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Re: Chp. 5: WTF?!

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:13 pm
by Grognardsw
jakegreenxxxx44 wrote:lays her hands on Boddin and closes her eyes and chants a few words to her god. "Please heal my friend and do what you can to help him recover from his wounds"
uses her cure lite wounds spell.

Easia used 2 CLW after the orc shaman encounter. She'll need a night's sleep and prayer to regain. Vorkath used his lay-off-hands.

Spell usage tracked here: viewtopic.php?p=103811#p103811

MrHemlocks wrote:I am still reeling over the crazy idea to let the female orc it some sort of mercy you cried out. Now we have two party members that died on account of the female she beast. :cry: No heals for you...out of my soup kitchen Boddin! ;) All priest are not wussies.

Technically, the horror in the pit killed Foracor and Desertfox. The she-orc did almost push Groyn into the pit. Albertus' stance within his alignment is... interesting. Something between him and his god thay may play out...

Re: Chp. 5: WTF?!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:07 am
by Hotgoblin

The others died thinking they were saving some female that was in the pit, when's it was actually a trap!!! Whatever'n that creature is I ain't sure, but it deserves to die!!!

Re: Chp. 5: WTF?!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:50 am
by Pulpatoon
Porphyry: "You have lost some of your company? I am a psychopomp for my people, that is, my job is to provide succor and guidance for the recently dead. I tend to their bodies and their spirits. Perhaps I could administer some rights to your companions, and make sure their spirits are on their proper path."

Re: Chp. 5: WTF?!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:15 am
by MrHemlocks
Albertus lives by a code...Lawful Good. And part of that code is to NOT let evil creatures live so they can continue to rape, torture and kill again. He does NOT believe in giving evil a second, third or any other chances. Nor will we aid those that go against this they NPCs or characters.

As to having him go against his aliment and deity....that is not happening! All priest, lawful good or likewise, do not have to be a weak backed pacifist, hippy freak types that love every damn thing in nature and will turn the other cheek when attacked BS.

Take it for what its worth but he will NOT change his core beliefs. He will Not go against his code, aliment nor god on account of the desires of opposing characters nor pleas from evil creatures.

Real men of substance live by a code...not some willy nilly liberal nonsense that serves no purpose in the harsh reality that the Borderlands are in.

Below picture says it all:

Re: Chp. 5: WTF?!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:33 pm
by AleBelly
I would expect a lot of blowback from a party that you refuse to help...despite them going to a lot of trouble to restore you to life.

Re: Chp. 5: WTF?!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 4:05 pm
by Zhym
Boddin, blood still dripping from his wounds, looks to Albertus. "Sir, will you help me please?"

The hobbit looks again at the cleric's face, and sees something unfamiliar, and a little dark. The pain evident on the hobbit's face mixes with confusion. "Are you...are you choosing not to help me?" he asks. "Why? Because I urged compassion instead of slaughter? Is that the way of St. Cuthbert? If so—" the injured hobbit's voice trails off.

"I do not want to be uncouth by bringing it up, but it seems I must: I helped save—or perhaps I should say 'restore'—your life, sir, at great cost in gold and, perhaps, to my soul. I agreed—not entirely voluntarily, I should add—to convert to St. Cuthbert's faith! I did not mind—not too much, anyway—that you did not thank us for bringing you back to this world, something that has been done for you alone among our many fallen companions. Returning from the dead can be no easy thing, and I must admit that this life may not be preferable to the rest that lies beyond, and thus it may be that duty alone brought you back. It must be hard to be grateful for such a thing indeed! And yet, a good man would recognize and acknowledge the great sacrifice by those who brought him back to complete the tasks his god set before him."

"I do not know if this is the way of St. Cuthbert. I must talk with Father Jerome when, and if, I am able to return to the keep." Little Boddin does his best to stand up straight and look much taller man straight in the eyes. "But I know what I believe: if you refuse to lend aid to another in need merely because of philosophical differences, especially when you owe that person your life, then you, sir, are not a good man."

His loquaciousness more exhausting than usual, Boddin collapses on the ground, taking whatever rest he can get before the party moves on.

Re: Chp. 5: WTF?!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 4:53 pm
by jakegreenxxxx44
realizing she is out of heals for the day after touching Boddin, she still prays for comfort among the hurt in our group.

Re: Chp. 5: WTF?!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:24 pm
by dok-el
Eryndir watches quietly as various of the those around him find themselves suddenly at odds with each other, his face remaining a calm mask.

"Perhaps we should think about resting up," he suggests, "It might afford the wounded halfling some respite and perhaps allow the healer a chance to commune with her god."
No idea when the party last took an extended rest.

Re: Chp. 5: WTF?!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:22 pm
by Zhym
I think Grognardw's point was that Easia was out of heals for the day before touching Boddin, but thanks for trying

Re: Chp. 5: WTF?!

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:44 pm
by Grognardsw
The tension continues in Chapter 6: Deeper and Harder!
