 Post by Urson »

Dutch lay in his foxhole, trying to curse without the air so do so. He struggled to open up his field dressing and get the pad pressed against the wound. He'll spend this round attempting First Aid on himself.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#69 Post by Zhym »

Roker, using whatever cover he can from the shack, fires a shot at one of the IJA soldiers.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#70 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Mother F...I'm right here, bastards! Shoot at me!" Acme yells as he watches Dutch drop below sight. "I'm tossing another bomb, Corman. Wait for the boom, then run for Dutch."

Acme charges and tosses a rock at the trio of Arisaka wielders, hoping to disrupt enough for Corman to make it to Dutch in time.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#71 Post by max_vale »

Moto Island in the Solomons Islands chain, approx. 8:30 AM, 18 April, 1943

On the tiny speck of land in the South West Pacific, a small-scale but nonetheless vicious battle between the forces of the Axis and the Allies came to a fiery conclusion....

At the bottom of the MG pit, Dutch painfully tried to move his shaking hand to his med-pack to staunch the wound, but every movement resulted in him hissing in pain and labored breathing and grinding his teeth as agony exploded out of his torso and to every nerve ending on his body. His brain remembered prayers in German that he thought he had forgotten long ago....

Nearby, on the surface, a shaky Gurung reached deep within himself and WILLED his Armored scales back into existence covering his body and he moved to recover his Enfield Rifle, rolling his shoulders and grimacing as his sore body protested every movement....

Chief Fred 'Mediocre' Roker, raised up his M1 Carbine as he pushed through the door to take aim near a kneeling Elias Roker and he took aim at one of the trio of IJA soldiers he could see and he took a breath and let it go as he stroked the trigger. It was NOT an easy shot, but he managed to clip one of the troops in the shoulder and he broke out in a grin as his light .30 caliber round forced the Japanese trooper to one knee....

Kneeling down right outside of the little building and in front of Roker, Elias Tucker worked the bolt of his Springfield Rifle to put another .30-06 round into the chamber and he kept his FOCUS Talent power up and running as he took aim. A split second after Roker hit the same target in the shoulder and knocked him to one knee, Elias pulled the trigger. His shot, which HAD been aimed at the center of the IJA trooper's chest, now hit him right in the head and that ended any threat he posed forever....

Manny Corman the Corpsman heard his Captain's orders and he didn't waste any time rushing over towards the foxhole that Dutch lay at the bottom of...completely ignoring the nearby Japanese soldiers as he did so. He quickly jumped down and in a matter of moments he was jamming some morphine into Dutch to dull the pain and then sitting him up carefully and going to work on treating his wounds....

Captain Marvin Acme barely noticed as Corman ran off to go help Dutch as he was busy pulling a rock out of a pocket and reaching down within himself to power it up into a bomb. It took him a long moment and sweat broke out across his brow...his wound naggingly doing its best to break his concentration, but he then felt the connection and a moment later, the rock was glowing and charged. He tossed it towards the trio....make that duo as one dropped from rifle-fire....of Japanese soldiers and his aim was true. The rock hit the ground and bounced once and then came down to land less than 5 feet away from them and it exploded in a bright orangish-yellow ball of light and flame. A moment later, the smoke cleared and two mangled corpses were all that was left....

Inside the little 'hut', Jimmy called over to Roker and Tucker right outside the door; "Hey Chief and Coastie....I got this antennae thing...you wanna get on the horn and tell that sub to come get us or what?"......

OOC: Okay, all threats are eliminated.....Dutch is basically conscious but feeling NO PAIN at the moment and Corman will be helping him out...though, with Dutch's size, some help would probably be in order....

Acme BARELY made his Activation roll....the Willpower dice were down to 3D and he needed a 10 and I JUST rolled a 10.....remember your WPs (well done Gurung).....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#72 Post by ateno »

max_vale wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 12:10 am Inside the little 'hut', Jimmy called over to Roker and Tucker right outside the door; "Hey Chief and Coastie....I got this antennae thing...you wanna get on the horn and tell that sub to come get us or what?"......
Elais refills his rifle from extra rounds he has.
"Great now that thats removed from the poser and antenna the modular unit should be fairly easy to carry between the two of us.
There might be books on operation or code books also. I'll come in and look around with you."

Elias puts his rifle on his shoulder and re-enters the building and starts looking for intel.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#73 Post by Rex »


Gurung checks to make sure his rifle is operational and wasn't damaged in the blast, then he makes sure it's magazine is topped off and starts watching out for additional Japanese.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#74 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Marvin pulls his weapon and moves to make sure no troops are left behind cover, then goes to help Dutch up and into the building.

"Nice work with the radio, fellas. And excellent timing as well."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#75 Post by Urson »

Charlie Van Horn, barely concious and definitely NOT coherent, blinked around, not seeing or hearing what was going on. He spoke in 'Pennsyvania Dutch,' that patois of German and English that the Friendly Folk spoke. Granther, did Miller kick mich? Meine rippen hurt.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#76 Post by Zhym »

Roker sets up his SCR 300—aka "the horn"—and radios in for a pickup.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#77 Post by max_vale »

Moto Island in the Solomons Islands chain, approx. 8:35-9:00 AM, 18 April, 1943

On the tiny speck of land that was Moto Island, the weary and bloody members of SST 11 sagged in relief for a long moment as they realized they had defeated their foe...accomplished their mission....and were still alive....

Pharmacist's Mate Manuel 'Manny' Corman quickly broke out his medical bag and began treating a now unconscious Charlie 'Dutch' Van Horn's serious wounds and then after bandaging them, he motioned for Gurung to come over and give him a hand. The two men grunted as they pushed/pulled the big NCO out of the foxhole and then they moved towards the building where they laid him down for a moment and a sweating and tired Corman went to work on patching up Captain Acme's wounds...

