It's Good To Bee Liam

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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#542 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

As Joe departs, Jaxsen adds to both the men, "Don't forget to look for Powstap and send him our way. And Joe, there are supposed to be guards watching the farm and hives at night. Make sure they show up before you leave."
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#543 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Both men nod at their respective leaders, happy to be staying in town.

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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#544 Post by Bluehorse »


Upon returning late that night from the rescue, Liam is leading the lizards towards his farm but is careful not to get too close before calling for Joe to help him tie the lizards up securely a few yard (north) and somewhat apart from one another of their little farm within the brush of the Jungle.

Make sure the ropes are very secure, double them up even! I don't want to loose any animals to these things, but maybe they will trample down some of the vegetation back here and act as watchdogs against whatever has been trying to get to our chickens. How have things been, by the way? Did the constable's men come by?
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#545 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Joe's eyes grow as wide as saucers.

"Whoa!!! Wherja find such huge critters, boss? I guess I better get em some water ta drink too, eh?"

The lizards remain docile enough, even after they smell the other animals. Joe gets them snugged up in the jungle beyond the farm. They munch happily on any undergrowth they can reach from their tethers.

"Things are right as rain, boss. An I didnt see no militia men, but the constable hisself came by asking bout ol' Jack, and the wagon."
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#546 Post by Bluehorse »

Liam nods. Good good... They seem happy here. I bet they are used to staying in the cover and the swarves have had them out in the open. Hopefully they settle in well.

About the Jackwagon... I mean Jack and the Wagon. Did he take them? No problems?
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#547 Post by OGRE MAGE »

"No sir, he didnt. But he did make sure they was here. And ready."

"That grumpy elf was never very talkative ta me ta begin with, but he's even less so since his little run-in with that........thing."
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#548 Post by Bluehorse »

Liam sighs a little. Well, I have no idea how going through what he did would change me, so I won't judge. Have patience, Joe. I think he needs a little understanding more than most realize right now. In the meantime let's keep Jack harnessed and ready to be hooked to the wagon in a hurry if needed. Unless there is anything else I need to know that can't wait until morning, I need rest. I will take second watch over the animals.

Assuming everything is fine....

Liam will get started on making sure the animals are fed and taken care of early. He will check on his brooding hens as well as the layers, Milk the goats, and check his brooding and laying pigeons, and the general welfare of them all.

Then he will go check on the lizards to see how they are handling themselves and figure out what to feed them other than his own livestock.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#549 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Joe shakes his head slowly, almost afraid to level with the nobleman turned farmer.

"I don't think the animals like it here much, boss. They aint acting normal, and they dont seem ta be producing as well anymore either."

"Didja ever hear any more bout moving the town to a better location? Er aint we a singing that tune no more?"
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#550 Post by Bluehorse »


Hearing the bad news about the animals, knowing that must mean they are stressed, and his bringing them here would be the cause. How bad is it?

That idea is still in play soon as we can come up with a good spot to move to. If the animals start doing any worse, we might consider moving them ourselves to a better location. I don't like the idea of being apart from the town, but I won't leave the animals here in a bad spot to die either. Do we have an idea of what they are needing? More Sun? More Shade? Better Shelter? Should we try a different feeding arrangement?
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#551 Post by OGRE MAGE »


"It aint too bad yet, but I can sense they just aint happy here. Might be a combination of all them things, boss. Once the feed ya brung was all ate up, an they started eating the greens round here, their progress seemed to get stymied some."

As they talk, Liam notices that one of his new huge lizards seems to be chewing through the ropes it was tied up with, and has almost freed itself from the bonds.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#552 Post by Bluehorse »


After listening. That is a problem. And we simply don't have the goods to trade or the coin to keep a supply coming in. This island is a virtual treasure trove of resources but what and how to harvest it... The problem is we barely have enough to keep people going much less to begin shipping and trading. Do you have any idea of what we have around here that don't on the mainland other than an overabundance of bugs?

Once he sees the situation with the lizard he is hardly surprised. He will walk up and try to comfort them a little. Well, there is a bad sign.
The buggers are smart, I'll give them that. I doubt a stronger rope will do more than slow them down. And I don't have a chain. Do you know of anyone in town that might have a couple we could purchase? We also need to secure some meet. Maybe there will be some discards at the cookfires. Some awful or something from a gutted animal...
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#553 Post by OGRE MAGE »

"I saw them ridges a teeth in these big critters and figured this would happen."

"I dont know anyone with any chain, but maybe ol' Cap'n Quark would have some aboard his ship?"

"I aint sure if these big things would eat meat er not. If we could get the crops growing regular, we'd have all sorts a greens an such ta feed the animals. Too bad the soils no good fer growing round here. Think we could trade one of these guys to the natives fer some a their greens?"
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#554 Post by Bluehorse »


He perks up at that idea. That is a good thought there. A very good one, Joe. Technically they are not mine to trade. It was the princess that tamed them... I am more keeping them for her for now... Hmmm... I will need to seek her out and see what her plans are. Meanwhile, lets see if we can keep them secure.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#555 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Joe nods along.

