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Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 10:02 am
by GreyWolfVT
Tabai shrugs "That's a something I have not yet heard."

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 12:50 pm
by Mant72
Calto the druid:

Intrigued by Siavel's discovery, Calto turns to watch the elven mage go about dismantling the stuffed tiger, "Careful, friend. As we are all well aware, this place is fraught with...unpleasant surprises." He holds his holy blade at the ready and prepares for the worst.

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 3:25 am
by Grognardsw
Blade Rain, an expert in daggers, is intrigued by the ceremonial dagger that Siavel clutches. The knife fighter realizes that the make and material of the dagger is unlike the wood, stone and obsidian materials of local weapons. It probably came from a land foreign to theSe parts, or if made locally was done by one trained in metallurgy.

Azoth peers down the west hallway as far as the torchlight illuminates. The corridor twists north at the end. The cleric's nose can't tell a difference in the air, but Calto the druid's nature-honed senses tell him the same subtle sickness permeates the hallway.

They turn back into room to see Siavel examining the stuffed tiger in the middle of the room. The ferocious feline has a long scar in its chest, in the same position as the scar on the jaguarman. Siavel cuts open the chest with the dagger and miraculously finds...
a pulsing human heart!


Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 11:35 am
by Mant72
Calto the druid:

Calto stares at the unnatural horror that the mage has uncovered, "I advise against tampering with such witchery, friend Siavel, but I if anything is done with the hideous organ, perhaps you should plunge your newly found dagger into it?"

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 9:19 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Tabai thinks about the ritual a bit more "That sounds almost right."

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 2:15 pm
Siavel holds the heart up over his head like a savage priest that has just made a sacrifice to his gods.

He also holds out the dagger before him and looks carefully around the room.

If this dagger revealed the hidden heart to me, perhaps it will also reveal its function in here. My first thought is to place it on the alter to see if anything changes with the stone circle.

Any suggestions other than simply skewering it?

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 1:18 pm
by Mant72
Calto the druid:

Turing to Azoth, Calto relays his findings, "The west hallway is contaminated with the noxious fumes." He then turns his attention to Siavel and watches the mage as he contemplates what to do with the heart. "Placing the heart upon the altar might reveal secrets, yet again, it might call the attention of these blasphemous gods. I do not wish to tamper with these deities anymore than necessary, but if you think it might prove helpful, then let us try."

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 1:41 pm
by Grognardsw
"I know of such things," says Azoth the cleric ominously.


"Do not sacrafice the heart on the altar. Let us move east to escape the foul air."

Blade Rain nods in agreement.

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 10:22 pm
Siavel nods in agreement as the others dissuade him from further altering the alter.

He turns to leave with the others, but then suddenly and mindlessly finds himself plunging the ceremonial dagger into the pulsating heart.

He smiles sinisterly as he awaits the results of his action.

I......I........don' just felt like the right thing to do.

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 3:32 am
by Dram
Kitchi freezes in mid step waiting for the worst to happen.

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 1:32 pm
When no other monsters attack due to the mages most recent frivolous actions, he simply tosses the heart away like it was an old shoe.

Hmmmmmm. That was odd.

Let me see if this magic blade can help guide us towards the correct path to clear this foul air.

The old elf closes his eyes and concentrates on the power of the blade once again.

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 3:05 pm
by max_vale
Alex 'Blade Rain' Vam; Human Fighter

Blade Rain tells Siavel; "I find it more than a little odd that a dagger displaying that kind of metal-work is found in a Temple whose people are mostly working with wood and bone....perhaps it was created by some dweamor of some long-lost spell-slinger. Anyway, I'd leave it alone if I were you, unless you can determine if its likely enchantment is harmful or not?"

The veteran fighter is annoyed, but not surprised that his warning was pretty much ignored by the mage....who then rushed back and like a mischievous child went and plunged the dagger into the heart, as he had been cautioned against doing by the rest of the party. Shaking his head and throwing up his hands in disbelief, Alex walked away from the situation to where Azoth, Calto, Kitchi and the rest were and asked; "Well, I'm ready to leave this place....any idea which way gets us to fresh air?"

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 7:22 pm
by Mant72
Calto the druid:

Eager to be away from the poisoned air and the unnatural tiger heart, the nature priest follows Azoth to the east.

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 7:54 pm
by Grognardsw
The dagger pulses red, sucking in the blood of the heart, then subsides to its normal state.

The adventurers decide to move along. Siavel still suspects a secret door behind the sun dial above the altar, but no one else investigates. Walking briskly east, the party comes upon the corner trap pit. The rope and iron spikes are still set up. The party leaps across the corner of the pit. Kitchi's foot lands short and it opens, but the rope saves him.

The north and east brings them to a choice: Continue to the chamber of the worms with the great toppled skull, or take the as-yet unexplored south corridor.



Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:01 pm
Grognardsw wrote:The dagger pulses red, sucking in the blood of the heart, then subsides to its normal state.

The adventurers decide to move along. Siavel still suspects a secret door behind the sun dial above the altar, but no one else investigates.
Siavel ignores the overreactions from some of the others, shaking his head at the sheer refusal to attempt anything that might reveal what they are supposed to be doing in this shrine. He holds the ornate dagger out in front of him as he walks, as if it is leading him to where the group needs to go.

Let us check out the hallway that leads to the south first. I want to avoid that monster of eyeballs and tentacles if we can.

I suppose we should find out how to clear the bad air in here first. If we need to come back to search for further clues or items, hopefully we can do that later, without the risk of becoming poisoned.

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:48 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Tabai "That sounds good to me. I don't want to fight the tentacles again."

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:02 am
by Dram
Kitchi- Moves behind Calto down the hallway to the east. Lets be off then to the fresh air.

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:09 am
by Mant72
Calto the druid:

Turning to Siavel, "I too would like to explore the southern corridor, but first we must find fresh air. I vote we go east for now to find respite for our lungs, and then we can return to the southern hall."

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:34 pm
Siavel again concedes to the wisdom of the mighty druid of nature.

So, down the steps then?

Re: Chp. 3: La Muerta Espara

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:24 pm
by Inferno
Azoth Al-Aziz, occultic priest:

The dark cleric snarled through cracked yellow teeth, "'What we are supposed to do here?' We are supposed to survive, by our wits. Not take foolish chances. We are supposed to find our way out of here, armed with artifacts hidden far deeper within this accursed shrine than this. For all your reckless 'experimenting,' you've learned nothing. Let's move on before we all end up like your pet rat."


Azoth will head in the direction that the majority picks. If it is new ground, he'll cast Find Traps and lead the way. Thanks.