Chief Roker activated his SCR 'backpack radio' and after a minute and a few tries, he was able to raise the USS Ironfish and was able to get an acknowledgement that they'd be there shortly to pick them back up for the return trip to the 'Canal....

Coastguard Radarman Elias Tucker utilized the help provided by Corporal Jimmy Yuikinaga to break down the Japanese Radar and after a nervous, stressful 45 minute wait, the Submarine surfaced off the shore and soon, the party were utilizing the rubber boats to ferry back to the 'boat', carrying the wounded Dutch and the captured radar with them.

Captain Acme had charged up the Japanese building with his Talent Power as they left and he couldn't contain his glee and smile as the building and remaining equipment went up in a fireball. Not long after that they were all below decks in the cramped spaces of the Sub as the boat pulled out and quickly submerged....

A long few hours later, they were offloading back at Guadalcanal and Van Horn was quickly taken to a medical tent where Doctors were working on him and the others were getting well deserved congrats and then rest. Not long after that, the P-38s of the 'Killer Flight' returned home and despite their orders to the contrary, one of the pilots, Captain Thomas Lanphier immediately yelled out that "I GOT YAMMAMOTO!" and a jubilant cheer rang out all over the base. It would later become known to the members of SST 11 that both 'Betty' Bomber/Transports had been shot down, but 1st LT Rex Barber seemed to have a much more valid claim to having shot them down as his story of events matched those of most of the other pilots who were there; but the quiet pilot from Oregon didn't press the issue.

April 17th-May 5th, 1943; Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, South West Pacific

Over the next few days, Captain Marsden heaped praise on them for their success and in particular he lauded Tucker for his coming home with the Radar; telling him that he'd do his damndest to make sure he was rewarded for taking the initiative on that. Van Horn did well in recovering from the serious wounds; but both he and Acme DID start to show signs of suffering from a bit of fever; which happened frequently to those wounded in this part of the world....and hell, even to those perfectly healthy....but they soon snapped out of it with Corman's help....

A long couple of weeks of mostly rest and recovery came next and the men of SST 11 soaked it up for a bit, but then became anxious for something else. As if reading their minds; Captain Marsden summoned them to a briefing right after lunch on May 5th....

"Okay men, we've got another mission for you. Up here, towards the North Western end of the Solomon chain lies the small island of Platok. Until a few weeks ago, there hadn't been anything other than some natives and a Coast-Watcher named Shirlington on it. Now, that's all changed. According to Shirlington, the Japanese landed about about 600 men on the island with about a third of that number being Construction guys and another third being Air Force types and the last third being standard Infantry guys. They are setting up defenses as we speak on the south-easter portion of the island around the natural harbor, which Shirlington says is called 'Bloody Bay' because of some ray clay on the bottom that washes up on the beach making the water have a reddish hue. The airfield is being put in right between the central 'mountain' (more like rocky-hills) chain and the swamps on the far Eastern Edge of the island."
Platok Island 1.pdf
(868 KiB) Downloaded 18 times
(Note the airfield is to the right of the mountains and the left of the trees/swamps on the map)

"The Brass is concerned for two main reasons.....first, the first planes operating out of the new airfield are these new 'Tony' fighters....which are causing serious problems with the bombing raids we're sending to hit Rabaul on a near daily basis." (Rabaul is to the NW of the Solomons on the island of New Britain and is the main Japanese Base in the Area) "There's just not enough of the new Corsair Marine fighters yet to fight 'em on an equal footing and while the P-38s are great high level interceptors, they are NOT great dog-fighters. Now, why not just bomb 'em you may ask?.....Well, that's the second reason the Brass is concerned...."

"So, Shirlington tells us a team of our favorite arm-band wearing Unit 781 Talents are there as well and they are causing all kinds of problems. One can apparently evaporate water in a hurry and this makes rain clouds over the airfields appear ALL the time....like say, when an air-raid is coming. It also probably has a lot to do with how they were able to get an airfield built so quickly in between rocky hills and swamp land so fast....though another Talent is said to be able to 'mold earth', so that's another big reason. Finally, yet ANOTHER Talent can shoot 'beams of light out of his weapon like a ray-gun from Buck Rogers' and has knocked out or seriously damaged several planes by himself. So....you're up".

"With all of the various operations going on lately in the Solomons and New Guinea, there's not a lot of men or landing craft available to us, so the plan is to send you lot along with a couple of Companies of Marines and use the cover of night to get as close as possible and then hit the beach at dawn with a few Destroyers providing a landing barrage. I'm not gonna lie....the initial landing is likely to be bloody and risky in the extreme.....so, watch yourselves as best you can."

"Your mission is to hit that airfield as SOON AS YOU LAND....you'll have a platoon of Marines assigned to be your escorts/bodyguards...IGNORE EVERYTHING ELSE. Take out the planes and the Talents protecting it....after that, use your judgement on how best to support the rest of the landings." Marsden takes a deep breath and then adds one last thing....

"Finally, Shirlington the Coast-Watcher tells us that lately one of the locals seemed to have 'gained magical powers and is able to make the dead rise and fight for him and he is using them against any and all who are not from his tribe'. That sure sounds like a Talent Power to me...and while normally I'd never advocate fighting the poor people who were just trying to eke out a living here before this war caught them up in it.....do what you have to do to make sure you complete the mission and stay alive."

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#78 Post by Rex »


Gurung just nods.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#79 Post by ateno »

Elias just looks closely at the map for high points and possible sniper positions. He will use focus.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#80 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"The local. Does Shirlington speak the language? I'd sure like for his ire to be focused in the right direction if you catch my drift."

"Since a stealth landing isn't in the cards, we'll need for you to manifest your shield during the landing. We can't risk taking wounds at that stage."
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