Quest #6 "Return To The River"

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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#421 Post by Storm11 »

Relieved the moody moldy old cleric has left Waes relaxes somewhat and continues his spell.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#422 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Good, good." She points to the ogre and asks "Your name is Gronk? I'm Bonnie." She slowly reaches out and cuts the bonds on his hands.

Bonnie talks to the others as she keeps her eyes on the ogre. "I think he understands what we say, but can't speak as well."

"We are going there." She points to the trail. "How many people there?" She shows one, two, then three fingers.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#423 Post by Bluetongue »


Halts the progress up the trail while the others catch up. He has memorized a new spell list for the day, eager to try out a few new 'optical sensations'.

"Do these tribal bone-noses practice any religion or magic at all Keiliff?" he asks the priest in case they run into any juju or mumbo-jumbo.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#424 Post by Spearmint »


Krystal scans the forest ahead, trying to be alert for creatures, monkoons (whatever they are), trail snares, river ghoulish and light fingered priests.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#425 Post by Hotgoblin »

Franny listens to Gronk the Ogre...Sounds like the Captain brings food and they're not supposed to eat it and now that it's eaten, Gronk is going to be in big trouble! Well, am I right? Am I? She stares at the Ogre, waiting for his response.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#426 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Day 2, On The River Trail
Never Split The Party
Godsday, 23rd of Reaping
Late Afternoon, Hot, Humid

On the trail:
Ferris notices that the others are still lagging behind in the clearing so he stops his group to wait for them to catch up. He asks Keilif if the natives have a standard religion or any gods that they worshiped out here as Krystal keeps a sharp lookout for any dangers that might present themselves.

"That is a great question, master gnome. As far as I could tell, the natives worshiped no gods at all, and that is part of the reason I was so interested in them. I knew that they needed some guidance in their lives and I thought that I could teach them the ways of the Sea Mother."

The sea priest thinks on the question a little longer before finishing.

"I was able to discern one other thing though. They seem to hold a certain area of this island as sacred to them. They were trying to explain to me that there is a circle of stone-like landmarks of some kind nearby that they hold in some special regard, but I have never seen these stones of which they spoke. Once we save them from their fate, I will try to find out more about the stone markers."

"Now, where the heck are the others?"

In the clearing:
Waes the druid continues whispering to his new bird friend as the others deal with the ogre. The half-elf is glad to be away from the sour priest for a while and revels in being able to speak with his animal friends again.

Bonnie believes that she is finally making a bit of headway with the yellow skinned ogre. So much so that she feels comfortable enough with it to cut the last of its bonds. Now completely free, the brute still makes no sudden moves with the dwarves nasty axes at the ready.

Franny offers a logical assumption about the food and starts peppering the ogre with more questions that he cant answer. The ogres eyes light up slightly when the girls mention his name, possibly confirming that it is indeed called GRONK.

The brute beats his chest and loudly pronounces the word over and over.


Once the elf motions towards the trail and holds up her fingers, the ogre starts moving in that direction as if he is trying to show the group something. With all eyes (except Waes's) on it, he bounds over to the northern opening in the trail and gets very close to the edge of the river, pointing towards the other bank.


He stops for a second, looking down on the much smaller members of the group before taking his next action.


On the trail:
Ferris 6/7 DM, RM, 0/1 first
Krystal 4/5 CL DM RM 1/1 first
Keilif C2 7/15 2/4 first

In the clearing:
Waesfaren Rhey 10/10 3/4 first
Bonnie 6/6
Franny Buurlslammer 9/12
Brufrig Granitesunder 11/15
Aldo 2/8
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#427 Post by Storm11 »

Waes continues his spell
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#428 Post by Urson »

You're with civilized people, ya barstich! Speak Common!
Aldo joins the ogre and any of the party at the riverbank, studying the opposite bank intently. He is briefly distracted by a small crayfish, which he catches and eats, noisily.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#429 Post by Monsieur Rose »


She is a bit disappointed that Gronk doesn't seem to understand as much as she hoped, but she keeps a positive spin on things. "Ok, Gronk. Show me."

Bonnie motions for Gronk to continue.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#430 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Bonnie puts her complete trust in the fact that the ogre is about to show here something really important. He stares at her for a moment before grunting loudly and then jumping directly into the fast flowing river, leaving behind nothing but a huge splash.

The giant yellow beast starts swim-walking underwater towards the opposite bank, reminding you all of a giant bathtub toy as it fights against the strong currents. It reaches the other side of the river after being swept a few dozen yards downstream by the time it exits the water.

Gronk stands there looking back at your group for a moment before finally bursting out in an incredibly loud grunting and hollering session that rises up above the jungle's natural din. He begins to jump up and down like an ape for a moment before finally darting up the muddy river bank and disappearing into the jungle on the opposite bank.

Those members further up the trail can hear the outburst from the fleeing ogre. Keilif cringes at the noise, becoming more impatient by the second.