“I think we’s gonna need some bigger rope.”
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#556 Post by Bluehorse »

OGRE MAGE wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:54 pm Marge accepts the kind hand with honor.

"What do I think? I think this topic has been brought up more times than a sick baby!"

"I keep hearing all these ideas over and over, but nobody acts on any of em. What I do know is that talk is cheap, and usually overused by the uninitiated. We cant eat er drink talk, right? But that's what we need most, so I must say I'm a little tired of all talk and little action."

"We been through all this before, and it bores me ta tears somedays. Once things start happening, I will lend my thoughts. But if this is just more business as usual......."
Liam nods. Fair enough about the talk. I think I am about ready to put my money where my mouth is, at least for having a look. I have a bad feeling we will encounter something nasty we don't like no matter where on this island we go, but I know without risk there is no reward. I hope one of the scouting groups that went over to river comes back soon with some news. I hear mixed rumors so far and that is about as handy as teats on a boar hog. For now, though, I do have a plan where the gazing animals are concerned...
OGRE MAGE wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:54 pmThe womans eyes widen considerably once they get close enough for her to see the distant lizards.

"Oh my. It's so big!"
Liam smiles wide and chuckles a little bit. He might be entering into his later years but his sense of humor like so many is often still the age of 12. He forgoes the obvious comment and lets her marvel as the size of his lizards... but can't help but sneak one in. Yes, that is what the mayor said too when she first saw them. They are impressive. Herbivores as far as we know, but I want to keep them away from the other animals for now just in case. They certainly seem plenty strong enough to pull a plow or a wagon, we just need to harness that strength. I think a long pole with a morsel of food will do it. At least to get them started.

He will go to one of the animal troughs and scoop out some water into one of the half kegs and go walk it out to one of the lizards and then repeat the process taking some water to the other. There you go... see? We're the good guys. We want to take care of you!

He looks for Joe and hollers to him. Joe? Has Caleb come by? We are going to experiment and see we if we can get one of these big brutes to pull a plow. What do you think of that?

Aside but where Marge and Caleb can hear if he is there: Joe, I would like to start clearing some of this brush behind out place, and I think I have a way to kill two birds with one stone.
Let's start rotating out one of the grazing animals out here on a good rope, say 10 feet. Let them graze during the day until their plot is cleared off, then bring in another animal to clear the next and repeat the process. Maybe we can get their health up a little more and have them do some of the hard work for us too. If we are lucky, we might clear off some better land where we can grow some shade plants like cabbages and the like, and it will be pre-fertilized.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#557 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Marge, Joe, and Caleb gather around Liam and his new lizards. Caleb looks over the dwarven crafted leather harness with interest.

"Yes, yes. I think with a few minor adjustments, I could rig this tack up to allow us to attach a plow behind one of these animals. I will need to remove it first, obviously, and it'll take a bit of leather workin, but I don't think it would take long to modify."

Marge continues to watch the animals with wonder. "These big boys must eat a LOT! And if they's anything like goats, they'll have this area cleared in no time."

Joe walks right up to the beasts, watching them chew for a while. "They seem to like this stuff here, an those big leafy ferns the most. Ummmmm, Boss! That one is still chewing on the rope!" Liam sees that one of the lizards has nearly freed itself already, its second rope already nearly chewed through.

They sniff around at the fresh water, but dont drink much of it at all.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#558 Post by Monsieur Rose »

The Princess

"There you are! Sorry I was busy earlier, but I see what you mean about the rope." She moves to soothe the chewy one and talks to it.

"I'd hate to see us have to give one away, even for a trade, but if you don't think you can care for them then maybe that's the best idea." She smiles and winks at Liam. "Just give Sir Narramore's away."

The Princess gathers some of the big leafy things and mounts Chewy. "You say these are favored? I need to find something else to motivate these guys if I'm to train them."

She notices Marge for the first time. "Oh! Marge! Good to see you again! What do you think of the beasts? I'll happily share with you and the town. Sometimes ladies need to get off their feet, you know?"
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#559 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Marge just stares at the Princess in amazement as she nimbly hops up into the ugly dwarven made leather saddle. "Ummmmmm, ok." Again, the huge animal seems to respond much better to kindness and being fed, following the plants it likes to eat as the elf holds them out in front of the beast. Everyone watching seems quite impressed at the royal lizard whisperer.

In the meantime, Narramore's gurney finally chews all the way through its rope ties, shaking its head around before slowly heading off towards the lapping shoreline.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#560 Post by Bluehorse »

Liam looks impressed with how the Princess can handle a large lizard and then jumps as he hears the rope snap that secures the other one and curses. Moving over to walk with the beast and see what it is up to he calls to Joe. Grab whatever is left of that rope and lets get ready to use it. This one is going to be a headache it seems. moving alongside the lizard Liam tries soothing it. Easy big'un... Where are you heading to? he eyes the shoreline as he strokes the side of the lizard's head behind the ears. Not going for a swim I hope... Joe?
Bring some of those greens too and see if we can coax this one back.
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