Storm has informed me that Waes needs a quick break from Keilif and that he is going to stay in the clearing until his spell is complete. He is happy to catch up to the group once his bird has been fully befriended. :D

Go ahead and rejoin the others if there is nothing more you would like to do here.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#431 Post by Spearmint »


She hears the ape sound but no other, no calls for battle or danger. She will scuff her feet in the trail sand and wait impatiently as well for the others, looking out for dangers from the jungle ahead.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#432 Post by Urson »

Looks like yer buddy just bagged ass on us. Good thing, too- his liver was lookin' mighty tasty...
Aldo sits, his tail wrapped around his feet, waiting to see if Big Ugly comes back- or if Bonnie decides to do something rash.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#433 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Well crap. I thought we had something. That's the third male to run screaming from me today." She pretends to pout. She reaches down to scratch Aldo "Probably for the best. Relationships with men who can't communicate never work." She then turns and walks back over to the huts.

"I'm going to clean up the food cache. Then I guess we go catch up with the others. Anyone want some for their packs?"
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#434 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I always seem to have difficulty determining if players are simply waiting to see what happens next before they post, or if they are just AFK for a while. That is why I usually try to push the action along as much as possible. I will do that again here, but if there is something that you still wanted to do before leaving the clearing, please feel free to add that to your post and I will retcon it in. Thanks!

Day 2, On The River Trail
Never Split The Party
Godsday, 23rd of Reaping
Late Afternoon, Hot, Humid

Felling a little like something might be wrong with her, Bonnie watches as the next male in her life goes bounding away. The group waits a long moment before realizing that Gronk is not likely coming back.

Waes ignores the whole episode of course, concentrating on his tiny bird friend while cooing and whispering in its ear. He nonchalantly waves for the others to leave him be as he continues with his spell.

Bonnie goes back to the barn where she found the food and finishes clearing out the cache. She offers up the sausage, salted meats, and jars of preserves to anyone who is willing to carry it. Before long, everyone except Waes are all reunited on the trail again. Keilif ignores the fact that the group is one man short, quickly trying to rally the troops before it gets too late.

"Lets be off then, if everyone is ready. I don't know how far we can get yet today, but if we don't find something by the time it starts getting dark out, we could always come back to this place to rest. Hey........where the heck did this cat come from, anyway? Is finding a cat out in the middle of nowhere supposed to be a good omen or something?"

The group sets off again up the northern trail that is still meandering its way deeper into the jungle alongside of the roaring river. They walk about another hour or so to the north in hopes of finding the fertile farming fields they were told about. It doesn't take a ranger in the group to see that this section of the trail is heavily used. Boot and bare foot human sized tracks are seen almost everywhere here, with no inclination that anyone was trying to hide their movement through this area.

After a few more minutes of hiking through the deafening jungle, a new sound starts to ring out in the elves ears. It sounds like pounding of some kind coming from a long way up ahead. The group isn't able to see anything unusual, but those with the best hearing are almost certain that they hear the noise of wood smacking wood.


Ferris 6/7 DM, RM, 0/1 first
Krystal 4/5 CL DM RM 1/1 first
Keilif C2 7/15 2/4 first
Bonnie 6/6
Franny Buurlslammer 9/12
Brufrig Granitesunder 11/15
Aldo 2/8

still in the clearing:
Waesfaren Rhey 10/10 3/4 first

Storm, we will take your actions into your private thread until you rejoin the group.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#435 Post by Spearmint »


"hey I hear the sound of wood smacking wood!" she says, letting folk know what is ahead. What is ahead? She offers to scout ahead, using the shadows of the trees to hide and picks a spot where she can view what is making the noise. If it looks safe she will wave up the group.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#436 Post by Hotgoblin »

Franny moves off the trail into the woods, in case there are being watched.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#437 Post by Bluetongue »


watches the trail ahead and the priest."Okay Krystal, you sneak ahead and I'll watch your back." he says as she disappears and then he loses sight of her in the trees.

How distant are we from the riverbank? If it is close by we should check for more skiffs and boats when Krystal gets back.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#438 Post by Urson »


Aldo has been trailing along, not in any hurry- but managing to keep up, nonetheless.
Don't worry 'bout dem mooks, Bonnie. I tink yer a fine lookin' knife-ear. If I was still me, I'd prolly axe you ta dance- or somethin' .
When Krystal takes off to investigate the noise, Aldo sprints up the trail, heading for the sounds.
I smell critters! Time ta git dinner!
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#439 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Walking along, she thanks Aldo for his kind words. "I'll hold you to that dance, mister." Bonnie seems to be fine with the cat talking to her and only her.

Watching Krystal and then Aldo run ahead and out of sight, she sighs and pulls her bow and readies it. "Ok. Let's keep this quiet for now." Bonnie starts creeping along the treeline, keeping an eye out.
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Re: Quest #6 "Return To The River"

#440 Post by Scott308 »

Brufrig Granitesunder

The dwarf makes sure his crossbow is ready. Knowing his sneak ability is nonexistent, he stops to limit the amount of noise he makes with each step.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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